Lui pIUriceC îEdtve Frdm M4 dU, c.Cut Tour severage ýExpqse HOME P Ginger Aie RootBeer- lor étc ert etuqualiy s Iowea <n va et doa produo eagea a m econ- 10 L- Mid. 6oce VJLtde>. Lard Swifts Sf1 verleat,-, Carton or-Tub I b'9 IIeinz Ketchup 2bottfrs 37e Bran Flaks p r, 2 p'gs*19c A oe ~ im hu ~ Il~ ib 5 EV S t ln of a aog Decause, as they say, "I couldn't bear to h-ave it killedL" Lets look, at the alternative--ý The dog races.,frantically after the car. He thinks it, was, ail a mistake., He can't bark or attract their attention- be's too winded and exbaused in a futile, effort to keep up. Hefinds he 'is losing -other cars pass hir-be realizes be. bas lost siglit of l is protectrs--those he bas placed his. confidence in and pinned bis affections to. He turus back -tbey may bave retur-ned to where> they ;ef t bimn--it imust bavre been a game-they will be worried if lie 15s ]ePoor' trusting brute-he wIll neyer bleethat tbey meait t oi.H finds the spot and, bunts .hopefully about.iAi car appears-be rushes. to meet-t speeds by and.lie sees no famniliar faces witbin.~ It begins to getý dark. e feels the. cod-he.. must fnd 3ome protection f rom the wind-be must' flot go f ar. His family rnay corne back at any minute and cali or whistle for h im. If tbey only would 1 He shivers a littie as the cold niglit creeps by-be's' neyer slept outdoors before-he f cels hungry for the first time and he has neyer learned to forage for bis food-wbere shall be look? A passerby calis to him-he slinks away-1 lie mustn't let any strangers pick hirn, up-they niigbt take hirn ton f ar awav. 51ve l<jr the Souud I Uthecrnîcren's voices coming borne f rom school. It's ihardtob cold, bungry anid so home- sick. ht did they man when they [Pût him out Of the car ?? Where, where to go to find them ? ? ?-Irene Castie McLaugblin. Kenll*worth Bake Shop Opens Doors Saturday Another new, business enterprise wili be launched-, in the new Green, Bay road stor ,e are 1a in Kenilworth Saturday, August 8, wheni the Kenil-, worth Bake. Shop opens its doors to the buyingý publie of the communlity. The store'is, located at 406 Green Bay road and is operated by Anton Wag- ner, Jr. Mr. Wagner is the son of' Anton, Wagner,' wel known north. shore mason and -stone. contractor, and. is a ýnati've of Wilrnette. Mrs. \Vagn er1 wiIi be associated with lier liusband ini the business. Mt. and Mrs.' William Sears and sniall daugbter, 415 Çumnor road, Kénilwortb, leave tomorrow for a week at the Belvedere hotel, Charle- voix, and a week ýat Ramona Park, botel, Harbor Springs, Midi. Ralph Starr and Harold Tideman* of Kenilworth left Wednesday, July 29 for Menomince, Wis.. to accom- pany a friend on a, yachting cruise. t Dli1cious halves packed at te. ulght stage of gavor and ripeeu., Sunmer FoodS 1-ousehold Need.s ',enOlives Soan * bzaA *3I1 - ------w- Nation-0.1TEal Food Stores Les Petits Chapeaux of Autumn 1931',,' * AillierySalon-Secog miFïo,, WIEBOLDT'S -EVANSTON -pou qZnm I yqUV Çfq'çNCg189 Davis treelWilmefte 1100 j «Uf amnalotýV 0-1 & pý r -