a plan of. co-operatio. Announicernent wa.s made of the important sales conference tô be held September 2 at 4 o'clock in the Shaw- nee club,,'Wihinet.te. The conference lias been arranged by Herbert U. Nilson, executive.director' of' the Na- tional -Association.'of ,Real 'Estate boards anîd wiIl be conducted by Guy Ellis, general sales counselor Mi the naetional association. At theé.August 17 meeting, X. Yi- geant, grèhitect of Highland Park. gave an iiticiresting illustrated taIk un zoning problems. A short address was made by, George R.. Harbaugh, assessor of New Trier township on re-valuation of properties, and, com- plying with M r. 1Iarbaugh's reque.st. President Dixon appointed -the fol- lowing comimittee to assist in. cur- rent re-valuationl of New 'rrier town- ship property: Wilmfette and Ken- ilworth .-, Garrett F: Johnston and Andrew J. Xoodcock;- Winnetka - E. Sawyer Smith and Howard Il. Bt own; Glencoe m- Frank A. Reid and Walter P. Smith; Western Area -.Rolbert L, .. yatt and Lloyd C. A vres. A comimittee eonsisting, of, D. J. L. ..WValther, Frank A. Reid, Floren.ce Cook, and Mvathilda Spak wvas ait- poiited to arrange ait ,outiing for thé I)Dàrd, plannled for Septembyer 16. Ait- no uncenient ôf details Will be nmade laàter, it Was sfated.ý GIVES BRIDGE Miss I-ma Berînger of 225 Catalpa place -%as liostess at bridge Tuesday afternoon of this week in honor o.f Miss, Alice Atmi Moore of Evanston, whiose marriage to. Roiiald J. Gleason,. aninenbër of the faculty of the North * Shore Country Day school, is taking place Saturday, in the First Methoist chuirchin 1i iston. Dr. anid,'Mrs. C. E. ,Geisse,. with theirdaughter, Mary Lou, treturnied to * their home at 1820 Wilmnette avenue last week after a vacation spenit 2 Fond du Lac., WiS. Dr. G isse's mother, Mrs.. Charles F.,Geisse, ac- conipanied theinito, Wfilmette atnd 'Ihl be their guest. for, at le.ast tWo sis being placeci on the reno- of the school child's clothing waning days of the vacation' Donald Kreusch, sofl of Mr. and Mrs. Harry, V. Kreusch, 2030 Schiller ave-- nue, is recovering f roma oeato for appendicitis at *the. Belmont hosffital. in Chicago> lB 110w nominal minded evening ý itUL Easy tbgel there-Dandee Rd.,mile m'est el, Watikegan d Phonae NORTH BROOK, 65 M014EY MAKES -TUE MARE Go - *- 0<5 rowoeb . ..... . can Be, sure ofF EARNINO you ag, mcn and womeu eto.f caracter, foresigh u ageî re going tb Bryant & Sîramon College herause present co)nàitions* -urge practical. preparation for business life Recogniziug this,~ many students ready for or, ai the University,' are saving trne and nîoney by entering Bryant & Stratton College. turned S~aturday ftromi Camp Ma-KSa- Ja-Wan, Wis., ivhere. he spent two weeks. 0o *Mrs. J. B. Iloelz of 1319 Washington aienue returned 'Saturday f rom Beld- ing, Mich., wvhere she was visiting the' 1. E. Colvins, formerly of Wilmette. Open E ven n gs except Saturdai, for Reçfltration. c 18 Souili Michigao '0I Avenue ss **4hegDio