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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Aug 1931, p. 34

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T THF, N\W)omei's Western Golf ass5o- Ernestine Pearce, of Hubbard Woods, fairway down to the green. Mrs. ciation championship at the Ex- showed that she bias .iost noue of her Pardue's second shot was bad but she1 moor Comntry club is the big event former skill by shooting a fine 91 and got home in 3 ani then iLhree putted of the week aiong the nortb shore Mfiss Janet Wiilard, of Exm-oor, hadi for a bad 6. Her spoon shot at the andthe woien'tmenibers of our local a 94. Miss Virginia Vilas, of Glen- 195 yard thirteenith w'as a, peach and clubs covered themnselves with glory. view, scored a r Iever,90ýand Mirs. R. it got ber 'another par 3. Then1 came a in the.,quialifying, round. The low B. 'Upharu, of the samne club, quali- 5 at -the dog-leg fourteenth and 'aÉ medalist of the tournamnent was Mrs. fied witb *a 97. Mrs. Dorotby Hi-- finle' on 'the long fif teenth. Mr*g. I<eona Pressler, of thé Saii Gabriel, bie, of Glencoe, had a îîîce card to- Pardue -got into trouble at the .six- i (calif.) Country club. Mýrs. Pressler] taliing 92 and Mrs.. Sain' Shipp, of teenth and scored a 6 ^but shue plaved was playing,iii mnagnificent forn, alid Wletfinisied, with a 98. 0 f the l.ast: two,'holes perfectlyand bheri bercad f 9 orthe eigliteen Iles course n nepayed'as well' as they 39.,in gave her a 76 and oneof the was mastierly golif., Mrs. Pressier lias wyould bave liked to but aIl our nortb finest cards of the year. The card. bentice wînner ,of the W. WV. shore sas~aiidadte ilfios G.A1tte n.brlo g eperience in give the out-of-tow n golfers a fine 1%1.rs. P.a%-due, tournament plav .ei.abled.,ber to, meet scrapfor the tilé. ý ,n's Parot-5144 Sý4 1 -. the somwat trying w'ate 'nd- Tbe qualifying ro6und is more or 1u- 4344 -36 tions better thî,n somîe (if the otielessof a formnality witbi the reaîîv Mrs. Pardu 1~0563-97 gil.good players and the real kick came Meni's Pa rin 35.563.511 The strong Nvind whicb swept in the play-off of ties for last places- i-3 4 4 3 4 .5.4 3 5-35-71 across the Exmo6r cour se stemedt in theifretlits See l- aff.ect, the Iargtrýand-lîglîter biai! far ers, were calied. to the tée to decide SMITH'SET REORD f more than it woui(i bave th.e oid bail. wbo should fil! thiree, places ii the Plaig.itellios pn.ca- and manv of. the contestants liad cbampionship flight and how those pionship at the .Quincy Counitrr club. I great difflculty in keeping their girls ddplay. Mýrs. Greg Lifur, of GeorgeSibo 01 nsasoe pitches on the liue. There is sone- L*sý Angeles, was one of thiese ia.&t a b>çilliant 67. Plav -%as fromn theS thing ipýrtÎeuiaàrlv disguistinig to blit a chance shooters and thiere ivas no back' tees .and Simith's card estab- tl kood .pitch shot, see thé bail biold tlhé question about. lier initentionis. Sie. lislbed a niew record for. the Quincv si line until nmost *of tbe force is ex- stepped uip.sape a. long drive course. Smnith tied'witli. Bruce Hierd, t pended, and then sceethe bail drift. down the f*rt 'fairway, spanked a of Soutb Shore, for fourtb place.. The - -.into a, à iazarci which the old. bail long brassiïe shlot Cinto the green,. flUe was wvon bý1,Abýe Espinosa, of. wouid neyer liave fouind. This floating p4ncbedý lier, hall up to the clip, bioled *lMýeinaili, wIvho plaved two consistent M qualit% of the. baIl bothere althe out for a birdie 4 and stroeofterunst1 oae 71 and:69'. contestantfs but Mýrs. Pressierse r eenwith lier nose in the air. Miss to biavýe better contrOl 'over the elu- Betty Briien. of .Kansai Cit, N d EVANS SHOOTS 145. sive pihi and bier '79 .vas verv cia.ssN,. 1Mfrs. 0. C. Horn, of Chicago, w'ere *S Her card, whicIl fojiow%-s, telîs us t theothr .two to înM<e the- grade . oin wofn rudso 1 anid el 0tothé.. /4efo altotl of 145. iiik EAlifs, toif, s. * ry ~IrTheé 'matchî plav rounds are i i- pro- 7 fraug . l gres an. te wv He .girs ae 12ewater, led 'a cîassv 1heid iii flic u Pra res ut a a 44 4 ~4 4 -37 shoring*is.-car'schaioîs.i anutial Plae - Dav tournaiaent of' ný Pr * .4 *i 4 44 5 54 44-- 179 tutcissis tIclu itîiof .. istbe .Park Ridge Couintrv club. Ciîick*sV TwoTi a 8 association. .[)-Ipay in. this event Nvas go enolugh to fe *Miss \ irgînia N'an XVie, of Beve'Ci,- Ms-s. Tyson Scores an Ace *wnfouams.nbd n ele 1 - lieve tîîàt if lie gets-thie breaks of 'the ai and Mýiss Bernice XVall, of. 0sîîi, .The real tbrill of thée qualifyînrY td agodcac ot *Wis., tied f-or s econîd place tî ~ rounid -vas a bole in 1 bv Mrs. George e, . 