* party to bce held at the home of the president, Miss Marion Ortseifen. 337 Essex road, Kenilworth. on Sat- urday afternoon, September 12. The business meeting tohbe held at 2 f rom 3 until 6. j The hostesses'for the afternoon are to be the Misses Marioni. Ortseifeni, Mary .Daegling, Grace LuidwiÉ, Eliza-- beth Ronan, Mary Florence Koenig and Dorothy Pettinger. The tea is* expected to be a very gala affair. Miss Gladys Bezazian of of Chicago, who Às, organizer of Orchesus,, national dancing organîza- tion on -Northwestern university camfpus, will offer a number of- selec- tions in interpretive dancing. IThe officers of the sixteen junior auxiliaries of tbe clubs of the Tenth' district. have been cordially invited as Well as ail junior members of the Woman's club of Wilmette.. "Invi- tations- must bc presented at the door,"' the auxiliary announces. t.ast week's issue of this papeýr carried the announcenient of the nansof the departrnent and corn- mittce chairmen of the.Junior aux- iliary, and several more nîames were sent. in too late to1 add to the. list. Miss Marjorie Koenig is chairman 'of the hostess commnittee; Miss Virginia Draper is chairmnan in charge of the ex-service mnen's commiittee *with Miss Rosalie Adani-s, co-chairman. Indian Hill Riding Club Horse Show September 19 The ninth annual bioise show of the Indian Hill Riding club) wilI be hiel on Saturday, Septeniber 19, at the Longnieadow Hunt paddock, HibbardJ road, Winnetka. The tuorning pro- gram willl start at 10 o'clock and. the afternoon one at 2:3 Entry' blanks wer sent :ott on. September .1,. and are lo be returned hefore September: 13, to Maj. R.' B. Nordheimer. Tickets may be secured on. application1 to Peirce C. Ward. The! followiiig .conimittee is in charge of the horse show: Martinx Jindsav.Mrs. Donald F. MePhierson., r of the church, Photo by Carlos Alr. and Mrs. 7'ho;na. A. Bait- nin g,. Jr., 933 Loeust road, tannioi'J, theeggmn of their daughylter. ,Ifi-tieri, Ainies Ban inyi, to George Fred erick Shteplierd, soit of du~ Rev. George F. Sheplierd, D. D. apid Mrs. Shej'herd of Central -Squ~are, Nr. 1'. Miss Bainny was graditatedi lune front North- w~esterpi university' and is a ieni- ber of Gamma, PhI.Beta. 11r. Shep- !îe-rd s a gratate of Htjiltoii collge and a menber of Psi Up- silons. .n<rcr~ of thre eigage- ment w~as madie ait a luircheon gîitzli lasi Saturdai, by Mlrs. Baèîning at lier hoine for lier daughter aud a qgroiup of her friends. Three WVilmetteGitl$s Will Marrg, This Week September 3 and 5 are th e days, of the marriages of three Wilmette girls. Miss. Mary Daegling, daughter of the F~rank DaesgIinoes of 2000 Beechwood lAlit%ÇV, wIU openFCine aiV 1411 so4n i J the vluV's activities witb a benefit card party on September 18, at the Thbe church was decorated with white the 'chairmuan announces, "promises to asters and wi14- artichoke, the saine be the most outstanding of the year. wild flowers with which thechurch was as a sumn of. money must' be raised banked for the wedding of the bride's sufficient to feed and clothe the, parents. Lighted candelabra stood, familles cared for. by the club."~ within thfechancel rail. Assisting Mrs. P. J. Joyce, -chair- Accompanied by Miss Marie Briel,maro-h pintop department, Miss Charlotte Bean, sister of tlle and Mrs. Paul Fie'berg, chairnian of bridegroom, rendered some vocal selec- .