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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jul 1931, p. 40

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Rates-16 cents a lino ili one papor. 25 cents a lino ln env two papora 30 cenita a fine ln al three papora. MINIMUMi CHA19GE ONE DOLLAI. Average()f tive words to the lin.. No black. face type uuod. 19% ltouton ail cash with *vder advertsgmts wNembrought t. eur *ofe e t 108 Central, Avie., Wilmetti,, or &SU Jimeola Ave., Wiaaetki4 Deadine for n Y-laWfeadvertiseîii:nts w1117 b. o tis WILMETTE LIPFE or ail threo -papers; Wednendar -9 oclock for the. WINNETKA TALK and Thursday 5 oclock for'tho GLU2NCOE NIEWS. Toiephbones: Wilmette 4300. Winnetka 2006, Greenleaf 4300 or.Sheidrake 5687., LOS? AND FOUND LOST RIN WILMETTE9 OR CHICAC,0, Large size goid ring with, platinum top enmeshed ln diamonds. $100 re- ward. Wtite B 107. Box 40 Willmette. 2L12-11tc !LýST---.SATURD)AY AFTERNOONI Wilmette Tletre-white gold ring, initiais "W. 1.- M." Reward. Ph. Ken- ilworth 1273. .2LTN12-l1te LOST MONDAY, WEST BIDE 0F IN- dian HIi sjtation, nose glasses. Fifider peeephonRe Wij»ietka, 246. WHITE GOLD BAR PIN, SET WII!H diamonds and two blue atones. Re- ward. Cal Glençoe 1400. -2LT12-Itp B UILDING AND CONTOACTINO CARL DENGSTON CARPENTHR AND BUILDER REMODELINU AND REPAIRING PHONE WINNETKA 2480 9LTN44 tfe aSag OUIESSERVICE AiU Kind. ofCawpenter Work Done JOHN BOESCH Ph. Wilnette 2165. Dressmaking- Rnodcling C OLLETTE SOEURS-Winnetka 1011. 1RLTNI2-ltp DRESSMAKING IN YOUR irOME.' $4.50 per day. Vogue styles. Expert remodeling. Cali Miss Kingsrods, (»reenleaf 4458. 1ILTN12-mtp 14 ADNN ZTMX-THE UPKEEP 0F LAWNS 1gardens ln exchange for living )rtcrs, by oxperienced, American 41 SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE EXPERIENe£D HELpý A. better employment, service *for the North Shiore home,%. References personaliy investigated. TO EMPLOYERS. Telephones Winn. 2662,' Davis 7777, Highld ýPk. 2520 PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCIES 74& Elm St. 634 Davis.'St. 8- North -Ist Minnetka, - Evanston 'Highld Pk. 41 LTN9-tfe LIGHT COLORED, EXPERIENCED-,* best Winnetka ref. Housework, cook- ing, iaundry. Permanent. Stay nights. $12.50 a week. Amanda IHegler, phone Winnetka .714 Thursday after 1. COMPETENT YOUNG; WOMAN FOR Permanent Position or care of chul- dren by the hour. Reference. Mms Nelson, Ph. Glencoe 770. 4 RLTN12-1 ne E)RESSAIAKER & SEAMSTRESS. Mc- perienced dreasma ker, alterations antd repairs. Your 4home or mine. Ph. Greenleaf 0583 or Kenwood 1307. 41LTN12-Itp TJEACHER DESIRES TO MA NAGE home for refined gentleman. Refer- ences exchanged. ,Address E. G. Post Office Box 176. Wilmetté,-III. 41LTN12-lne. EXPERIENCED WOMAN lIAS SOME days for laundry and cleaning, high clasa worker, also high school girl to. care *for children. Mra; Swanson, Ph.' KenfiIworth 1146.ý 41LTN12-1Ine RELIABLE, WHITE WOMAX WANTS gen. hawk., cook, or laundry or. dean- Ing by the day. 8,to 5 :10-$ 4.00. Ph. Buckinghiam 9889. 41LTN12-Iti) EXPERIENCED- W H 1T rWOMAN tion as practici housekeeper. Vi WOULD LIiE TO ,ý TAKE HO ME wash1ngs,".willi eallfor and. -deliver. Ph. Wimette 1739 41L12-Itp 4i SITUATION WANT ED-MALE' RELIABLE COIDORED MAN, CHfAUF- feur, 1butier, *housemain. Wife excel- lent cook, If desired. Rfefr. Ph. Green- leaf 0O583 or Kenwood 1307.* 42LTNI 2-ltp GENERAL HISE. CLEANINC., INDOW washing, drive car, landscapitg, Serv- Ing & waiting table by exper. young man. Ph. Winnietka 1397. 