LESSONS IN LIGHTING, Y OUR home is wired for electricity. You screw lamps into, empty sôckets. You li.ck a switch -and theré Iè /liht. For reading andcooking, for sewing -and entertain ing friends. For anything. It seems very easy. As a matter o fact, lighting a hom e- lightingk right-is a complicated. matter that requires careful study. Remember -what the first lighting fixtures Iooked like... the àinny pipe hanging dowtil , from the ceiling with its crossbar and its un-ýý *shaded Iights sprouting out of each end? It was, the 9o1dgas ixture w ired-and :people admired k in spite of its ugliness and.its glare becau'se it was so convenient. Today, every one ktiows that .such lighting is bad. But many of us are not quite sure of what iighting is ggod. There are right fixtures. and wrong fixturès to be selected. Choice of portable lamps rmakes à,a diffeèrence. So does the size of light ,bulbs used. Thbese are prob-.. lems that-.cannot* be solved offhand. Because the art of Iighting a hoie prép erly is so new, because liglning technique is The Company offers a series of illustrated lectures to interested women's organizations. The prgas presentthe lighting and wîrin g requirements of every r9om lin the house-- explaini why eyes have to work, overtuim? if light. is inaclequate or too brîght. When "indirect lighting lamnps" introduced aý new type of shadowless illumination, the Company's home lighting specialist hurried the news tolier audiences. She told them about fiat cords that run under rugs without making. humps, about floor 'lug that slipý 40to outlets more conveniently, about decorat- ing tables for children's parties with Christ- mas tree lights. .. -., Last winter in a series of classes, she helped 7,000 women design anid make lamp shades for their homes. The Home Lighting Department's mail is fuli of questions like these: "'Are overhead fixtures out of style?" "Wherie can I buy a ighte osennber?""How-can I dean parchment lamp shades?" "What fixtures do you suggest for a'ý colonial type house?" No charge is made for any of these services the Rome Ligbting Department renders. T&, Company. IWO ORCADES' MN HE SE.RV1c L. OF N 0RITH E RNK L LLI NO ' Il