S-gemenf Dress Sis.s, ne e0, green, orcid,~'~ ......... 15 aJplink, r Service, Hair Nets, a.da-p blues,4 c Buttfos, 4elf Shan , ...fr....... 26e as Tape, 6 yards colon, 2 ...t...... ips Noedies, any sthe, r ................. 16c i4ing Floss, 2, ply, 2 for.... ......... ces, lIà.h, black or Fip, 2 pairs for... .6 Ieusew ares! 15c' Kechen Knives, stainless steel blades; ena,1 Hihandies in yel l0w, red or76 bl~ or.......... sec kead or Mea4 Shters, stainless. steel blades;, handies1n reci or. yelow, 8 2 Itives ýfor*.. .......... 5c Pot Holdeir Sets, 3 holders in poclef, ýspecdel, 2 $ets for ... .26c Sets, 6 picks to set, >Cwad Pepper Shakers in. green, bIue, rJ yeIIow. 2 for.........26c Boudoir That Laaet YeurT Woudd Have SOMd for $16.50 Each .95 Every chair is of s.lect.d hardwood 1itbf strong,. resilient Springs, h*fghly t emper ed for long life. Cov.r.d* in gIazed or semi-glai.d chintz or moire in newest colors -andi patteris'. A value unlikely of duplication even o a ys lower pi ei.. ttdy LORD'S Fursituire Floor.-thle Entire Third A Cleýa an, .e Event of, for, Women and te ro ~x hI xthe Apparel Sections--LORD'S-Secondj F1007 A SensationaIIy Low. Price on 40Chnt A