*West riette: Mr. and Mrs., W. W. Ross of 826 Michigan avenue, Evanston, bought tbe large wooded lawn next east of the Walter A. Hansen's on i3gck- bawk road and will build a beautiful Colonial borne for spring occupancy. The Ross house departs from tbe conventional location on the lawn in tha.t the longer axis of tbe buildinig is. lengthwise of the lawn and at rigbt angles to tbe street.. Sunshine enters' the. living' roorn from the east, sout., and West sides, and a screen ed porch is arranged ac- cessible to the. kitcben for serving meals on it. Another feature is the two entrances wbicb this location easilyprovides-ýofie on the front and one on tbe drive at the.sie. The de- sign is by George Fred Keck. Bis Brothers bave the 'building contract. Mr. Ross -i s vice-president of. Wîl- liamns, Lawrence and Cresmer comn- panv, advertising agency. at, 360 N. Michigan avenue. Chicago.. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Ehiers now DI~ 2735 Logan boulevard, - Chicago,. last week bought ground in Indian Hill Estates for immediate construc- tion of a home. Tbey selected the large lawn . at the southwest corner of Iroquois and Ramona roads,- hav-1 ing a frontage of 80 feet and a depth of 266 feet. >The Eblers home wiIl be.Norman in style witb exterior.of stone, haif tim-- ber and stuccoi and cypress siding. The room arrangement contains four bedrooms and two baths on the sec- ond floor and living room, dining room. kitchen, and breakfast rooni on the first. There will. be a large screened porch and a two-car at- *tached garage. Heating will be the new controlled bumidified air systemi .usinig.gas for fuel. Mr.. Eblers. is. president of the Tbompson-Ehlers L eather comiPany, 114, E. Austin avenue, Chicago. C. A. Hemphill. 2949 Payne avenue, Evanston, has the contract for build ing and will have, the hous e ready for its, new owners bv Christmas' .Mr. -and Mrs. J. 'Mark. Hale. now sying at the North Shore botel Evanston, bave taken tbe Henry K. Urion borne in Indian Hill Estates for two vears. Mr. Hale is wth J. Wal- ter Thompson and was transferred recently fromn the San Francisco to 'Stettens of .15rifteenth street. Mrs. Claude E. Hill of 1240 Greg- ory avenue, with ber daugbter, Dor- *othy, and ber son, Artbur, bhaye re- tjirned' from a stay at Lawrence, Mich. After Dorotby bhad been there for a. week Mrs. Hill, and Arthur drove over for a we ekenid's visit and broukht ber borne. Miss Helen Taylor, wbo -until re- cently bas lived at 310 Cumnor road, I Kenilworth, is visiting Miss Ruth Gib- I son of Hubbard Woods at ber. sum- I mer borne at Allegan, Micb. ' 1 . E. Qrama le S. La salle nt. 'w', Cheek sol Here'. the 522 IIL 6 MMES