ILeague to Have Luncheon Meet- I ings at Wccks': Committees Arrangîng Actîvîries clîaîrnîcîtille ctins iel. lic f o: hiwilijgw-k N *.Arthuor Ix.~2 I~ii rv * Xibî~-îte cli irîan i I tlla hia c hc iiit-- li e ~ îul ( e it li a 1 1 :30>obik *~ ~ ~ D, Kii î eîî Iiiiiiîî2211 lier 1lii 'lie on \\ïthîe-d;î,a firl At 1 ~.t\îat i aiI1 11 an t tefi i id ýt 't- a i lie Hie fir-, 'I1 tiil. i li- ~I -' îîîde ii]-i le cars, (ifi iîlî s. 'Plie 1)1,(g 1;îîîun b ail ,, n.(x'i p;rtogî-aîîî sýe aliîdli-rci -t ;iii i Nirs. (O)'-rI l t-li ha\e u \\() l u mi1 w~it h t lieir etil.Il n 1 tee ir 9~l 2? ' 111ilîibur oi ucthratt-cl spe;kei: -s Ilsted. . Thueîr sllIj(.Ct, arc' m te: t iosaN-Conceru wnîîîlit t li (laîviIl fe. stîcli asIlivinig' ensî. stc l.hvgliî.e, l'ie' îîatî*-r (f eiceîyauil mle tfciîcvIIC\Ilgovermimîent. Thîis -ear Ithe Ieagiire\allida.',' it- ings are to Iw hîeld ;Il Wecks', 1121) Central avenuîte. b on if ils Central locationimi ad th(,e tve , it ) f ,0f çÇ05 the s o i1a1 c o 1n1it t ç,e in -s er v 1til. i lunicheons. 'Theliluîchîeois a reC. f0 li,Ï iinoderate ]iliprice. so fiat aHIl mc-, bers %vill be able- îî attend ai id t,-) briijngiiuests, requeiitlv, Thîe league plans a vear of.service to li cmm N. ' ad invites .al woiiî lîo ave . lot joiîîed f0 get In toîîch \ith li e inlrlipcar J man, NIrs. Kiniîear. I/r -. I', N - \*. î.î Cîo S P1(-ý <"<it o i;(Il în-îsIm(1 hi c"e i! Ili/nî!h. ~ hilî tS 22, li li ie'etîîg;d2 ii1ock xvit I S. n.h î ' iî -ea i tc tiî , iit. a MI s 1ier! tSîii lie ccoipaîs n ia PW>. i kI ~ie.drarîî aIic 1rea(ltr' aild ai o b 'e the rograuî. NIrs .Ar lîtrloxtop, MIrS. F. J ()elericil, Mrs. Chiarles l3arton. xMrs. \\Veudeiliin Scug, M rs. \Walter Ialnl Mrs. Louis Cruih, NMrs. J. Venlîaleîi. Arc. klxwar(l Kirclîberg, anI Mrs. 1-1- J. Cumnecn ,will be liostesses fon the imeeting xvhîcr ullbe-1heMlf intlue large audtitoriumî of thie wilmette. Judges in Flower Showo Mrs. .J. Beuitoiî Schatilb . Wal- fer rakand .Mrs. \V. G. NlitcheIl. ni einh)e rs tof the Xiiuefte -Gardei cili. were judges at the Foxver sliow given. Friday, .Septetubeýr 11, giveii by Lincolinwood Garde:i chlb of FEvaîîs- tou. NMrs. ,Scliatih gave a talk 011 the R~elations to Ali 1T le date of the first lecture of the * stdy cou)irse o f four lectures oni initernlational relations to lie giN-en this fail hy Louise Leoriard \Vriglît ( NIrs. _Qîîincv Wright ), jresident of thie Cook Couinty Leaguie of \Vonîeii \'oîers wan dclitor oi the 'llîîîoî \'oC la* heeâ, clangze(lto 1011- d#a. O(ctober 5. The~ four talks vviP. caci be, givcn in "de First Coîîume- gational claurcli of \Vil;uue at 1lu:A, WilCk in the niorning. The dates of tuie otiier tliree are October 19. Nol- venilber 2, and Novicenîer l(6. (OniDe- ýenî1ber 2, at the jiint mieetig onf th Craiue- of 1cnîen Noters and th.-' \Nlnian\ club, 'Mrs. Wright will gilve a, talk on ".Chancves fo)r the .1932 Dýis- arniaîneîît Con ferenice" at the. Won- sclub). Thle lectutres are given ii i(Cr 1the ansi ijes of the coi'ulnit! ce on init er- na ciia ' oleratitin of tiie \Viliîette neof \Vknen\oter7s, o f x ici; Ni rs SIîllby Siîgletoîî 1is claitimnj. verv ioi niaIfee is cliarget(L !ni - bers oî thîe !cagne and a sliulît- !~ grfce is cllar%ýddnn-eb Tickets mx beoldiaincl frîu Irs Sitgleoj()rtri "1u lier co-cIair't Il. N1r-. Raîpli PotIer. Nirs. r ltis thedc iagiter of lits r.f erbert (Y I:ceonrdÉ lié flrit iiress(lpt os thfli n Viians so)Clbof \-V'ilnîeîîe. id tithe late 1Rev. fier. hirtLeert l irierl\,1îat4 r oi the Eîrt N eti«l~t -lurch of Willîîette. 