land and Detroit. Fleaded by such well known stage * .celebrities as Fritz Leiber, Helen. Menken, William Faversham, Tyrone Powers, Viola Roache,. Pedro de .Cordoba, Whitford Kanie,, MEith Campbell,. Gordon Burby, France *Bendtsei, 1the cast ýwill, also iniclude Hfart Jenks,ý John Burke, John For- rest,ý Claudius Mintz, Frank' Peters, 1ýal;h Menzing, hayer Roberts, John Bryan, Virginia Stevens, ..ionel Ince, and Olga tee. George Vivian, who for many years has been prominently associated with Shakespear 'ean'plays in England. and America, will direct the productions, Sidney Mansfield will be assistant di- rector and Dorothy Martin., art. di- rto.Max Faetkenheuer, genea manager, of, the society for the past two seasons, will be in, charge. After the Chicago engagement the companv will go on an extensive tour w hich- will take it as far south. as New* Orleans, and1 include a four- iveek engagement in New. Yorka From New York the comipany will go to Piladelphiia' and finish the sea- son wit h a tour ofi the New Eng- land states. 'rhe',society aninounces "The Mer- chant of Venýice," 'Julius 'Caesar" and *HarnlIet" as the three plays which will. comiprise the repertory for this season. Rehiearsals will begin ýThurs- day, September 3, with George 'Vivian directing. Mrs. Edwin Hedrick Catches Big Muskie Honors lor. muskellunge fishing go this week to Mrs. Edwin Hedrick of 304 Meirose avenue, Kenilworth, who. recently caugit. a "thirty-five pounder". on Moose lake, near the Rock Rapids lodge on the Chippewa river in niorth-ý eru. Wisconsin wvhere Mr. and Mrs. Hedrick ,are.having an outing for sev- eral. weeks., The "muskie," which mhea- Sures fi fty linches in length. was caught b'1y Mrs. Hedrick while Thurm Met- caîf was lier guide. Miss Marion and Miss Phoebe Hedrick drove north with. their parents about two, weeks ago and then wnt oin to the Wausaukee club BEACH WALK EVERY NIGHT (No Dancing Yundays) SAURAT-EA-)~CE on BEACH IWALK 3:30 P. I%.-$I.0O lncludlng choire froin a Sperial Tea .3lenu ADDED FEATURE EVERY TUESDAY PRIZE NIGHT ,EDGEWATER BEACH HOT-ELIJ 5300 Block Sheridan Road-telephone LONgheach *6000 PATRONIZE O UR ADVERTISERS MUM. aT curront kept at a ,f affent ion. -0- Mrs. and Mrs. Lowell Beyrer, who have been living ini Spanish court, moved the .miiddle of tbis week to the apart- ment they. have taken at 2203 Maple avenue,.Evanston. just odern use. you sec it in solid maple with benches and stool s to match. *this store. W'c Also FREE AM 105 SOUTH LA SALLE ST. Franklin 8397 ltlHE 1ID EIST VRIETIE'S To CHOOSE FRO0MI