Rates- 1 cents a line lni one papér. 25 cents a.Unls n any two.papers. DOLLAIL Average 0f five words to the Ilne. No black face type used. 16% diseount, on ail caàb wltb i der advertisemnents whea brougbt to our, sUe at 1$82 Centrali Ave., Willnette, or 941 Lîneoin Ave.,, Wlngetkt tor Inerti lajslfted advertlsernents wlll be ac- soscepted up Ito Tuesday. 9 ociock for tb. WILMETTE LIFT, or. ail. thiree papers.; Wednesdar 9 o'cloek for -the WINNETK& TALK and Thursday 5 o'ciock for the GLEgNCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilimette 4360, Wlnnetka 2000. Greenleaf 4300, or Sheidrake 5687. D UILPOING AND CONTRACTINO 41 SITUATION WANTZD-FEMALE CARL BEN4JSTON EFFICIENýT - HELP CARPENTER AND BUILDER GENEnAL % i' REMODELING AND REPAIRING Swedish girl 24 yrs. a yr. reference. PHONE WINNETKA. 2480 Ir'ish girl 27 yrs. '4 yr. reference.. 8LTN44-ttce Germait girl 27 yrs. 3 yr. reference. __________________________________Hungaýrianh girl 26, yr. 4 yr. referenée. B3ohemiiangirl 22 yr. 2.yr-. referene.ý * MUINEE SERICEPhiiiuino A-i cook. Loc.ý.al ref. AiU Klnde o0f Carpenter W ork Don.e erl good teo.oks. JOHN BOESCH S«dSECONDl "0- CI 4AMB ER.f Ph.Wllmette 2165 .wds il*0y.4y.rf Ph. 6-f ri-4h girl 3 yr. 2-yî'. ref. _________________________________ -_ '-man girl 27 -r. -r. rf NURSE MAI105 1l DREMSMAKING [EnIg!lih girl 4.7)yî*s. 12 yrs. N. S. r, f. DRSSAKR AN -)ýrmnan girl 35 yrs. 7 yrs. refe-re2ne. E XP E -ý,T DIZ-S-MKE11ANgirl 28 ys. 9 yrs. Wnek tf household sea#n.stress willi work in, Freneh girl .30 yrs. 1.8 Mg. ref. your home by the day. Ph. Wiliiettf- Eniglish girl 33 yrs. 5 yrs. ref. 1511 ILTN 20-î1ti> Ail rt.-ferences on file. -1 . tri. Minneýk«a 2662ý MI.çSS .. OLAND, DRESSM'%AKING AUI 'AGNIrS and alterati-tils il) your iown home by 4 North Shoîrt- Offices experienve-d dressamaker. Ph. XiI- 4 1LTNZî4- 1tc miette 65q. 1IILTN2'O-tfd- 14 ORDENNG fEXPERIENCED HELP t-an coo msa ny 043~Jinin. OCI S CnietCJ Good cleaner. Phone Oakland 2246. 41LT20-ltp HIGH;I SCHOOL GRADUATE %%OULDý rlike position in doctor's office. Ref-ý erence.s. Ph. Wilmetýte 621,. - 41LTN-2O-lnc WA NTED - BY EXPERIENCED Norwegin oman,. washing, ironing aýnd cleaning or. wlll do, washing at home. Ph. Wilmette 1987. 41LTN20-lnc N E A Tý COLORED )M4%AID WANTS generai housework. Good cook. N. S. refs. Experienced. Englewood 7281. 41LTrN2#m-tpý WANTED- WASHING, IRONING., cleaning by the, day by experlenced Swedish woman. Ph: Wilmette, 481. 41LTN20-1tnc I WISH TO PLACE MY COLORED miaid in good famlly. Wiii give excel- lent -references. Ph. Davis 8246. 41LTN2O-ltp 4 OOKING AND FIRST7 FLOOR WORK, by middle aged woman .S.rfr-, ences. Winnetka 230. 4ILTN;20O-ltcl WATE -LAUNDRY TO'TAKE! hcime. Excellent wor)tk-rea.sonabl, priècs. Ph. Wilmlette ".73. 