AU elphn.and c.0'. D. ÔOrdera -8Carefully and.Qqickly Delivered Charte AccountsSolicited front ReIiable People The. advnaàge elways whe i Lradng at PALACE MARKETS-. env capacity te serve patrons witL <nly choice nieats, seIected lt. pleasa in PRICE and QUALITY. If You canuot cail in persen, phono us your erders, we'Il serve you witli mat as much care. M. MANNEBACH, Propwetor. ]EXTIRA UPECIAL IIStrictly fresh -GENUINE Calves' Sweetbreadls- tender and Elavory. Lbe......... 9 SSPRING LEG 0F LAMB frt2ateeroaadts.MitF..L.Geuine; 1931 spring product-very choice. Selected 5 1 POT ROAsTI ý ue t l, at thein 1- sident C. P. plan to aid in rment situation ~"loeally was announced in WIlMET'TE >4Lin Tbursday, August 13. >4On: Monday,, August 17, s ixty-two >t unemployed. pensons registereci at, the, >4Village hall, ýand, by the next after- Inoon the total, of registrations had rnunted toI125. moe-Village is endeavoring to find' iljobs for'the unemhploired, and persons IWho are.out,«of work are riequested to fll.out application blanks at the Vil- lage hall, givinig their nameS, addresses, Sthe kind of tiork ini which.they are skilled, and oDther:,inf'ormation.- >4E. Seyfort, Re sident for 26 Years, Is Dead S Ernest Seyfort, 413 Pa.rk avenue. for* twentyýr-six 'years a.,resident oï SWilmette, died at his homie on'Pri- day morning, August 21; Mr. Sey.m Sfort, who had been ili for the, past >4six m-onths, was 75 years old. ai the jtime of his death. Hie had been ini ~busi ness as a decorator in *Xiinette Pfor twenty-nine years. >4 S ervices *ere held f rom Scott's >4funeral home, 1118 Greenleaf avenue. >4Wilmette, on Monday afternoofi at 2 >4o'clock. Interment was at Meionrial Park cemetery. >4Mr. Seyfort is survived l», his wife, G Cara Seyfort, and b-v a,, brother SCI*OQL-TRUNK SPECIALS $25 & $37.50 .when members of the Western So- icie ty of Engineers miade a tour of iinspection of the course which bias attracted nation-wide attention. Th*e engineers combined the in- splection trip a lecture, techi- cal meeting and a game ofgolf. They were joined by .t.he Chicago section 'Illuminiating FEngineering.lsociety. Concerning the 'visit, the bulletin of the society, comnients in, part1 as follows: "T his- isn't a 'p eewee' *or 'o th 'umb',golf course, it is, a man ,s size nine.-hole2 course, beautifully wooded, and so well illuminated that manv players claim t hey can se a bail be t- ter under th.e artificial light' than. th.ey can by daylight. The iongest hole is 165 yards and the shortest is just a good pitch with a number seven or eighit. The course is said to be designe'd to provide a shot -for every iron' club.' Those who drive outfind littie trouble in iocating the place, once -you get within a mile of it, as .the lights cari be seeni from A directions. "'The,,Éourse is adequatey liited over its, entire length l)y banks ofý flood, lights mounted. on steel, towers. At-8:15 o'tlock E.. L. Nelson,ýlighting, engineer, Public Service compan 11v, oi Northern Illinois, who designed tjie, installation, gave an explanation ôf, the engineering design. involved in. its layout, and distributed 'some drawings, showing how it wvas done Hie then :'led a tour of inspection ov-er the course, pointing out the ne- sults - that have been accomplished andi how it was done. Tiien those who cared to play a round over. this' fir-st îlluminated golf course in, the, Chi*cago area were. invited to do so. ,Every 'hole of the,,course is a fuxll mona shôt and a real test of the golfer's ability." Mr. ,and Mrs. L. N. Brenner, 1330 Greenwood avenue, drove last week- end Ito Camp Ma-Ka--Ja-Wan, Wis., to bring home their son, John, who lias sp)ent the summer, there. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Senger and chul- $I.oo 1941 Central Street Garonlaf4355 VAN UUERfrI's Bteauty Salon Greenleaf Il~'2Central Avenue_ Asik Our Advice Oit Cosmeticeandt Powder *Blendittg offli-