UPECIALS FOR SATURI>AY JEGGS, strictly freah, do. ....... ....... 0 BUTTER, brick or roll, lb........... ................. 32Ç LEGS of SIrRING LAMs. lb..... ................... 30C RIBR ROAST of BEEF, lb 3.... BDREAST' of VEALI, lb........................ SPEàCILSý FOIR $ $ $ DAY ]gEEF IàCOT ROAST, S5 Ibo.................... BONELESS BEEF STEW, 4 Ibe........... BEST VEAI. STEW, 4 Iba ....1..... ...... HAM- SHANKS, lbo... BEST SLICEDBACON, 3 ls4. ... ....... BREAST LAMB STEW, 10 Ibm.. .............. LARD, lW0% PURE LEAF, 8Ib . VERIBEST EXTRAS, APRICOTS, 2% ime, 4 eaua. ViERIBEST EXTRAS, PINEAPPLE, 2% si»e, 4 cana VERIREST EXTRAS, PEACHE.S', 2ý ai.M, S.cana ... VERIBEST EXTRAS, PORK and BEANS, 12caa ASSORTED PRESEItVES, 5 jira............ ARMOUR'S CO1ÉD BEEF, 5 cana......... ARMOUR'S VERIBEST COFFEE, 3 iLs-......... ARMOURITA COLD CREAM SOAP, 10 bars ...... SALMON, PINK, 7 large cana SALMON, RED, 4 large cana..... ............. CHILI SAUCE, 5 large boutles.................... GRAPE JUICE, 6 pinta .......... GRAVE JUICE, 3 quarts......... ...... ......... DLACKBERRIES, 5 cana .... .... START RITE SOAP FLAKES, S b~oxe& ......... j- $ Do Not Ove rlook These DOLLAR,'DAY SPECIALS We Are Offering.fo6r'Next, MONDAY AND TUESDAY MeKesson'a MiIk of* Magnesia,. 3 16-oz. botules . Si and very close friends were guests at the ceremony and the reception that followed ini the church bouse. The bride and groom wili miake their homne at 4935 Hull street, Nules Cen- ter. In theý fail the bride wil rcturn to ber dutiek as school nurse at New. Trier High scbool. John :F. meunier of Mi1%ýaukee-, ,Wis.,. and J:' F. Merchart of Mvari- nette, Wis., weîyre the guests a weel< ago, of Mr.ý and Mrs. George Rettke. 1057 Linden avenue. Monday- Tuesday, A Ugust 10-11 Our $1.35,'45 gauge i Grenadine Hose .........'$ Alil Silk ChiÊàçn Hose, of ex collent weiring: quality ............ $ *Pure Silk, Sprvice Home............ New one-piece Pajamas of fast color prints .......... -52 gauge Rayon Bloomers and Step-ns ........... Matching Bandeaus, also Purses, Pajamas, 2 for.. $1.50 Handmade Muslin Gowns ............. Van Raalte 35c Liquid Soap, 4 for ...... ..... $1 $1- $1 $1 $1 $1 Silk Gowns, Stépins, 'Bande-au Sets, priced$1 té $2.95.... $1 OFF $1 On aIl Gloves, Lingerie and Poundation Garments, pric.ed $2.95 and up miay i Public >rary: Poetry Clark-Quotable Poenis. Frost-Collected Poemns. Mi*llay-Fatal Interview. Weavr-Turning Point. Nash-Hard Lines. Donnie-PÔenis.. Guiney-Happy E(ig Xilliams-Poetrv at Prcscnt. Drana an& Essays C.roti1ers-I.et Us Bc Gay. Sith-A f tcrthot1.gts. Xini-Adaïni's Rilh. Slaw-Doctor's Iilcmiua. Dcolsoi-lEigI iteeiitl Century Vignettes. I.andr-iiiaginary Conversation s. Catul lus. TravëI Anidrson-ýAnerican FaniilN Ahn )a(.. H1iinds-Rcd Bread.« I'Mao-V7olttmc Iwo Fraris-Rnamiing Aiiîerica'ii HigliwNay7s. Hough-Stdy of the Cowhoy. Dais-Vncle' Sami's Attic. History Sclhiritt--Co)niing of the War. 'rrain-Piritan's Progress. Bograpl'y Rosehault -Wheu Daiia astlue bSun. Çiori-Mv Clildhood. Karsavia-'f'leater Street.. Nicolsn- Portrait of..a Diplornat i st. McCatleh)--'1'heodoireRoose;vCdt. Vaulai-Stami o~Up. Baker-W oodrow \Wilsoni. Fenn J. Germer. soi! of Mr. an ( Mrs. Lea J. Orr of 1002 Grceuleaf ave- iue arrived in New YorkM dvon the' S. S. Volendani f rom Holland whiere lic lias beeli for the past two vears. Hie will he ini \Vilnliette the latter part of the wveek. z'fr. and NIrs. RavnOinl I,' 12 Elnliworicl avenue, an - dlll<tliler -an S'0n-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. '. . tst returned last vwýecek r.onm a fe\\-(larSý at Campj Gray, Micli. Mr. and Mrs. G. -1-. Reddilig and, sonits,.CGerge and Jack. 151l6 FJinxvo<ný aventiè. Ieft SaturdaN, for Greenlk. \Vis. Thecv will be, gone for tw\ç weekS. C. C. ItENNECKAR OPPOSITE ST. JOSEPH'S CHURC*I PH. WILMETTE 3M@ For Appointment * Phone WILMETTE 3154, VAN IDU[ER M'S Beauty SalIon *11351/ -Central Avenue Ask, Our. Advice oit Cosrnetics auçi Poivder Bleuding I ............