4IL'1N20-Inc CO)MP. LADY WOULD IIKE WASH-, ing to take home or day work. Ph. Wilmette 11814 or 7»0. 41LT. -- -<'04)K OR EXPERIENCED LAUN-ý dr~.N. S. ref. Cali atfter 5 P.M-N., Davis ,'45i9. 41LTN,240-ltp COLOtEDGIRýL, EXP. INX IIUSEi ivork. and coinlg, desir es po(Sitioni. Pli. G c-enlu f 9:l!. 4 i 'P2(fltt i.~X.T>DDIt'VC'LUs 'r 'J D T e 'i' litA %7'PC FOR SALE ANbether ephomnentserief. h typing to do at home or 'ut y9ur - Perennials 5-10-15 cents each. Shrubs for Nofrth eShor omes. fesigte. ice. Plh, W%ýilm-ette 85-2. 41L"È12)-n- haif price. NRf~ncsprO CARGylnEtltd.. N-îc J. OSTROWSKY . OChRE 'MPETENT COLORE)pIý) WM 2343 Ws akAe ihadPr TO EMPLOYERS cleaning or laundry. Best ,S ref. Wet ar Ae.HihlndPak elephones Phone Winnetka 2886. 41LTNi-t Phone Hlighland Park 49 Wlnri. 2662, Davis 7777. Hlghid Pk. 2520:ý . N j0-. 14LTNI18-tfec PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCIES 1. EXPýEUýIENCED INIS WMA 748 EIm St. 634 Davis St. 8 North 1st, watshousewo-(rk. RJefer-enes. Ph. is INSTRUCTiON Wlnnetka Evanstün HlgId Pk Wilmtette 440)5. 4iLTN21-t, 'Ut '~'rii> ..~T A1W-t l> ~I.~.T 5'î ~4HLM tfe _ ___________________ to givt- jaldy itssoný i n fret-. wheei driving. Naslh car. Addres> Wilnette Life B-lUS. Wilmiette. 15L,2i-ltc' As. 1 AM GIVI. eager to) fiîîd whoidv ilido2 17 INTERIOR DECOMATING i'>nieie faidy lier both a s t UPHOLSTERING - WORK DONE IN I of work. Mi-,. your home. Davenpo)rt rewebbed, $5; ka 320. chair rewebbed, $3;. 6 dlining chairs! réoovered èonmplete for $9è. Hand 4eane R E L 1 AtB LE ing. Address'this papeýr. Bo)x 40. B-100. . ants^ housý willlmettp. 171bTN20--'tlp mlotherless i>) TT Can rake ful 85. . PET$ * chikirenr, can RETRIIEVE'R PUPPIES FQR $SALE. eçs h i Hait Amnerican ciirly c.oated , lhaitLab- SITUATION WV rador. Should ruake éxvellent hunting cook, experier dogs. 8$95. 43 Loust lRd.; Winnetka. day work. st 26lTN20-2tpI McCollis~ter. Y 8SK *~1q AA~1-M V ELV LLI WANTEJJ 'TO BUY-USED )C[OTHIl MNonday and: iihg, shots., Phone or wr ' te Martin, woik. Splendic 728 Cu.ster, tvanston,1Uni. <0347. ored. ]Žbolle - . 33LTN'19-8tc XILÂC(_K 'u1UD ON SEAL' COAT, SIE 4OMPETE'NT 36, good condition. Winnetka 129. t'ke ci1re of '3Lt>-îilt»i "a'cenlts »er Mke and buIst and 2md 1norgages. seeretary ln Il EVANTON OND & jWJ. CO..siaati fa~i-ly.. 61 Goe t CCenla 5 '-' Box l.i) hnome o tis î>rkt5.f Rr asonabl-ele 5alary. I>hon&es nnf ta 1394 (BoRE0F SMy metTteltc1Lwe7444. a 4 sorui NwAirDFEAL E. 4.OR [NG LP 'MY HOME A-M 1position for i' my maid 2nd. or general work lu: She is thoroughly ex - I canh ighiy, recomnniend o characteî' and îîuality G. huajs, 1Ph. Wininet- GEU ,M A N WOMAN ýkeetpi:ng po>sitio>n for me:iý -r ecou»Ite nt.l)lc)Yed. Drexel .L CHILDRrN, NEAT 'or week. Good home tV ieh* . '%- . S, *J. t Ph. CALL PAULINE'S FOR EFFICIE-NT Winnetka '1200. , 41LTN"2-tp domnestlc help, references personally investijated, over ; 5.000 homes. secure YOVNG GIRL 18 WISHES CARE 0F help from ourý 4 :Çorxth '3hore'Officei.. children or light housewoi-k. Ph. Drex- 14o charge to employer. 