place Saturday morning, August 22, at Il o'clock in the chapel of the First Metbodist Episcopal church ini Evanston. Miss Duncan .wilI' be attended by ber sister. florotby, as maid o f honor and Bertram Fox of Evanston will serve ,Mr. 'Arnold as best niani. The couple will leave immediately after the ceremony to spend a month in California. Miss Duncan was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority at Northwestern ýuniversity an M.Arnîold was a' Sigma Chi. at the psame university. Mrà. Alvena Feltmann Takenby Death Monday* Mrs. Alvena Feltmann, 1514 Spen- cer av enue,,di.ed at ber home Mon- day morning af te r a brief. illness. She was taken iii while on a"vacation in Wisconsin: and returned to lierbomne Saturday night. She was 56 years 01(1. Three daughters, Gertrude, Eliza- beth and Mrs.. Marv Anderson, ail of Wimette, survive bier, The f uneral services .were beld yesterday (WNed- nlesday) afternoon at 2 o'clock at the residence, witb burial at Memiorial Park cemetery. Miss. Eleanor and Miss Loraine Beecher,. daughiters'of Dr., and Mrs. S. E. Beecher of 1232 Maple avenue. Ieft ten days ago. for Springfield, IIL. to visit tbeir uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Booton. returned f rom Gary, lInd., wbere tbey spent three weeks, with Mrs. Person's parents, Mr. and 1M'rs. H. A. Burgess. 0o Next Saturday Mr. and Mrs. LeRoey Dean. of 1805 Walnut avenue -are en-" - tertaining at dinner for Mr. and Mrts. George Hla«fen and their family of, Chicago.- Ais. Carsi. w.c,636 Chni I 1Lo Mathew Francis. Photo, GereLusk, Wilrnette artis#, has been conductin&g Tgesday mnorýs- issg art classes at Wilpiette Hiar- bor durf»g the slisnnzer. At presèi he is miakiiig a junber of p'or- traits of norti: shore residentts ipt his 'studio at 810 Michigait avenue, w'Vdmetie. Mr. Lusk has received a number of degrees f rom universities ini this couan- try and abroad for bis studies on the estbetics of art. He was particularly commended for bis work at the Uni- versity of Prague, and the National Academy of Art at Prague. In October Mr. Lusk will have an exhibition of bis sketches and oil paint-. ings in Dianacourt, in hicago. Mrs. Robert Law, 321 'Kenilwortb avenue, Kenilworth, accompanied by a, friend from Chicagg motored to] Charlevoix, Micb., tbe first of the week. Tbiey will be away about tWo wPfeks Puces~ ~ ~ ~~Y e^emouFué adS. d.y .u 21 ind 22 west Possible Puices- I (I Coai lnteB VeaI Roast 8 N. *' 9e Rb Roast Beef Delici< Freà Doeed Chiekens f ýl $48 LIN1»EN ýAVENUE. 1 01 MAIN STREET ied* 31 9 6 * 23c b. 1196 CENTRAÀL AVENUE 1189. WELMETTE AVENUE ,HOFFMANN BItOS. 1209 Central Avenue Phone WiI..tte 3 For More Thon 4# Years m»ue, G.3316 MOND