carpeted floor, artistie pictures and homelike uïre-' place, the living room ini our new borne presents an inviting picture of cornfort, with no trace of cornmercialism., In, times of- need, fui r0oim is yours to use as part cf our superior service. The Oldest Established Ùndertakers on the'Immediate North S bor.e UNDERTAKER ""The House of Personal Servt*ce" Ili 18 GRE ENLEAF AVE.ý WILMETE 654 554,CENTER ST. W11NNEtKAl 404. Superior Ambulance Service Licensed Lady Assistant IN su IN LATI ON YQUR HOME Means Summer Coin*t-inrEconom y Proper insulation in a house wiIi effec t a savins of from 20%07 to, 40%7, in the'hedting costs. Insutation sedis in the w'armth during the winter*and *keeps it out durinq the hot days of summer, makinq even the to p foor rooms comfortabIe ail yedr. Your home-new or old-can be weti insulated at a small cost with * Clice,'a most efficient neW insuiatins material. We *wiII, gladiy Mdke a survey anld give you an estimate-coveriflg Mdteridi only or the-compiete. insulatins job. COAL- TEL EPHO0N E COKE Q sumers ompany BUILDING MATERIAL FRANKLIN1 6400 AND ASK FOR THE CALICEL DEPARTMEN "For Fuel - Use Ou" Carl L Braun Telephones 'Winnetka. 3020!m3021-3022 Robt. F. Doepel 't T Phil, H. Braun