Evenings Durin g Weeu Doors Openi 1: 30 k Doors Open 6: o-Show St<u'ts 7 P- M. Show Staffs at 2 P. nm., Continuons TONIGHT. FRIDAY anid SATURDAY "TM vKNG ~tr FRISSÈLL SEAL HUNTING EPIC SatsThur., Fr1. "7:55;. 10:00;Sait. 2:00; 4:7 1:14; 8:21; '10:28 "THEri WITCH DOCTOIR'S1 MAGIC" ADVENTURF.S IN AFRICA Comedy - Terry-Toon- News SaLt Mat. Prfres te 1:00 P.M.-Aduilts 30e; Cihrna al times l0t RUTH CHATTERTON and RALPH BELLAMY Start's Sun. 2:20; 1:20; 6:20; s:*20; 10:15; Mon. "4:40; 9:40 Slim Sunmerilite Comedy Bruce Scenle - ews TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 22-23 "TEE mmPUBLIC ElENT" JAMES'CAGNEY and JEAN HARLOWE Starts both tays '7:10; 9:45ý (omeily - portlght - News- THURSDAY, FRIDAy a&nd SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24-25-26 (Twîn Feàfures) "mwEEPSTAKS EDDIE QUILLAN and MARION NIXONý "&GOLDIE" SPENCER TRACY - JEAN HARLOWE Rosco A tes, stritterer of stuittere'rs, looks as though h.e's -dbout ready to srat;in»er his opinion of Marie Dressler and PolIy Moran for causing h-im to lJse Ais .nuch needed rest. The sc-ete is from"P1 ic,ý dramr#ic lau g/i riot, sclied « ded for the [Vilmette theater fivc days, Simday to Thurs- dai, ielduisize, Scpternbcr 20-24. 1Wilmette Theater A Has Famous Duo BILLO.-FARE I in " olites" iotThursJay, September.17 Politics, which brings Marie Dre's 1 The -V"[kng--.-. -Teatro del L ago l er to the WVi1mette theater five da» . re Su" Vimet Suniday to Thursday, inclusive, Septem- reSu"Wlet .ber 20-24, in lier first picture as a fui!- Friday, Septeunher 18 fledged star, is unique in that it gives "The V-ikinig"........ Teatro del Lago. ilher equa! opportunit sacmdene *'Chances"..Wlet and as a draniatic actress. 'In it she -Trade Horn" Comimunitv House k-ies laughs as in "Reducing" .nd StraSpobr1 Cati-lt Short" and at the sanie tîme -T he Viking". . Teatro del Lago rises 'to dramatic heighits as in "Anna - Daddy Long Legs" .....Wilmiette !'i Cristie" o'inand Bill." "Trader Horn". .Commnintv - use The new picture is a comedy draina Stiday, Septeniber 20 of political 1 1f e T ne Magnificent Lie"', Miss Dreý sier plays ... Teatro del, Lag3) a housev'ife who, .,................WilneU goaded to action by » Monday, September 21 conditions in her "The Magnificent Lie" home towi ruis for Tetr elfaý mnasor, organizes \\'Poite" Iltnette the women's vote '*Tod, -TusdySeptember 22 * Jackte Coi Ednund Lý lIT THE CLO('K" V OF' LIFE" ER 0F TRIE flRA(.E.>N'p MARY ANI'." *Clive Brook and Peggy Shannon Warner Oland C2onstante Bennett Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrel her retliatio by caling th *o -e 9i -ti,*Yjuiè; liuLe ktin -nances." berrealatin y aIlngth wmeno Janet Gaynor and Warner Baxter* are the town out on strike agaiflst their seen in a return engagement of the de- husbands, and the arguments between light fui romance, "Daddy Long Legs,".. herseif and Miss Moran. at the Wilmette thea-ter on Saturday. "Vienne". Nights" Ahend Septemnber 19. At the Saturday mfatinlee On Friday and Saturday, September only, a 'chapter of the seriai, "The 25. and 26, the Wilmette, theater will Vanishing Legion,-wiIlbehw.