"With the ann)ouncemient o-f the Coin- Parison contést," said Mr.. Burritt, "the Kelvinator corporation' edjoys. the dis- tinction of sponsoring the first natioli- wide *contest that has' ever been pre- sented to the public in. electric refriger- ation history. "'The, first prize is $5,000 in cash. The second prize is $1,250 and. the next te'. thirty-five prizes are'new DýeLUxe*and Standard Model'Kelvinator electric re- *f rigerators ôf the Iatest 'design. Ther is a total.,of $21,185in cash and mer- chandise prizes, ranging f rom the first pize of $5,000 in cash to Kelvinators valued at $345 each. ."Every one is eligiblé e to compete for * the valuable prizes except moys and representatives of Kelvinator cor- poration and their imnièdiate families. Ail that bas to be done is. to'v'isit a Kelvinator dealer, get a copy. of the Standard Rating Scale Scorecarci and compare any. Kelvinator Deluxe or Standard- model' against the Standard Rating scale. Thelin write a letter, of 200 *words or less on the subject- ê*What 1 hâlve- 1earnd about Kel,.ina- tor." The $20,000 in cash and mer- chandise will be awarded for the best ythîirty-seven letters submitted cluring the' conitest period, july 15 to. August, 31, 1931.i Thïe James Simpsons Lease Scotch Castie Mr. and Mrs. James Sinmpson of Glencoe and Chicago, their twvo sons, John McLaren Simipson and William Simpson, and William Watts of Phil- adeiphia,. a close f riend of the Simp-, son boys, sailed early this week froni Quebec on the Empress of Britain for Europe. They wvill pass several days in Paris before going to London. for a few weeks. Later they wiII go to Guthrie, Scotland where they have takïen Guthrie ca*stlie for* the monhth of August. The castie Is about 150 miles north ofEdinburgh and four -miles. froni the sea. It is said to 'be the most, beautiful castie in aIl Scotland and is surroundeci by an estate of three. thousand acres* of moor and deer park, in which the party expects ta CHRISTIAN SCIEN4CE SERVICES? "Truth" wilil be the subject at the services in the First Church of Chri*st, *Scientjst, in Wilmnette Sunday mornm,. JOHN VLAIC &ON Telephoeq lvestment Securifr# post ogiée Box r44 wILMETTE 2717 Stocke, Bond@ and M.rtgsg.sWILMrrB. ILINOXS DISTRIBUTORS OF SUPER-CRPORATIONS F AMEICAL TRUST SAh 0 o Mr. andi Mrs. Guy S. Osborn of *330 Cumpor road, Kenilworth, have been north for a few days at their *fishing lodge in the Land o' Lake's region. 0o- Mrs. C. J. Albert,. 321 Warwick road, Kenilworth, is entertaining at luncheon and briîdge,-Friday, July 24. Dmneenmwk EloetwIe 1151 Wiln2Mte Ave., Wimett,NIL. PI.,.. Raio 522 Davis SL, Evam.torn IL uMelecicwi ,