If you wait@&..k p fi nd do à good day's worlc you c.nt rw. gl ~ 00~L CI0~1~ Dg> on love only.,. Tih. Royal h.lp ful M fme .nd Royal pay en- v.lopot'are w. ll fi.d. No un- .mploym.ntf for oyal. à * e e> <A B' AlIE MmDE .fRPSY FmR CU 1641 -ORRI1NGTON AVENUE, EVANSTON Open Tuesday, Thursday, SaiturdayEvs h I PATRONIZE,.OUR ADVERTISERS WIEBOLDT'S BASEMENT EVANSTON- Davis Street WiImette 1100 OAK ALFuSOLES AND RURER EELS SERVICES l3th. Sunday after Trinity 9:15 a. m.-First set-vice and sermon 9:30 a. m.-Sunday sehool and Bible classes 1l a.m. -Second "ervie and sermon Sermon:' "Jehoiakiixn - mutilates, and burns a book of propheey."ý Ttie,-day, September 1 at 7 :45 p. m the, church council Thursday, Septemnber 3. at 2 :00 p. nm. Ladies' Aid and Missionary Tliursday, September 3 at 7-:45 p., m.- Senior 'Young People. Friday, S1eptemlber 4;, t 7:45 p. m. Junior Young People The Ldrd's Su pper, wil be celebrated n t St. John's. on the second Sunday In September.in the Il1 o'clock serv ice. The Confssinalor. p.reparatory service for Communicantiz will be held at, 10 :45 o'clock. AUl those *i-shinw. to receive, the Sacrament will kindly'make this known te the. pastor at the parsonage Saturday, September 12. Thé. regular meetings o! the organiza- tionq within the .churcb. suspenîded dur- Ing the 'past two months, Will he held the first, week of Septembe'r. Al me.m- bers *!Il please take nortice. The pa-tor, Rev, Herman W. M.%eyer, will again .conduct the services next Sunday. Hie will continue his senies .o! sermons begun last June on Incidents recorded in lioly Writ that are lems famuiliar to the average Christian. . St. John's extend.s a cordial invitation, to everyone, especiallv to such as are with- out any churcli affiliation, to attend its services. Presbyterian Church, * Woman's club *Greenleaf avenue and Tenth street Chureli office: State Bank building *Teléphone Wfllnette 64 and 688 *A cordial w.elconie to all, te the serv- ices o! this chUrch. The Rev. James'E. Webber; pastor of the Flrst PreshYterian church of James- town N. D. will preacli Sunday marn- lngK, August 30, at the. Il o'clock worshlp hour. The Rev. 'Robert Inglis paster of the First Presbyterian church of NeW- ark,. N. J., will oecupy the pulpitSun- day, September 6. CaILîs for,,service of any, kind, 'in- cluding pastoral service can be furnished nt alirtime-, by communic.ating wtth the church 'secretary, or W. G. CQW'in, 709 Elmwood avenue. The musical program for August 30:. Pr-elude-"'Meditation"....... Massenet Solo-Conie Unto Him"..... ... Dnn .Offert ory-"Imp'rovi sa tion" .. MacDowell Worik Done While Yoa Wait or Delivered Free' to Vour Home!' ýSho. Repair,.,Sbop-Wieboldt's Baserent-Evanston Mr. and 510 Lake from a few Iowa. Mrs. W. D. L2 avenue, have1 days' motor trip Mrs. Rex Bullinger of. 707 drive, Kenilworth.gave a irhmv for ber 'three-Ye 'Vednesday, August 'e"ce' back in, Wilmette, now, after having urned be oetrewes rough --- Mrs. Walter P. Bermingharn. 718 Lauirel avenue. with her son, john) arn of 'Kansas City, of last week* for P - 1 Wllmette and Forest avenues George D. Allison. minister "A Church that Cares" The union service Sunday, August 30,t will be held at 11 o'clock ln this church. Rev.ý William E. McCormack, pastor of the New England Congregaional church in .Aurora, wll preach. Our church is represented at the Camp Gray Summer Assernbly this *weelç by fourteLen of our members. Sunday, September 1.1, the prograni of the Church schrbol will be resumed.. Communion WIIl be serve,! at thé morn 1- Ing worship service, beglnning at'11 o'clock. The. choir 1,will sing. During the sermion time- there wIli be a con- tinuation, of the *Church sehe iperioù for the Beginner, and Péimary chiidren under the leadership of Mi ssî\te Kaufman; and Mrs. Htarvey Bcjven. Thursday evening, September 10, there wvill be a choir rehearsa.l at 8 'lc The Scott Vocal Ensemble, of whkh Madame Scott îs director, represenite'l the, Chicago Women's ehoruses in thýe contest sponsored by the Chicago Trib- une in connection with the music Fe!- tival last Saturday. Methodist Church Dr. William D. Schermerhorn will be the preacher for next Sunday, mnorning at the Il o'clock worship -service. Thiq wiil be our last opportunity to hear his splendid message for manynionths as he leaves early ln September for a trip a round the world to make a study o!' the .history of the native chiurches in, mission lands. [t is 'expected that aL large congregation wlll bepresent to. her hlm speak and to wish him God- speed on his, extended journe-y. The pastor, 'who la now spending lits vacation wlth his famlly at Ludlngton, Mich., wlll return te Wilmette on Mon- day and will, be in the pulpit Sunday, September 6. The Churcli school w1ll restiue its regular school work Sunday, September 13. The offilcers and teachers of the school w.lfl hold their annualymeeting on t*# Wednesday, September 16. The Official I3oard- memibers are jasked to remnember the. first meeting of that body Wednesday, September S and the Pourth Quarterly Conference Septei- ber 23...,. St. Augustine-'s 1 Sunday, Augu-st 30, will be the thir- teenth Sunday a~fter Trinity. There will be Holy Commninin at .8 a. mn. and 1Morning Prayer with address at Il a. m.