-the ways and .means committee, are tionis. the following: Mesdames. W. P. The color note of t e> weddinig" was BeËrmingham, P. B. Bi rong, C harles blue and. yellow whîch was used in Broad, George Browning, J.P. Bud- the gowns and décorations. inger, John Budinger, Thomas Cham "ttndig the bride were her three bers, Edward, Cummiskey,. Charlesý' stesMs Magrta mid f Engelhardt, F.. Joe Koza, W.D. honor wore a quaint frock of turquoise Leary, H. E. Lersch, G. E. Ludwig, blue taffcta witlï maize acapssoïries. She MriLycery cCfrey, E. carried Pernet roses and baby's breath. J. McArdle, P. J. McGuirk, A. C., Miss Emma -and Miss -Frances, -as Ohlendorf, B. F., Patterson, Carl bridesmnaids, wore maize gowns of thé^ Schroeder,, J. H. Walker, W. H. saine pattern and material with blue, Wolff, A. W. Boylston, Harry Day- shoes and mitts. They had armn- îes, W. A. Draper, Edwin L. Georger, guets of Hoover roses and baby's Marshall Kearney, William Krippes, breath. Geoge Luridy, 1larry McDernmott, Frank Meter, William Mooney, John The bride wvas gowned in ivory satin Pahînian, Alfred Rohol, Albert, Staîl, nmade along simple lines and wore a, Edwin Vogt.. veil of draped tulle, fastened at the. Tetocmîteshv ln neck with a cresc entof orange blos- Th w omtes av pln sons. Her bouquet was a louee col-' or a rummnage sale in October and onial corsage of white roses, white are asking aIl club members for worn sweet peas and lilies-of-the-valley. cohnfriue okadsos Theodore Mayer of 'Cambridge, Ohio attended Mr. Bean as best man. Donald Choose Atteàdants for E. Bailey of Kokomo and Ralph Put-N il nFi W dd g nain of Wilmette served the groom as elo-i W din ushers. The other ushers were Adel- Miss Margaret Alice Neilson of Ev- bert Ruder, Howard Brown, ahd, Eu- anstoh and John Leonard Fix, son of gene Frank, ail of Evanston. Mr.--Bewn--Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Fix of .304 Raleigh nanied as honorary ush'ers, Prof. Har- road, Kenilworth, have decided to have oldi A. Ehrensberger of Evanston, Paul five attendants at their wedding on Sat- MacChesney of Rochester, N. Y. and urday, September 12. Mrs. William Kenneth Van Blaricoin of Fort Wayne. R. Abbott, Jr,. of Evanston is to be After the ceremony, a reception for matron of honor and Mrs. Ballard. relatives and 'friends was held in the Higbee of Xinneètka bridesmaid. Fred> church parlors. Xjiss Anna Margaret W. Fix, jr.. of Chicago is, to, serve as Stanseli1 and Mrs. Walter N. Pilgrim best man and. Donald MCGi11 of Wil-ý poured., mette and MXarshall Spies of -Chicago The bride wore a traveling suit of 'will usher. black crepe with vermillion'and white* The ceremony will take place at 4:30 trimtning and black accessories. The o'clock in the afternoon in the Lady. bride and bridegroon departed immedi- chapel of St. Luke's church and the ately on a motor trip to northern reception will f ollow at Shawnee Michigan, where they will spend some Country club. Miss Neilson's brother, turne at Lake Gogebic. Upon their re Frederick D. Neilson, will give her in G «est of Honor Garden Club Spea Miss Margaret Callanen, 444 EIder The Kénilworth Gardc *lane, Winnetka, entertained Tuesday meet at the residence of afternoon at bridge ani a personal 1). Launder, 230 Oxford *shower in~ honor of Miss Susai worth, on Fridav afternoo( * Conl of Wilînette, whose, engage 4. Arthur Palingren wi nient has been announced. -Nw Shrubs' club will ad, Keni!- September speak on L11411 11411 it LUIIUil A s A C4L11J11. To Meet at Shawnee Thé Northwestern chapter of Delta Delta 'Delta *W'il1 give a, swimming party and a teaat Shawnee Cou'ntry. club,,Friday.afternoon. Unel~ I4IaKai. lim ,311 netkaà on the eveningi at 8 o'clock Therev Marie Griffith will c esting style show disl fali and winter' fashi( models. mndan roaci, W in- ofSeptember 11, eill-15è'cards and oniduct an inter- Jaying the latest ons on. attractive -s