THE NEW SPEEDWAY .Washing Tire Service Gireasing WSLRVTT DATTER 740 -Twetfth Street Wilmette 691-696 28X4.75-11.6 29 X.00-19 59 3ùx3½ ýFe1 equaiiy Iow __ _ ___ a i -Whatever you do, DON'T FORGET September ;s a fickle month. .*Even i the Weather Man will cross màking a forecast. THIS bsfingers when There is one thing certain, however-colder wo.ather is nof. far away. Don't let the season's first storm catch you with an empty fuel bin. Phone us to dflver your coal or coke now.. Remmte,,r you talc. no chances when you buy GUARANTEED COAL. It 'means satisfaction or your money back. I GUARANTEED COAL FUEL 0OIL SOLVAY COKE D)E. LIV1 E R Y YARDS COsum ers ompanfy; SI ý A-LL ÔOVE -R THE NORT-R WILMETTE 1300 WINNETKA 3385 GLENCOE.75 SHO RE DIS TRI Phil H. Braun. Carl L. Braun Telepho.nes Winnetka .3020-3021-3022 Robt. F. Doopel, I CT