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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1931, p. 24

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la1cUKÇhLcIllehirarec ALLLC Dlt of handed-down lace was crumn- pied and, soiled. And it had to bc wvashed with,,infinitecCaro., Could, we?, Wc. could a4ddid. Wc rather pride ourse!ves on Our abihity to take care of our guests.,_ You'Il find it reflected in rooms i:hat have closets big enough to hold ail your clothes-in ceei ap- pointment which a hôtel w1orthy of the namecprovrides,. But, what you Il be sure rto notice is a spirit of extra service, in ail the lirdle things which United Hotel cm- ployees arec aught to take the âime to do weIllI A Luto, 0: -a handkerchief. n Course \Vith 13ob Ga5t at -ltecnrl.the Kellett' Autogiro which il Il nake it.; hoiie at SkvN Harlk.,r aru west a IGlencoe,. pauscd there' on Saturdlay enroute to the state fair at-,:ilvvau- 1Aiter the fair, Bob Gast îiýto* re- turn to S k , Harbor airport 1 wh e rc the, ship wiil be aeailable for demonstitra- tion, ta interested perý;-sn. h=" 4i a vertical landing. Bob) Gaizt xvill fly to a point directl% above' Ský Harý bors miniature golf 'Cou rs éalnd then let his ship settle gentix- downn on the' peexvee greens. Inuaadditioni to theflighit emnonstra- tion. ther e will be a lec-.ure and mno- tion, pictures-all iree' oi charge- showing, how the Autog,-iro i îsn:er- .atea. Skv Harlbor is thie Autozirco *Designied to meet the needs aoi tper- psons Nhohave no .tinie for instruc- tion dufring the Nveck. a ground s-chool' course in aviation is, availabie atthe, Curtiss airport. Glenview. on Sunidav aiternoons between 1 *and 3 'clock. Althouh the fi r st class. openied last Sunday. the: cour-se is ar- ranged So that students imav 'oit! the A ~ I L3 'k> -J114 .£-8-'.4 -A11' B 1- L' AU. L 1ý fri Airport Operators Confer to Give for .New A jr planes yFinal. Ideas for Organizing State- Twent\-t\\o aîrpl]aneý, arc neow *wde .so é Msn y ~t1< iithIl(-attractive hangar at S~ ab r rort. The final pre-7.rga:iztio netrng.- But thecre aretop te lns looingtoardth iomatonai n:icludingthe newVFellett Autogirci. airport -operators .ass Jciat rio n 1or the rujaring for adinissioný, s tate of Illinois. %va.; ýcheduled fo, Xheelwe put c i 'ak .Monday, August 31. at the Chicago Maj. R. W.' Schroeder. who, is co- Press club. Ma\Ij.ý R. W. Schr.ôe>dlrnmanager filteairtx t hGeorgeý ni Skv Harbor airpurt. !ctut(ln- F ihr coe. sent dut the notices which urgeil h fc stattetet-w attendance at t his gatiicring. planes in the hangar ar so :-nug and feature ai thî session xvas to ib o otetiesr-a gtlieir xig a confürence %vith tiie newîv orgian- that there's niq rouln tor iiiorce ize Iliias Aroauic comisin. However. it xvon't long, owuntil ized Ihih Mi R eonti. nic's iin- nthere .w1]1 be 75 pe .rcent, rhore space coe is chairman. The airport o .pera- e agar.- lre- threc con- tors. through tîîei a-,ociation. plan rcoshveibitddai o n to coope -rate witi t fe Illinois Acro- larging the, wcst l)orticln or the' nauicscomiss~ nappintd rcenïvhangar; and c0nmple-te. figure4z and bv Gv. oui L.Em:crsn. utis pecificat-on, w îll probauly be' avail- Oi the commission inclidfe: the licens- able within a few -(Jav;;. Wg of airports anil air sehools and thereulaio aiw ~.der and George F.ishier aiinnýunce -be- Ir! carrying Out plans for the t.ormi- ---Li ation oi n'afi afo(r~r' as m w~n plone ca11ý, r(_ . nteýrested