Ithe matter is that the type of sap Very littie of the oQriginal Sap which is better entitled to the namne, whith rises through the sap canais is stored in tbe trees in abnormal of the trees, ever c des do-wn, since quantities just before winter sets i n ost of it is' watr and most of it to serve as food in early spring whiIe is evaporated through the leaves. the norm!al flow of sap is being re- The flow of _sa 1 through'the tree I EVERY PHfILCO A BALANCED 'SUPERHfETERODYNE The LOWBOyý $149.50 o Ciplete, Wjith tub".. TERltMS9TO- MEET VOUR CON VENIENCE. THE FINEST RADIO0 UN A-LL. THE WORLD TH NEW HI1 and since some of these trees are four hundred feet tait, the ride f rom the base of the tree to- tip-top î; made ini about four horurs of daylight saving tlime. Trhe, flow. of tbeéswin.,trees .seemts. alotas, mysterious as life itself. Sýap cornes down ftqm the. leaf sur-- faces t'O the deepèst'rots.. If thet' ,%e sayý that sap is elevated by t'ne forces of capillary -action and - the drawving power of the sun, or if we say it is the àyphoning process- as a reuit of leaf ýevaporation, tiien what are we to say of the, fact that the sap after going through the .Ie a chemical laboratories, seemingýly .ig-' noires, ail these forces which wé have mentioned, and. quietly changes' di-- rection and goes back down earth- wàrds. Why do not these saine forces which raised it alof t, hold it there? An average tree ma n ufactures. about *twenty pounds of starch in an av!ýrage day.'1 And yet we are in- clined to think of trees as lifel.ess.ý You may Maily buliove itl wen we sav that tbe Elm> is the 'favorite or most popular tree. *Thfe reason es that it grows naturally 'or is native to the areas in which niost of the, people live. Its great popularity in the great metropolitan areas is flot fully warranted and is a hangover froin the days 'when cities were sinaller and the air purer. and -as cars and paverd streets did not so hin- der their health. Tiue. are in the world, somieth ing like 10,000 species of trees. Now ini specie classes trees vary ýas much as nationalities of men. While there are possibly twenty species of oak trees, there may be 300 varieties and thev .would vary asmiuch as the Yan- kee fariner differs from. the southern Plantation fariner. You xnay weieve it Or not, but the resof - sof test wocxl. wiIl be found in such rugged climates as ouir own. * 740 TweIfth S te rRIC SERVICE Wlua.tte. 0196 ACOMPLUTE STOCK 0OF PHILCO B ALANCE» TUBES FOR R EPLAC.1EMENTS Sofle off our Caliornia giant trees. are estimated to have been living two thousand years before Christ Was ýborn. California eyidentlý . got' an earl3* start. Loôk what Chicago has done -in sixty years. Il 5, 7 or 10 year terms. CODY TRUST COMPANY 105 South La Salle Street Randolph 6600 CHICAGO 'i 'q I