* "Wee" Joe MacMorran is a prouc .Scot titese days~ and Joe hias reasoi, to smile at the siowinig made by thi * Indian Hill Woni's teain duriing th( e pst season. They won every ntl ~tbey played and made a clean sweeï of the Chicago district iii addition tc twinning thé. Women's Western Goli I ssociation tearn match during tb< cbamnpionsbip .at Exnioor. lIntlîis event tbey Met picked team!ç from.'ail ~i.arts of the country and they hium- ~bled- the pride of. the, West cco)asi à team wbicb, Unitil this .ev ent, lbad iievcr been defeated. - The Indian Hill team ivas com- ..posed of Mrs. Austin Klotz Pardue,, *playing NO. 1; Miss Helen MacMor- ran, at No.,2; Miss Jean Armstrong, .at No. 3; Mrs. C. C. Kendrick., at No. 4, and Mirs. -Pau! G. Chase 'and Mi,. A. B. Bradley alternating at No. 5. Ail of these women makeý their homes in Winnetka and their record bas donc much toward elevat- ing the standards of north shore golf. Mrs. ýAustin Pardue bas a long and enaviable record as a touriiament star and sbe bas one of the flnest golf swings in the country. She lias won practically every western local tatle and the Womien's National chain- pionship is the only title that1bas so, far ben denied bier. - fMisTwo Girl Stars IMisHelen XfacMorran were a boy we'd say she was a* 'Chip off the Old Block," for she bits tbe bal just like Joe and she bias every slot in golf in lier bag and can play thieni f wbcn tbe necessity arises. Miss j Helen is a finished golfer. and lier I "forrn" is aliiost idéal. Miss Nlac- IMorran and lier teaminiate, Miss Jean i Artnstrong, are two of the coning -golfers of the country. Miss. Ari- strong is tic stronger girl. She bhas a beautiful swing. and the power t9, do almost anytbing with a golf club, but so far bas neot taken golf very i.scriou.sly. To the clever. Indian Hill [Miss, goif is just a game and slîe bias so Manty.social aueet tt n- terfere witb bier :practice tat ber f game bas hot rcached its ultiinatc, perfection. Both girls biave records to be proud of and the country will *heir nmore about them l ater'. 1mously elected cliairinan of %vomen's Winnctka', reported good cards. 1golf at. a tropbiy lunchieon held at Many of Illinois' younger golf crs the Wihnette Golf club. The womcn bave returned to college. Josh present paid a high tribute to Mrs. D'Espôsito is back at Harvard, Dick John H. Brôdt, the retiring chair- Cagney bas returned to Notre Dame man. They spoke of :the wonderful and Martin Johinson, Jr., is at Pur-' manner, i whicb she had conducted due. tbe wornen's evetits during the past year, an d1 Mrs. Shipp, in accepting. DAN COYNE A PUTTER tbe office said*, "That she bhopedshe Nine-year-old Daniel Coyne oi would be able to meei the. various Wilme tte is a real goiferý and. lie i.i stiuations as diplornatically and es- already ncarîy as good ýa putter as tâblisb 'as fine a record ýas ber bis dad. "Young Dan" wvas practic- predecessor." The wornmen's. events ing, Suinday and lie showed the writer' for tbe. season closed with a two-day just how to get. the bai1l into, the Cul). medal- play tournament, for Classes He had a long putt to anake and C. and D and this - %as wun by Mrs. t he. best of it was, lie did it. We'll C. R. Williams, of W.ilnîette wvalî keep an, eyeopen for Dan in. a ye-ar two fine cards. of 114-34-80 and or two. 116-34-82. Mss. G.. M. Hunîbleton finisbed second in this2event. The CORMACK WINS AT SKOKIE V~Tlmete ome hve njOL< Ja . C. Cormack of