1 fer h sadis ait authority on so- cial s"cienIce aItlihe Uni-ersitv of ( 'hi- cago. Nirs. Wriglît graduated front hie Unh-ersitw of Miniiesota. She has travel .(lwidely. Evening Garden Club Ha -s Lectures and Exhi bits, Thîe .vening, Garden chlb of XW!, Cette held iA regular niéetipg Tuée- Aay, eveniîîgof *last Nweek. ,The at- tendlance w-as . nof as large. as usqaL owing f0 the intense lieat of the day. ulevertlîeless if proved a niîost inter- esting session. Mi s*s Aime Wlîitînack descrihed lier tnp f0 the gardiens of Hamnpton /côturt. ait account which hleld interest to thle en&. Miss Laura Davv told. at to (Io in raisin- Talented Members of Club in Opening Musicale; Club Lists New Officers 'lie Ntirtl S horé MnIsician is*cu heM ifs tirst meeting of thlie ' IVear a t tlhe honie of' -Mrs. C. P. Duhbs. 1004NI chiail avenue, \Vilînetfe, on 1,itiesla\-. Septembher 15. 'Mrs. Erlnar Akelv, -Miss Frances And(ersoti, aîîd Nî,rs. C. C. Carniahaîî vere assistîii- A relightftil progirani xvas giveiî bv the folloxving niemibers <'.raite..................rauuv NIîiut........ .......1). Sca~rattit tl-lFleîîtyt' 14i ust-lîeî- lvlzer . Itg-- u-hi f1tinlîIta I lîiîig;îr-a (iî~ît- Itlni alla zi4ltFeî).l î l 1.%.i j R a)S-Iituellte du Ft-u Wini îre-d'o-ntid r- f'reluide-a nid lFugue- 'MiiC . A pig e R a l 1 .. . . . .i ih v Co tx'('rdts' Le j'.iir . loch thlFln t Ye NIi,,s Flçnty\e lias splt the pîast -vcar at Fontainîebleau, France, sttîdv- iii, ou1 a sclîolarsliip (o-ffered by) vtîje- Jtîillard School of Miisie. anîd " club )feels hoîîored,' if anlotnîces, - fo Iiave lier witl i't, a,,s se was oie of thle charter meuH ers -andl alva vs 2,ye a pro)grani. at Icast. in nanjt. xvhushé j5is i Wlnette. VPie new officers for the comilîg, year arc,: dNr.s.. Dorofliv W'ing Nfacalc\% honorary pr esideuïtMai Mol1011Pettiholne ofý Evaniston, pre4i- dent , Dorothv Cordts of Xilniiette, vice-presi(lent :Elizabeth ElnglisIî o'; \Viliiîetfe, prograni chairman; ai Ruthi of Cti icago. secretary; Nar- garet Geppert of WIimetttesrr Carol vi Fuerniaut of \V7]imette, social and puiblicitv' v clairruan : eîviv Ilorw-eeîîof \Vilmette. biiiifrsi cliairimaît Directôrs are Elizabeth Weixe! of Chicago, Vesta Simpnson (-)f l. %vr Vule ains. Mrs. .Perc-v H-. Arden, 722 Washi- ington av'enîue, \\'ilnîiette, Ilidiani welfare. Mrs. John C. Singleton. 827 Wa'.slî- ingtonOstreet, Evanston, initernational relations. Mrs.. George E. Qrr, '755 'Grove Street, Glencoe, literature. Mrs., George H. .Beaudin, 726 Elrn-m ý"ll Ceubuî' omieîî." Northî shore Womiei wlîo are offic-- ,ers of the teîîth district are. besides the .president,,-Mdrs. A. WV. Boylston,. 220 Broadvvay avenîue, XVilmiette, treasprer-, and Mrs. Harry S. Crad!le of.Highland.( Park, Lake county presi.- dent. ciel ilwer. .ntogetn-er it was a verx' pleasant and instructive eveniîîg.> The Eveniîîg Garden club of WTiI- mette annouinces t h a t it lias tIie hionor of îavinig Tlls, Jenseîn as ani honorary nmember. He is * rkin witb he'Cclub on a plan tf0 beautif57 diffecrenit.sectionis of Xilmette. \Vh li kass Wile the'lýenjtispBoil1.,, MiSS Norlîjue .Mî"1viIIll w-il!l preseiut agIroup of sanigs. Thle Chicago circle is th e city or- gaîlzation of the Internatioinal Fed- eration of Catholic Aluminae and it, foIllows-the programi of the three de- partments of eclucafioîî, social service,- aditrature of fth' e eatiqn..