1t,-e NaslAaeu hmin clever cards which totaled 80, ~X.Tvson, .of tbe Mîlburiiî Counitirv wîn.hipextional Aateur chion- A. ,Van Xie's »owerfuî l Iitting .ejîablèd clùuh,of Kansas Citv. I.rs. Tyson -Jslipnte Westeontb Op en èrl.Chck her to drop a stroke airouîîd ilîe teeîhie efending, cbailpion iaud.- wb-en, w heonly thnXes tern .Oj> en ti thr onein a wvhiIe and stiîî score Hshe cam e to th e 15-a(d niti h oleIc e týashl t ac -tveJ - . lay and bere's lioping lie'!! repeat. and Mfiss Wallplayed ont of lier ;very * she selected a No. 4 ironi and plavedA * ood, rounds mbich seem'.s o'easy for a beatfiful piteli whichi stmuck on theé*p hrand are so difficult to duplicate. green and rolled into the cup). [t was JOHNSTON AT NO. i1 These two player s .illustrate One oflier first ace.-T ficaso heUie tatesan golf's .unenidinig imyýsteries.,AMiss Van . Golf association have atnnounic.ed th Wie bias twice thé streniztb of the MRS. PARDUE É seeding list of tbe association and, as Oshkosb girl and vet their golf was SCORES A 76 this i s équivalent to rating thé first l on a par and their play was an ex- One of the best. cards of tIée week ten plavers .of the country, it is al-th exempifica tion of science and brute lu north shore golfing circles wasways seceJves wind kenginVerest , force.f . M rs.Dorothiv Klotz Pardue's 7vas ih - sa Bob JdGore o of 88 z-Iay.-.sr f Trilling . The shorst 145 yard tenth.l ole. ;\. i. uorei'. Ijuniap. 'jr. Miss Virginia Ingram, of Sunset Where the plav is overthe pond. is MRS. SAUNDERS Ridge and WT1innetka, scored an 88, exceptionally interesting and Mrs. WINS TITLE and Iost the. play-off on the second Parduies fine iron shot ivas justlv re- Mrs. H. P. Saunders is th'e newý, hole. She dropped to the first flight %varded witb a 3. She gôt ber par 4 women's champion of thé North as did Miss Ruth Wrilsey, of Illinois. on a eîeventh and then 'came ber onîv 'hore Golf club and ber plav thrortgl- )s-s. R., Gambrilî. Jr., of Winnetka real slip of the, day. There is a ditchý out the 'entire, tournament was, of .came. in. *itb 'a 97. and'Mrs. R. G. nfrnt of the. twelftl tee and it championsbip class. She won the low MKyofIllinois, shot a 96. Mfiss ext ends. alonig the right 'side of the medal honors in the:qualifying round wvitb a, fine card oif 91 and she de.- feated Il tumu. Mrs. Rapli Boozer and MIrs., J R Barron. This brought her to theFal round where she met Mrs. J. A.,Sidney, thé, defeniding champion. Th iséwas one of.the best matches of the tournament., Mrs. 'Saunders shot a. 91 'and this card eon fo 1r her îy a niargin. of 3 up and 1 to play. Mrs. Sidney ýscored. a 95 and sucdl finle niedal cards show the class of golf' tbese women Were playing. The'Ciass B dbampionship was wvon by- Mxrs. XV.,C. Hamminond wiitb Mrs. T. S. Black, of XVilmlette,' as runner- up, and thé Ciass C title Itvas .von - Mrs. A. E. Tregenza with 'Miss Ber- nice, Bul ley,',of Keniîworth, a.s mn-. uer-up. Mrs. H. D. Fargo woni the Class A consolation with cards total- ing 395. Mrs. G. A. Briggs. finisbed first -in the Cîass B consolation flight wvith a, .total Of 431 and M\issDoroth-v Roehm, of Wýinnetka,; wnon the. Class- C consolation witl 47U. The North Shore girls bave playedj good golf ai lhe year and tîîeir club chamipionshipI Shows that thiev xvill. comparé more hant favorablv %vetl the wosnen golf- ers of the country. 4R5.,BED-ELL. W'INS-TITLE \[enibers of the XVilnette Golf cl). overed theniscîves with glory iii their mbIll dhanîpîQnioship. Phaving tliroDugli a ne fleld1 Mrs. Eý'. A. Bedeil e etal -on the titie in . a thirtv-six loe natch with M_\rs. Sain W. Shi, of Xilniette. Mrs. BedeIll. et and d(e- catecl iNrs. John Brodt and Mris. F. j' olles l)efore imeetitig Mrs. Sliîipp Mnd tiîat clever player %von lier w'av irouigh to thle finals 1Y dfatn [i.W._. Schilder ink ansîd M\rs. R. Littie. 'ALA DAY kT WILMETTE The évomen'sguest da-,,- at the XViî- ette Golf club mvas.,one of tuie hest tended of the seaso. O(ver> 150 omilen played the Xiîmlette cou rse sd, When the smioke of thie battle leared away, Mrs. S. W_..Shlipp. of e home club, was leading, with a ne. card. of 89. Mrs. Johin Brodt ýon- the second low gross prize for ie mbers ,vith 2L card t-taii 1.,,, i) mEO ---iuicanu, dve rattulla of Wil- mette and Roseman have an exhibi- tion.,ilustrating howý the iron shots, s;hoîîld be plaved and the entire field got a real kick out of practicing their short game under sud Perfect condi- tions, The holes, of the îiew co;urse measure, frôni.75 to 165 yards and the' creepfing bent fairwav-s-and, greens provide the finest tu'rf. The Illumnin- ated course is a niew idea that is go0- ing over big with local golfers and a I

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