42LTNI ý2-men WINNETKA OME SERVICE.,GAR-1 deningi cieaning, wash walls and windows. Cars.waehed and simonized. Work'guarainteed. Phone Winnetkâ 3689,42L12-ltp WANTED -> POSITION ON IPRIVATE .estate, as gardenér, by middle aged Amnrieaa,. fullyý capable to take futl charge. married, no chlldren. Write B-95, Box 40, Wilmette. 42LTN11-tfd 12S-e ssorI 1 or. P-l. EXPERIENCED WHITE MAN WÀNTS housework, garden and lawn work. North shore refer. Ph. Wilmette 234 6. 42LTN12-Inc CHAUFFEUR AND GARDENER, SIX years' experience. River. Forest ref- erence. Pli. Maywood 2551-R. 42LTN12-ltp YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS chauffeur and housenian. North Shore References. Ph. George, Drexel, 7033~. 42LTNR 2-ltp RLIAJ3LE, WHITE MAN, CLEANINC., tvhndow washing, gardening or any odd Jobs. Ph. Wilmette 3254, 42LTN12-lnc YOlUNG GERMAN AND HUNGARIAN man Mwishea positionh as housemqn and gardener. Can drive car. Pr. IVil- mette 2567.' 42LTN12-lne EXP. MJAN WANTS HOUSFWORtK or garden work. Nort-h shore refer.1 Call Wilmette 3073. 42LTN12'-lnc CHAUFFEUR AND HOUSEMAN, ~gardener, good experience. 419 Chest- nut. Winnetka 3019. 42LT12-ltp EXPERIENCED MAN, WASH WIN- dows,__care of Iawns, garden work, WHITE MAID FOR GENERAT4 liousework nmust be good, plain_ eôok. No -washing,"$12 per week. Call Win- netka 443. 44LTN12-Itc GIRL4 FOR COOKING. IST FLOR under 30 yr$. A-1 ref. req. -$20. Pauline's, Winnetka 2662. 44LTNIZ-Ité EXPERIENCED MAID FOR COOKING general, no laundry. -$20. Pauline'%, W.Innetka 2662. 44LT;412-lte SE-.COND MIAID 3 -IN FAMILY, SMALL ,home. Pauline's, Winnetka,:2692. 44LTNR 2-.1 te> WANTED - EXPERIIENCED WHITE chauffeur, good 'mechanie, living In vicinity of Winnetka. Must have ex- cellent n., s. ref., Cali Giencoe, 364. 45LTN 12-lte E XPERJENCED COLLECTOR. *SAL- ary and comm. Must have car. Write only to N. S. Collection* Agency, 874 CenterWinn. 45LTN12-îtlp 46 HELP WTD.-MALE AN» pgglàLZ WANI' 1ST CLASS WHITE COUPLE saat fanily-must b. experienced. Ref. req. Pauline's. Winnetkà 2662. 46LTN 12-Rtc CAR SIMONIZiED, COUPES $4, SEDAN $5. Ph. Wilniette 2513. 50L12-ltp si FOR UENT-tMooms LARGE CLEAN ROOMS SUITABT4I for 2, bot and cold wè.ter, hotel serv- ice, $5, $6 and $7 per wk. Centrai Hotel, 629 Main St. Wllmette 1080. 51LTN50-tfe 2 VERY PLEASANT CONNECTEr> rQoms single If desired. East aide loc.a- tion, kitchenette and garage optional, Roas. Ph. *Wilmette 965-R or Kenil- wortij 86. S1JJIN51-ltp LARGE FRONT ROOM, ALSO. 2 CON- necting roo0ms. Furnished for light bousekeepiing. Near rransportation. Ph. Wilmette 1913. 51L12-Itp, NICE ROOM FOR RENT ON LIN- coIn Ave., near Elm gtreet station. Suitable, for 2., Ph. Wl.nnetka 186i 1 OR 2 NEWLY FURNISHEt> FRONT rors, east. gide home. Near, trans~- pndrtation and beach. Ph. Wilrette 1940. 51LTN12-Ite ROOIM.WITH _PRIVATE BTH. 2î S. LOANS TO PR~ Make and buy I * ~VA~STON ~ 118 Grove St. S EXPERIENCEI) WOM.AN WANTS washing, ironing and cieanlng. Ph. RTY OWNERS. Wilmette 480. 41LTN12-Ine W~ d Znd 'mortgages. &' MTG. CO. CAPABLE WOMAN WISHES POSI- i Greenleaf 5600 ion as hagkeepeir. or gen. hswk. Ph. 38LTN36-tfe Winnotka 3655. 41LTN12-1tp trally iocated.' Ph. Wilmet239 VANTED-WOMAN TO LEAVE CITY 4 to 6 weeka, cook and care of 4 room 6LN6U sumnmer cabin, no chlldren. Salary $15 4 40039 KITCliBN&~j,TT ApT. HM per week. 'Telephone Wilmette 2200- phrey Building. CeD jWinBek 8o 44L12-ltp 3328. 5ptN4698 fg 11. DMSPNA1CINS *WANI <J I id. a 1,

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