be mnade thereto until aIl of the bonds herein authorized to be 'Issued shall have been paid ln full, both principal and interest, or unles . and until pro-. visions shall have been made for thie payment of ail bonds and interest there-~ oin ln full;, and the Village further covenants and agrees With the holders of said bonds to maintain in good con- dition and. continuousiy operate said waterworks. systeni. Section 12. Provisions or this ordin- ance shall constitute a contract between the Village of Wilmette and the holders nt the bonds herein ýauthorized to be issued,. and, after thé 'iÉsuance of the bonds, no changes_ additions or altera- tions of any klnd shall be made ln any manner, except as herein provided, un- tiI sueh time as al of sald bonds. issued. hereunder and the ifiterest thereon. shal he*pid ln full, or unléss and un- tii provision shall have been made for. the payment of ail bonds, and -interest thereon ln full. Section 13., That -the proceeds of said bonds hereby authorized derived froni the sale, thereof shall be* used for im- proving and extending the watework.Q sy»tem 0of the Village. of Wiîmiette as follows, to witt Intake ........... ..............$ 75,000 Intake Wel'..............13,000 Pumfping StationBidig .75,000 Pumplng Equipment ... 27,000 Electrical (Coitroi 1Equipinent ... 1,00 Gasoline Engiue Gene1fator.. 8,000 Filter Plant Structures .... 143,000 Piplng and Filter .Equipment . 90,000 Connecting M«ains 4,000 ContIngencles ....51,000 Engineering............ 3,0 Interest during. Construction 60,000 Total, Cost .......... $600,000 ail in1 accordance .wlth plans and specifications therefor, prepared for that purpose, now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open 'te the inspec-, tion of the public. Section 14. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this ordinance shall be held invalid, the lnvalidity of such section, paragraph, clause or pro-' vision shaîl not affect any of the other provisions of this ordinance. Section 15. That sald water revenue bonds shall be advertised for sale in such manner as the governing body sh»l hereafter determine, provlded, however, that the selllng prive of any of. such bonds shahl be sucli that the interest cost of theé money received from sucli bond ,ale to the Village.shaîl net exceed six ber cent (6%)0 perannum, cornputed to mariturityi. accordlng -te, standard tables of bond values. Section, 16. That prior, to the actual issue and delivery of any of such -bonds to a purchaseYi, the President an& Board' of Trustees of said Village shall adver- tise and receive bids for the building of such watir minnlvstern nd o f *the. votrs of said Village, is :filed with the Clerk of said Vilage, telegislatve election ln the. manner provided by iawv to vote upon sucli question. If ih ap- pears that a niajority of the voters votlng upon such question at such eler- tion vote lu favor of imprýoving and ex- tending the presently owned municipal waterworks systemn by the building nf a wvater supply system and the issuance of the bonds berein provlded for, then this ordinance shahli e in. fuhi force and, eftect, but If a, majority or, the votes cast are against the improving and extending of the' presently nwned municipal waterworks -systemn and the Issuance of bonds therefor, then said Village of Wilmette . shahl proceed no further under this ordinance. PÀSSED by the President andIl3oard of Trustees of the Village of Wllmette on the 1Sth day of September, tA. D 1931,ý and deposited and filed -lu the office of the Village Clerk of said Vil- lage this l5th day of September, A. D. 1931. LEA J. ORR Village Cle7rk APPROVED by the President of the Village of. Wilmette this l5th day of Septeniber, A. D. 1931. ATTE8T- LEA J. ORR Village Clerk PUBLISHED on the l7th day C. P. DUBBS President of the Vil- lage of Wilimette. lun the Wilmette Life of September, 1931. LEA J. ORR Village Clerk L20-lte First Presbyterian Woiman'is club Greenleaf avenue and Tenth street Church, ofrîce-State Bank building Teléjphone Witmette .64 and 688 Sunday, Seîtember 20, at the niorn- lng worshilp hour, 11 o'clock, Commun- ion ofi the Lord's Supper wili be ob- served. Services will bec.conducted by the Rev. Selden L. Tlaynes, D.D. Sunday 'school at 9 :30 a. n. We invite eilidren flot enrolled in.,Sunday. school to become nebr of our Prayer meeting next .Wednesday it 8 P. m. The place of mneeting ýto be' announced from the pulpit. HowelI Neighiborhood House aux il iary memiberships ýreceived during Septemiber by Mrs. W.. G. Colvi or Mrs. David P. Moreton. Bundle caipaign September 22- ~October* 5---Chicago Christian .Industrial prograni. for~ Sunday, Sep- » anda wlmei newapa.pers publisheg eral circulation ln .mette. aud if no po tbe Cérk of said jatter provided, ýwit ordinance after Its val by the President once lu the Wil nete te Announcemenlts, ed and having a gen- the Village of Wil- ,etition l8 tlled'with .Village, 'as. herein-. tin twenty-one* (21) The subject of D~r. Wilett's sermon for the il o'clock service wtll be "A Japanese Prophet." The Sunday school has reopened for the season and mneets eaci Sunday morning at 9 :45. There are classes and departrnents for al ages. Thé work of the Women's Guiid will begin ýwith a lunoheon meetingý at 12:30 .m Kalpla CGammna sorority. -o-- The Cliftonl L. Keitbis are back in their homne at 222 Ninth street, after 9pending. the, summer at their-place, "'Keith's Cliff,"'at Hazèlhurst, Vs Mrs. Bruce P. Owens, 714 Elinwood avenue, and ber daughter, Mary Por- ter Owens, hav.e returned. frôni a va- cation spent in Denver, Coloy. -o-- WNendell Keith. 222 Ninth street, a junior at the University of 111liiinois, bas returîied to school. $~ Mathew Francis Photo * Thi.t peach tr-ee was itile larger thaet a shrub four years aqo, zwhen iI&. and Mfrs. Eugiee.A. Pj eifer 'mot'ed to their Presentresidenice ati 115 Third strect, Wimete.T/ trce, about seveit years1 old, is 'now 25 cet tali oand u'as so heavily laden witli fruit thais ummer_ that. it wa.s ,wc.Çan t jro/' up the branches. Allowved to grw atutrai/y and without prioli 'ii, the trec hias developéd syl)ziietrically afnd is one. of the beauties, of the, attractive garden at thle Pleiffer home. TO , lliss &CH IN1 .tty Biesel ENTERTAIN direction. of Patricia Waliiut avenue, a