LORDS New, Dauument store ( inl One of These Knicker Children's Ankiets Fine :e 0,e BotS, 7608 'Kniclk 3 rs. $ Iniported fi.ll-"fashion.ed ankiets iii white, and Plain, colors',With fancy figured tpps. Siz.es.6 to 872. eryspecal,3. pairs for $1., Cotton knicker sox in a big asr and large patters...diarnon4ii- Sizes 7 to 11. Buy now forschoql Redfern and' GWç Clearance Pp $2,64 s' Lightly-boned corselettes irnported French Voile, SO that it is actually transpar stronger than many heav Ail sizes in groups but wkit: i. thé Corset Sectioii-LOR.-Y)S In ner-S rîng yBu i/t by Simmons to GCive Yo u Pl LORD'S New Boisent Store I LO0RDSPrnt le Mesh Hose.for misses, sizes 8½z to 10, Soc pro. li thé. Clildrcnz's Hosiery Sectio n-LORDS--First Floor, Orrington, Ave. Empress Eugenie jrFÀLL HATS $00 [t's sucli a roinantic and feinnne fasion,, no wonder sniart women everywhere are beginning Io wear Empress Eugenie bats! Y At $5 you w ill find very extreme as well as modified styles .wit.b ostrich feath- ers, clusters and tailored quills. Black and new Fall colors. li t te NEW Millinery Section- LORD S-Second Floor. 1-