4ILT.N2-tc el 7997. . 41LTN20-ltp. TWO IIICH SCHO)L GRSWL care for children evenings. Ph. Ken-, ii-worth 1146. 41LTN',2o-itc 42 -8ITUATION WANTED>-MALE EýXPERIENCED.-YOUNG ,MAN wants general housecleaning, -wýind>wi washiîîg, laridscaping, etc. caa driv .e car, %vill w>i'k steady. Best of rfr ences. P.Wnek 37 2T2-n M-ANTED POSITION AS BUTLER.I,: Wire good cook. kiusbafld hous and chauffeur. -N. S. refs.. Wini 779.43LT.N COUPLE. - .IFE AS band as ichauffeur and Keystone 0349. MAID, HUS- miechaii. Ph. 43LTN20-t> WANTED -j EXP. ýGIRL F OR GEN. work. N'lo chii-dren. First -class N. S. re«. Sa!. $15. Ph. Wiimette 2200. 4ILTN20-ltc OLDER 1HIGH S STUJ ge-nera a vw North Shore homes, W Pauiine's 7148 Elmi St. T OR to $i0 ýka 2662 'N20-1te 48' -FOR SALE-AUTOS FOR SALE - MODEL T 1927, FORD; Tudor Sedan - Good Cond. Patil Mos- king, 818. Park Ave.4J Wilimette. 48L20-ltpý f I f I f t f I t il 4?..i.N2U'Itc 'SITUATION WANTED COLORED couple - ýwomnan experienced c '0k. nian retined chauffeur. and houisenman. City and Winnetka refereflce. 5 years. Cail Winnetka 31-5. 43LTN20-1lp SWEDISH COUPLE WIsHES PO- tion. Çlusband chauffeur. housemlafl. garden work. Wife general housework. good plain cook. Reliable. Good ref. Phone Winnetka 3687. 43LTN20-i ti COUPLE WANTS POSITION EN PRI- vate family in N. S. home. :9 years 'In one place. Ph. Drexel 6234. 43LT.N2-t CALL PAULINE'S FOR HIGH -CLASS couples. Winnetka '2.662. 4 North Shore offices. 43LTN20-itc POSITIONS OPEN' Cook, must be A-i , -$ 2 5 <Oooking, 1.9t Flooir . .. $22, 12.general position$si1 ,, general positions . . .. l15, 2 Second positions $11S i Second 'position .$15 1 Nurse .. Many other.s. PAULINE'S A C 48 Mini inta26 44L1'N20-ltcý M-ANTEI) -YOUNG, EXPE.R. WHITE girl foi. guneral hiouework ýFamlly 2 adults. 1 ch-Iild, and baby. G4 u.i wag.ý, Private roomn and 'bathl. 1.efer. r-eîiuired. Pho-ne Winfletka 1573, 44 LTN2)It (_1 I:R L,. WIIITÉ, FOR GIEN ERAL housework. This position, will appe i1 to one se-ekingý a good homie. $S t.> $10). Ref. Phone G;lenýoe15. 44LTN20)-lto CO-LLýEGE GIRL OR -WOMAN WITII social or club contacts. Artistic, in- teresting, profitable aid flot confinfling wvork. Ph. Wilmietté, 650 for- appoint,- ment. .44LTN20-lt4. LADY WITH GOOOD C-ONNE('TION t-i Clubs and Societ.y Circle can niiki gùiod imoney!. No selling-no loss of tirne. W-rite B-181, Box 40, imte 11h 44LT1-ltpý 1WHITE.- GIRL, GENEPSbL !OUSE work, Protestant. References > r- quiredý. No laundry. 47 Indian. Hill rd, Winnetka 2965. 44LTN20-Itpý 7 11. .: 1 -'.. 4 1. ir h i ý -1