ij personnel. They will enroli at North- western ini September to begin special training to prepa.re themn for execu- tive positions in the fields of business and industry. With their entrance, to Nort)hwest- ern there will be. 30, Austin scbolars benefiting fromn the $3O000 0* trust, established by the late ýF. C. Austin for the purpose of training potential. business executives. Un.der, the pres-, ent plan for awarding the scholar- sbips, eacb recipient will béawrd $650 per>annuin for each of the four years of his undergraduate study. ànd may eXpect to receive $1,500 for a fiftb year of study and travel abroad. Apphicat* Total 250 More than 250- applicationis for the sébolarships were received by North- western this year, according to Dr. Ho14ward.- The1 boys selected are al fi-om different ýstates Iocated in 'ai! sections of the, UnitedStts FoI1bwing are the new Aust in * soholars: George Abernathy, Shaw- nee, Okla.; R. C. Augustine, Decatur, Ill.; jackc hainbridge, Si. Paul; Rob- ert Biddle, Parkersburg, W. Va.; James Brown, Sullivan, Ind.; James Duke, Flint, M'ich.;- Dan Dyer. Sait Lake City; Theodoré Hammond, Buf- falo; El mer, joIley, Dayton, and Kenneth 'Rearwin, Salina, El" The recipients were selected for scholarship, leadership, heaith, char- acter anxd proficiency in the use of che Fn asshowngthgeadtetpro thoe 1ngassholangthgeawer o ises of- success in the fields of comn- merce and industry. Consider.d Best S:luolarshipi The scbolarships are considered bv rnany to be the best now offered bY *any university in the country, Th-- scholars, are, not permitted to join social fraternitiës,.and are required to live together, the plan beingý eventuallyý to'build an Austin dormi- tory.'- F. C.:,Austin, who 'was aprominent Chicago mnanufacturer and figure ini the.businessý world, provided for the establishment: of the scholarships in .,i1929 when, he turned over to North- ivestern, property valued. at approxi- mateiy $3,000,000, income of which was to be used for'the training of day was june 26, with an attendance bathing this season, accorcling to of 6,44&. President Whealan. A feature of Cerniak pool, accord- ing to Charles G. Sauers, general Miss Helen Schaefer, of 1928 Wash- superintendent of the. Forest Pre- ington avenue, bas returned f rom a serve- district, is the, fact that city trip to the Bermnuda.. Islands. * Painte gand Ducorntoe *10130 Groeunhaf Ph.on. 2744s A FO UR S O M El- 0-F SUMMER MU-LK'S HAKE1 ...COMING UP.0 You can enjoy soda founain'j service at home .by getting a Hamilton-Beach Drink Mixer for the kitchen. Mixes malted rnilks, zilk shakes5, Ovairine and other refreshing drinks the professional .way.The cupisnickel-silver.The base is white porcelain. Cash. $2200 CO:N V E-NI1ENC,ýEs YOU MUSt HAVE ORANGE JUICE.... Doctors recDmf- mend a glass of orange juice a day. We suggest you let this Sunkisr Jr. juice Extraccor squeeze out- every healthful vitamin. Fills a glass a minute. Cash. ....... 1 $1.45 down "~Litle by Little" 52.32 dow,.s "LittlebyLte> gave a theater pai at the Winnetka Saturday1 july 18, eleventh birthday. Mr. and, Mrs. Harper 1E. Osborn, 715 Linden avenuei, with their two sons, Hiarold and Philip, motored to St. Louis, Mo., last week-end., 1141 Central Avenue SYNOLDS Phone Wlmette 5150 J' I M. a ODORS it boys bouse, of his