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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1931, p. 7

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Additional relief for congeste.d east and west traffic conditions along the north. shore peered over the horizon of realitv this.week when it was re- vealed the cotinty -highwav 'depart- ment is planning tlle reconstruction of Glenview road from Waukegan road in Cilenvie,*W to, Ridge, road *.i \Vilmt This announcernent. coming as. it does closelv following the, information Ihe state highway depa rt 'ment is about to conîplete the construction of a hec- hne. route. frorn Evanston to Elgin. in- dirates the'heavy traffic burdens ini- posed on' present available hhrhwyavs. Nvill be rnate.rialv ightened before the advent of ivinter. To Straie.hten .Glenview, Roacl The Glenviewv roadproject involves thie replacement of the present roug1l, winrinjg highwa-v with a concrete, roadwav ý extending from Ridize f 1-Waukegan. road. Engineers are now, locatiricr new aligniments effecting t Il elizination 'of several jogs ini tlie route andI negotiations are under a *for the .purchase .bf the parcels of land necessarv for the new riczht-o-- wa.Unless uniexipecteçi (iffictlties, are encountered the road should he *comipleted 'befo)re' late fali. * TheEgi road program b1it an, un - expected snag this week when At- tortiev-. General Oscar E. .Carlstroi*i, ruled that contracts. awarded in coni- n ection with it were subject, to the wage restrictions prescrihed bv an act p)assed--bi'- the last state gen erai as-. semnblv. This.act makes mandatorv the. pav- mient of wages, for ail public improv'e-, * ments, mwbether directed. by state or. divisionqt of state governnient, at tl!;e current local scale. It',also prescrihe that, a statemicnt' as, to .vhat wa.ges wil! hepaid be included i bitis submnitted on any construiction.préject. Let New Contracts August .18- While contracts. for thé placement of he ectonof Elgin road (State Route 58) extending f rom McCormick road to Long avenue (immediately east of Harms road), Niles Center liadbeenawarded prior to the date the law hecan-,p effective. the, mn- In addition to Glenview and. Elgin roads, one other major east andi West highway construction project is now. under way.. Touhy avenue is heinz expanded from 18 to 40 feet in widtI-î throughout the~ six miles from Mc- Cormick road to River road. The easterlýv section, from Lincoln avenue Chicago, to McCormiçk 'road bas al- ready býeen widened and ,the work îs progressine rapidlv on the remairider. Relieve Traffi-c Burdeus ,At the present, east, and wvest trar- f*practically is >confined. in, the: Ev- anston and north shore«areas to fivc higlrways: Dempster and. Oaktin streets in -Evanston and Glenview road, .ake avenue and Dundee ro jul north of the Evanstôn*.une. 0f these Dempster' alone is of 40 foot width. Glenview road as, h ,now exists S. %vinding and in bad condition. Lalze avenue, while of concrete, is in 1fair shape only, as it was damageti recer't - Iv when a storm water sewer was laid West f rom Ridge road in Wilnietf e. Dempster road, Oakton street and1 Duindee road, then, in' the. Evatnstoq- north shore areas are the only east- West highways, at present in con- dition to handie the -hea-v,-, hig1î pedmotor traffic to whichi thev arc. s ubjected, and the latter two are n.- 20 f eet in ývidth. The imiportance Mf the Elgin. and Glenview road building progra .mý, with these lfcts in mmid, readily w;11 be perceived. They ,vill provide inuch needed oiitlets for east--w\est tra(r-C and will relieve congested conditionýs on the other highwavs.' Moreover. Elgin road will be 40 feet in w\id!h froin McCormick road to ong avenue andi plans jfor the widening of tiie section. beiween Lon~g avenue and River..road 'to 40 feet are nowv being completed. Thus, two 40 foot hig- ways-Elgi n an<l Dempster-will soon absorb the heavier portion of east- West traffic, permitting the use of roads to the north bv' lihter, loca' traffic. COINCERT POSTPONED The concert announ 11ced by the Sal- vationi Arrny to be held Satur.day, Au-, g ust 8, at Skokie school, Winnetka, bas been postponed to a later date. Tickets bouglht for the August 8 Monday-Tuesday August 10-11 Mangle Cloth Afine heavy grade of best mangle -coth. A ral I bargain et this low price. 5 yds. for .......... I PueSilk Hosiery In the wanted summner shades-, .sîzes to, 10. 2prs. for.................. 1 ........ $ -Wash Cloths Agood weight cloth in pastel shades. 2 doz. for.................................... $F Wash Prints A new lot of pretty prints, suitable for dresses,tSI aprons and curtaîns.. 6 ysfo. ........... I Ladies' Hand'Embroidered Swiss Handkerchiefs Hand rohled edges, daînty embroidery and the new $ appliques rnake -thii item a bargain at 1 doz. for... I Girls' Wash Dresses Clearance on ail girls' dresses. Corne early, values $]. o$3.00 at ................................ Pastel Ilordered Towels 22x44-inceh towels mrade in the double terry cloth. I Rainbow colored boèders, 4 for ............. . $ Men's Collar A ttached and Neckband Style Shirts Values to $3.00, $ each............. ........ ......... Boys' Sox Formerly a SOC tvaine.. For Dollar Days,$ 4 prs...................................... Tom Sawyer Shirts 'Fhese fine shirts for boys, regiilar $1.50.t --Dollar Days only, each ......................II *Men-s Fancy- Hose A rayon and socemitue,5e vlue, 4 pre. f or ... ............. ....... Men's Shorts and Shirts Fancy'broadelothshorts and fiine.lisie knit shirts, ~ 3 for .. ............... .....................IF Ladies-' Wash- Dresses The famous Dorna Gordon Dr.ess and, others of $ our regular stock. Values to $4.95, only.........I Stevenzs'A li-Linen Twill lO welino' for our Dollair Day Specials Jeweler..and Ofitician 1166 Wilmctte' Avenue., Phone Wilmette 1061 j TAYLOR 8 A Good Family Store Il123-25-27, Central Ave. IP3hS Wil 914- I

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