FOUR DELIMEIESI I EVERY DAY j IRIAY c SATURDAY SPBCIALS,, MEAT SPECIALS RIb Roaut égtor Sta nding. 2&29 VelRoast hEîC1S ~~ at,320 Cld Meats AreI-eetîQu.It,590 Bacon-Cirflyled 5 Fruits.end, Voetsbles Honey Dewm . a. 1e;il 11IIE Celery jùnou Crlsp, 190 Beetu <cCavvots lbîî~::< or,25e Salter's Potatoeu 71/2 lb» box-290 O[n 2-lb. roUi> Wlîte-StrifetlyFrl> <Alil t(C <haS INJURED IN CR~ASH Wiliiam I-uck. 1405 Central avenue, Wilmnette, was irjured wvben he 'was driving Was s ruc.bY an-. other. driveni by Mis.s Elinor - wards, 16.,, of 2714 Lincoyln Street, Ev- anston, .at Sixtee ntb Street -and Cen- tral avenue in Wilniette Monday night at, about 10:25'o'clock,* accord- ing to the report: of Capt. Albert B'oùré and*Oflicer :Phil Schneider of tbe fflnîette Police. department. Huck was driving wvest, on. Centra' avenue and Miss Edwards was going soutb on Sixte.*entlî Street wblef the accident bappened. Mr. gnd Mrs. iErnest M. ýMund-ee and family' of 516 Fiftli street, andi Mr. and Mrs. A. W. itbrow% and fainily of .1115 Ashiland avenue. spent last wè7ek viSiting friends ini Neenah, Wisconsin, Mrs. joseph 'A. V. Turck. and lier son, joseph, (if 522 Linden avenue areý spending. several weeks at Watcb, H1-ill, Rhdle Island. Tbey are stavin at the, Plinipton botel. UJUI Iident IL UVuse" notL VTIUgh Oru the vouriger« boy s signed up to make' tbe everit possible. The men's tour- nianent wvill be.the onIy one offered this season;. Participants in this year's toitrnanent are, for the *most part, youpg nien wbo have played for the last four,*or five years in previous toûrfiamentfs at New Trier. .G. H.:'Fla ningam, New Trier îighy scbool faculty member, who, conducts tbese touriinenlts,, is hopeful of hav- ifig a large nuimber. of'interested resi- dent*s' out to see the games playe(d this: t3eek. If ramn shoutd occur, mnaking play impossible, tbe, fina's will be. postpoîie.d a day, Mr. Flan- ingam anilounced. wHooplrNç COUQ.H CASES Two new cases ofwbooping coughi l>oth. in the saine family, and one new case- of ,nieasles were reported in Wilmette this week by tbe Wilmiette- Health department.. The-bealth situa- tion in the village at present is verv satisfactory. Dr. W. W,.,Hawkins, Wilmettèe Healtb, commrissioner, re-, P ort s. Mr. and Mrs. Kari Knobel have re- turned. to their homne'at 1315 WiI- lete avenue fron a two weeks' mo- tr t rougb XWisconsin, Micbigan -07o- M iss Frances Brediti; Ilece. of Mr.' MXiss Marion Porneroy bas returu1eý 'id Mrs. Hayes McKinney., 103 5 to bier biorne 'at 116 Nitnth strecet froîti biestnut avenuie, mwho teaches Frenic Galesburg, Ill., where* she has been it New Tri er High school, is 'spend- the bOuse guest for tivo veeks of, ng.tbe sunier ini Paris, France. Miss 'rbalig G. Littie! N ake Vou VÂCAÏION, Livé, Forever 310. 32C. A camnera leaves ypu an indelible record of the happy moments of your vacation, enabling vnîu èo l'kig. 11 KENILWORTIU -INDIAIf WOODJS LENC0E Servi, g North Shore Resideuts for more Mfan 26 Years Wilmette and Central Aves. Phones: Wil.- 400,401 ISIX TELEIHONESI WIL. 420-1-2-3-4.5 I Duttev