Li DeHlaven Photo T/te engagement of Miss£ Eleantor Pizilorniena Siere& to Charles,~ Cal- derenii of Chicago ruas aptnouytced .At a luncheon and bridge rece;Itly by, Miss. Sierents mot her, Mrs. Ame V. Sieren, 114 Fif t/ sfreet, Wilmiette. Mr. Galdereni attend cd DePauil atud the University of i,chigait laqu schools, and is a * mcmber of Phi Alpha Delta law fraternity. At S~haWnee *Events at Shawnee for the end of this week and the first of nex~t include the regular buffet supper and garne of progressive bridge tonigbt, a dance for children of the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades Friday, August 21, and a bridge luncheon Mionday, with the afternoon game progressive.. Men's * night. is scheduled for Monday. *Bettothal Announced Announcement of the engagement of Miss' Lucille .Jeffrey of Evanston. * tQ Harry A. Kincaid of Chicago is. *made this ýweek. Miss effrev. it '"ILI in his qualiying1 golf and shows Shore boys are under pressure. round. This is-r what our No: capable of doï HICKS SCORES A 7é Playing over the- Skokie Country club course, Hunter Hlicks, of Glen- coe,, scored a remarkable 70 for the eightêen holes. Hunter was out ini 34. and bis 36 ini gavé- him one fte best. cards of the year. GLENCOE WINS. A, picked. team repre senting the Glencoe Cham ber. of Commerce de- feated the ýNorthbrook ,team in a well played match. The, event, was held at- the Glenco Golf club and James Gourlay, of Gxlencoe,, walked off with "the low gross prize. with a card. of 77. Art Woods, -also, of Glen- coe, had second low gross with an! even 80. A.. Stachel, of Glencoe, won first low net with a card of 78-6-72. Second low net went toi A. Stevens,, of Nortbbrook, who scoi-ed -84-11-73. A. Grasett and Ladd. Stachel, both of whom. play from the Glencoe club were also prize win 1ners and it looks as'if the Glencoe teamn got more than' their share of the trophies. Glencoe .won an earlier match at Northbrook and it looks as if these Glencoe boys arc real golfers. Playing ini the Masonic tourna- nç.ient at the Beverly Country club, J. L. Gardnzer, of Briergate club, had an ace on the 187 yard. sixtb hole. One hundred anid twenty-five Ma- sons compéted and Ben Stevenson, of the homne club took the low gro3s honors with two fine cards which totaled 164. ODNWENTSIA TPHIRD, The Onwentsia teamn finished third ini the Chicago District .,Golf associa- t ion team championship at Floss- moor. The. team was .composed of Dexter Cummings 161; J. H. Douglas 167, Rudy Knepper 154 and Robert "e e Daddy, YOU Always Look So Nice": your best is a waste of time. verybody notices it.,And after ail, your social and busi- .ness success are dependent to a great extent on, what people think -of you.. Send your. cloths to. Shore Line. Cleaners regularly, for a thorough Miracleaning, and you'11 always f eél confident that the finest cleaning in ance. Ma oe 1~