pnrt ope'aapplicants.1 ation xor the state (ai iîînoï-s, tue air port operators and service op erator ai the Chicago area have held tw( previaus fneetingS. tlie latteçr on Môon d a'v. August 24. At. ti-s tinie it xva decided that an organizatioishoul, he formed aiter wo-,rd will hiav1e beec received'from all the- operators o a.rports and av-iation ý:rvices 4of mht o 4 n f c clasS on anv nu idlatis .coU- veniet. .Yancey Is Friendly, But Among the subjects taught in the He Keeps His Distance ground school. session are theory ot i flight, aerial navigation, cross-countrv Lon Yancey, of flîght-toýRomne flying, airplane engines. structure and lrme. stopped at Sk Harbor o rigging. mietecrolog-, 'air commerce Tuesdav .oi last week. regulations. and commercial aviation. The onlv trouble :was that, he _______________ idIn'.tcôme wmithin reach oai M aj. R. . Schroeder -Who xvas an-xious. Major E. H. Brainard to extend, an even more 'cordial greet- Inpet uris ild 'g than heéus.ualix- eaccords visitôrs 'Mai. E.HBrna. president 0f The eluisive'Yancizv -was flying f romn the Cüurtiss;-WrightL Flv.ing Service, St. Pauil to Cleveland.Iseo ,stopped at the Curtiss airport, near ,aIighti.1 Yr¶evbrugt isat-- j Genvew.on Tuesday of last week. gyotO a sýtandIst1iI. and. osd20 Majorl Biainard, . %who flew homf feet above thie clubhouse. drOp p e(1a Detroit, was accompanied by Jack note to Sorv"Sçhroeder. ;Alard who is. a representative of The -messzage réad, in effect; D. H.' M organ. pi-esident of. the Cur-. Sorry 'Iv can't stop on h.el grounid. tissZW'right corporation. 111 stop Up hcere. l'Il be bàck -%tk A nýndêII ndnv t+I, .+1riI S-ep)temnber 15." Labor Day O.ff ersý Eats, Nifty Stunts, stunt', ngan(] parachute. jump- îng, are on the. *schedule, for an en-. jovable aiternoon at Curtiss airport,, Gîenview. on. Labor day. 'Mondlav. S el.)t nmer 7. .Niftv s.tu nting xviii'ùil ')e offered by. Capt. T. B. 'Nejîl and Arthu'r Caperton. N-'eat and var:ied types, of airplanies wld eliglit specta- tosand passengers. Deliciaus reireshmients at. the air- port xviii add to the pleasure of the âiternoon. New Advanced 'Mechanics: Course- at Curtiss Field Thle Curtiss-,WrIit, Flying schllô .e-ar Glje.nvxew receîitlv - ntroduced an advan!'.ced nuchaîiicscourse.. s pecializing Ili instruments. prûpeliors and fabric wiv)rk. Several -graduastes of, theCurtiss d'wtou scoIarc mtakîî1 nthe c use w he C1aS,ý 15 'iiiiïte(i ard abuit aviation are eliulible fr the Kitchen ichanic? No. ..... The1 .......TheCKi ........ he Pia CA.B.W.L -The Cousu J .GOLFER IN CLOUDS tMrs. John Arends of Detroit, w.ho reached the quarter-fina.1 round be- fore being eliminated in the %vobien's western golf chanipionship. %vent . ta Sky .Harbor airport on Wednesd'ay of last week for a refreshing. ride into the: clouds. 4-nui irom me41 Y % iiJs.- DANCE AT AIRPORT Gold Coast Orche-stra dances arz being lheld everv Saturday night in th.e clubhouse at Skyv Harbor airport. Dundee road one'mile:w-est. ai Nau- kegan rôad. PARTY FOR SCHROEDER A birthday party for «Maj.' R, \V. Schroeder oi Skyl-arbor airport was g;veti *t the airport clubhiouse- recently hy MIrs. Rchroeder and mnhebcrs of-the airport staff. Diiier anîd dancing, were the principal diversions. TUT it was no joking matter base f or. thle Chicagro diStrict. to ).thé, bridec. Someoneh4d on er~gi8gawy"Aviation Is Taught il -1 ii 1ýeý1;ýf f d1 ;pSunday A fternoons

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