Strictly Fresh EG S,32 LEGS 0F SPRING LAMB, lb. BEFPOT ROAST,25 lb. ... . . P ORK LOIN. ROAST, SHOULDER:VEAL ROAST,28 1b. ....................... FRYING AND, ROASTING S CHICKENS,, lb. -.350 SPRING DUCKS,3 e S lb. ....... 3 0 HILLS BRtOS. COFFEE, LAESPECIAL FOR FRIDAY LK.SUPER IOR WHITE I S H l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . àPERCH, lb. . SELECT OYSTERS,0 quart ... . FRESH HALIBUT,32 When it cornes frorn "Pearson's" it's the best W. Deliver to Wîlett, Knilworh, Winuietka, Hubbard Wood$, Gleucoeë 4La iternJI1. Mrs. John J., Tracey, entering lier regime as our new president, took 'Loyalty" as our miotto for the year., The Rev. Bernard Bradv welcomied the miembers an-d spoke informally. about what constitutes good coopera- tion, and, its resuilts. .Hé especially s tressed the. point of home training anl its effect on ýthe school room. The playlet, "My Son, John,", pre- s .ented by P. T. Ai.rmembers, brouglht enjoynent and thougbt to the, mothers. Some perhaps, returned home with the realizationi that ýtee much mnothering can be as. detriment- al to a child as too. littie. In closing the prograim, Mlr s. Frànk j. Oelrich. effectively read a poemn ini memorial tribute to our deceased vice-president, Mrs. Daniel J. Covne., Thé poem was written by Mrs. Harry H. McIlermott.. BACK FROM EUROPE Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Tilison (Agnes Flentye) and 'their daughteri Sus- anmie, of Evanston, arrived iNe' York yesterday 'on the S. &' St. Louis fromn Dublin, Irelatid. Tbev had been traveling for tivo mnths in 'France, Germany, Switzerland anid England. They willspend a few dlays with Mlýrs.' Tillson's fa ' ily,,thie H. L. Fleiityes, 729 Lake avenue, Wlrt l)efore retturning to their home in, Johni C. O'Connor, son of Nfr. atid Mrs. J. P. O'Connor, 718Elioo - avenute, left on Mondav of last weýk for Kenivoni collgee, Ganibier, Ohio, wherc lie entéred his freshnian vear. Mrs. R. A. Walker of Môtnut Olive, Miss.. and lier son, BilIv, are sp.end- ing about tircee ,v-ecks as, the guest of, tiie'formier's sister, Miss Joc Skil-- more of' 72() Lauirel avenue. club treastire hunt lheld 'at the lib.rary during the past sunmner. Parents are* invited to attend the affair, and thcy turnied ont ini large nunibers., The parents have taken a great.interest in. the reading cluib wNork,, Miss Mary Winner Hughes, children's librarian, states. The children are ,eilually. enthu- siastic and have asked Miss Hughes to organize. a reading club) for the winter nionths. Miss Hughes bas re-, sponded by aiintounýcing that the first mneeting of the Wintcr ]keadiig «club will be held Fridày afternioon of this weekat, 5 o',clock. The Winter Reading club will nieet regularly, each wéek, Miss Hughes states, and will be limaited to pupfils fromi the fifth to c ighthi grades inchi*- .sive. Its programi of activitie.s ill, l)e-somnewhat different from that of the, Summier, Reading club. HOLD, FLOWER SHOW Tlie-J-ifthi and sixth gradfe eidren of the Central school held a flower so'on Septenmber 18 at which the judges were -Mrs. W. F. English and MNrs. E. L. Scheidenhelmi The fol. lovving pupils w-on prizes:, Norman 1 I)eno, Harriette Logerlof. Nancy, Robb, Mý%arie Hardin, Terd Riley, Jane Trimmer, and Elizabeth English'. The flom-er shoiw ývas given for the first timie by the pupils, whose teacher is Mfiss -Matalea Brown. FRATERNITY HOUSE BURNS The Signa Chi house at Dart- mouth college burned t<) the grotid last Tuesday niorning. Rob)ert lli s, ,,01 of Mr. and Mrs. WVilliam. H. Elli1s, S23 Greenwood av-enute, Wilinette. a mlembler of the fraternitv, wvas among the studcetit.s t the house wholio had to juimp from the winclow to safety. CLEANED1R1IUT It is to your advaIntage to1 send yo.ur Oriental and Doniestic rugs and carpets to those. who. specialize in their care. lac. 511. MAIN ST., WILMETTE Save Money Let MISSTY rejuvena.e wr t For Fine Shoe Repairing 1185. WILMETTE AVE-.PonWI.44 Wilmaette 5050Unvriy50 i I xl -s Pkone WIL. 4M4 ,Univèrsity 50501