415 Ninth Street Wilmette, Illinois Editor WiLMETTE L'vz: Your current issue carnies a newg item of the death of a Filipino boy in the Philippines sent.home durinqa prolonged ilness by th hughtfu consideration of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. B3e ntley, 804 El1mwood:avenue, of this cultural city. For those Filipinos, like .rnyself. who have gonie through a pairiful tribulation of racial animosity in California whereé one is shot. club- bed, driven'-away and constantly per- secuted for trying, to, earn an honest livinz. kindness like that shown by Mr. and Mrs. E- G. Bentley and their gnod friends is not only an impetuous in- spiration but a powxerfui encourage- ment that, after ail, thene are aIst. parents in this strange land whose heants incarnate those we left behind. To <ie knowing this fact is indeed a pleasure to* most of us. It is likewise a welcome relief from our continuons. denunciation by inspired eminent witers who are able tô earn liveli. hood by dramatizing our incapacity for self-government, our lack of cul- tured civilization, our savagery be- fore the advent of American influence, our iniability.for scientific progression. and so on. With a parental love aý that shown b'. Mr. and Mrs. Bent-ley, we can shut off our heants frorn their repeated insuit, we can mentally tear themn to pièces to find what kind of brain %vhich directs their pens, we can say to them: "B ehold, your Masters have hearts of GoId which 'shines équally bright- ly before aIt those who care to see, with malice toward none, with con- sideration for all."-Nicolas T. Rod- riguez. :Editor WiLmmÏ'e LiiE: Durîng aý casual conversation witl'- agentleman on an Elevated railroad. train,, L was informed that sterilizerl or filtened water,' if used exclusively for sprinkling, lawnsà, gardens arnd 1shrubbery, will gradually starve .out this vegetation. This was a surprise to me. In reply to mv question, he informed me that, a second party. We have as muc to the use of the lake for water as the other lake side communi why not be independent and1 our own. water. supply. Very tru-Y Yours, E. -C. Cook. I >HOUsE PAINT "Commander" ls de- signed for al ex- terior, wooden sur- faces. 23 coloru. TONAWALL --Commander," the .enduring fiat wall finish for walls and ceilings. 13 delicate tints. CËLLUTONE A semi-gloss finish' .for walls and wood- wuork. Lurable and -washable. 15 har- flonizing colors., "61" FLOOR .ENAMEL Rstsevery kind of househo1d abuse --outside and in- side. Dries in 4 4461" FLOOR Survives the pound- ing of feet and, the movlnig of, heavy furnititre. Dries in 4 hours. Forw youn' Stations ' avenience the ocifs at the C. & N. W. 1t7., r.t.ipt for outbouns lipmu.ts as Imoetufore. PATRONIZE..OUR ADVR.RTISERS VIItALITE. The. Log-]Lite Enamei. As smooth as: fine porcelain- ret*.1ns Its luster for years. AUTO ~- ENAMEN, EFFMCT 0 12 Lt snappy colors th at wIli make -the old Ibus look new. Dries I -'- The "61" QUICK DRYING ENAMEL Ideal for wood or m et a 1furniture Ea.Sy to use - anâ it dries ln 4 hours. MODEX A XRIEARDOIn BONDEX Made by REAR- DON. For cernent and masoîiry sur- faces. Waterproofs and decorates. e 14 Water is toc important an item in our every day to receive it at the hands of CELEBRÂTE BIRTHDAY Mr$. Philip Dittmar of 2101 Lake avenue was the guest of honor at a party Iast Sunday afternoon given by her children and' granÏdchildren - in célebration of her seventieth birthday About seventeen- guésts were present. j" 1219 ViMaette Avenue phone wihét 01 M