le ...'- -s---- 5TflCa nceSier Junior uollege and expasition. > ee is, Of course, Six dfollars per an- Prepal!atory Sehool of Mount Carroll, ----------- M~nim. WfUNIMI TLiPe regrets he error. Illinois, announesithhataMo. rLpurenA.. Th tutr sthe -Eleçtrical tKiennedy, a specll Cao re presfrer- The , dsrutue. iMrs. A. L. Bibbi., and ber chil- tene, rlr~odt oun.frp grup dsine y Raymond Jod dren, 'Maritha and james, have re- Miss Dorothy Rae, 431 Greenleaf snal Interviews.. For an appointmexit New 'York -men1hèr of* the exPosi- turned -to Syracuse, N. V., after -i avenue, is entertaining h use-g *sitead omrany ho oarshCamplBureu, *to' rchietoa ommission, and, month's visit- with Mr. -.E.nditeortpayhoo Mndamprau11 is to.l>e .locatedi on Northerly isiail. 530 Greenleaf avenue. otMs sel anrdMs . Fourth, Floor, SoùthWab.ashi. Telephono separated from. the' main expositices! Baxter, both. of Kansas City, Mo. state 1000, local 704. Adv. grouinds by -a mirror-like lagoon. The.-record consists in starting a 6fty mIlajor construction project more Whan twentv -two.imonths befbre the scheduled opening. A. Century- of Progress WillI open on june 1, 1933..LqVK A'R %"#N .Three. buildings are sadnadE A K R N SCHUR I C the. steel work ià going up on : fourth., Nô previbus exposition . hs o hS or otlBIg approaclied this record of prepare(l- o'hS èr H te glg: fess so far in.-advance of the open- ing date. E A S O lI the Electrical group wvil .)C ho used the ,exhil)jts. of electricitv. telephoïie ând telçgraph, and radio. Radibl Unit inpressive The radio,'unit coiisists of a rec- taiigular structure, 260 by 10 f eet The power electricity 1uniti ii bbe _ thiree-qttarter circular building, risingg o froin a series of terrace.s and sur- roundiing a court. Back of this court wvill be .a grea:- .hall, sixty feet hligh. and 500 f eet long.. On the upper terrace of the circuaù.Sl unit an, electrical casécade will pjla3y. Coînecting the radio and power elec- tricitv units wiIl be a square- unit, foi' electrica! communications.. Framiework will be of steej, Nw.ithl steel and special wallboard for the exterior. 'vVhite, yCIIQow, red, blIack and Mue will be the domninant colors,, wvhile hanging gardens and. paved ter- race s wviIl enmbellish the structure 's, striking modernist design. 'Plieltralg upw1b-oi- pleted late, this fail, it xvas estimiated. .Last week %ilNesd the erection of1 the first stéel work for -the exposi- Iiôii's fourth structure, -the. Hall of Scienlce, designed.'hy Paul Cret oi Philadeiphia. it is a u-shaped bild-& inig, 70Q by -400 f eet,. two stories, and a mezzanine in. height. This struc-ý ture bil hedcrated in white andi gray, withi a trimlming of red and gold and .wilI rise from colored, £on- crete terraces. In it will be shoivi the pure science and rnedical science exhbits. LvLtiKetngwili oe representeci by j W. Armstrong, of the Soybeat Asso-~ ciation of Illinois; buman consump- lion, by Dr, A. A. Horvath, health section,, bureau.of mvines, Pittsburgh; stock, feeding, Paul Funk, of JBlooi- lngtn, I_; the arts, Guy G. Fox, of -ArMour and, coip any, and Dr.,H. A. ,l .We have jus+ Ieased additional space in the North Shore Hotel Buiding. Remodeling starts July 25. W. need more space.. Our pt.asedcu ~stomers have heIped ~us to oufgrow our presen* quarters. Sale sf11l contnues. Many b,èautiful styles yet to -b. had. Ai stock ____ mustgo Nowl1 30%1 MU EVA KARON SCHUR 'INC.R NORTH SHORE HOTEL BUILDING ViCt-hé faWý