Glencoe is the great golf *year and they are looking nwcapo fteSoi on forward- to next season witb the tycu."e"~a itn i hope of bettering their showing.' sowl n iedfae .H YEGiE WINS AT GLEN VIEW Charles F. Yegge, Jr., lis the niew champion of the Gleii View Country club. The event. vas at fifty-four holes, niiedal pflay, and Yegge scored 76, 74, 79, for a total of 229. Ira' L. Couch finished second witl .231 and Johin Aines wvas third -%ith 233. Tlîis was fine golf and the club bas *a Iyouniger buinch of players like jack Coucli, E. WV. Rodornier, T. Il. Eddy, Jr., and C. Eddyv who Will l)e making tbings interesting for the older crowd ini a year or two. NORTH SHORE NEWS Blow higli or blow low, the North Shore players seemi to shoot the sanie classy golf. Frank WV. Snow, of Evanstoîî, and -R. C. Boozer of- Kenïilworth, tied ini the club handi- c ap) Nvith niet cards of 78 and tbey, also won in Class A in thie sweep- stakes. W.-:C. Haînmiond, 92-14-78 and B. IW. Lync h, of Kenilworth, 94-,14-78, tied in lass B. P.-;P. Merrill, Evanston, 99-19-80 and N. D. Collins of Wvilinette, 101-19-80 werc the winners in Class C, and I. A. 'Carter of Kenilworth, 126-25- Taylor of' Glencoe, 2 up ini 36 holes for the title. A. Joslin of Kenilworth defeated* Bob) Guettier of Glencoe, 3 and 2 in .Class B. The Class C title wvas Won biy G. -C. Kiddoo who defeated E. Holland 6 and 5 and J. C~ Carpenter of Evanston w toni from A. Gray 3. and 2 in Class, D. The putting titie %vas wvon by J. C. Horniung of Glencoe, mIho too k 71 putts for tbiirtyý-six lioles. Corinack, finishied second in this evenit witb a card of 73. J. Robson, 81-10-71 fin- isbed first in the sweepstakes. The othier wner-were Fred XW. Hill, Glencoe, 82-7-75, F. de Beers, Gleri- coe, 87-10-777, H.*XV. Huettler, Glen- coe, 98-18-80, and J. V. *Ratlibone, Kenil'%ortbi, 95-15-80. SHUESLER WINS AT KILDEER Shooting a nice round that totaled 84-10-74, C. R. Sliuesler won the week-end play at thie Kildeer.Coun- try club. H. E. Logan, 86-7-79, fin- islied second.' Shuesler wvon tbe Tail-End' tournarnéit easily and the boys will keep an eye on hiim whien the season opens. with a card of 91. Low net went to Kasmir Palsinski with 115-35-80. Other winners were Roy Bunkowski, Cbuck Guddy, Chester Koziol, Fred Anderson, Johin Drewvniak, Thomas Gandek, Bruno Gilski..,,The boys aIl bad a good time and the tournament will be répeated next year. WOOD VS. PALLETTI. Art Wood and Paul Palletti have wvon their.way to the finals. in the club. championship at Tecbnyr Fields. Woods def.eated Tom Joues 4 an& 3 in the semi-final rounîd, and- Palletti wo . f roni. C. A. Nasbý by the sanie margin., Both of the finalists live ini Glencoe so that town will bave a champion regardless olfwbo wins. HULBERT WINS AT BRIERGATE A. R. Hulbcrt of Kenilworth bad a nice, round of golf at Briergate and> it won him tbe low net tropby for mnembersý on Prize Day. The -Ciass B play resulted in a tie be- tween A. H. Cassell and E. F. FlinuI,ý Jr. E. A. Davis wonî in Class C and- J. ýA. Clark took the least number of, putts. Tom Trea:dwell sbot the best golf of the guests anîd C. Pearl took borne the low net trophy. Th-- eatputts .Vas won )y J., Snydecker and: the 120 inenmbers. and guests who 1were present thoroughly enjoyed tlhe golf and the dinner an-d ent er tain-, mient which followved. Tht professionals put on a little, event of tbieir own; Sain Bernardi shot 33-36-69, Charlie Rouse hiad 34-36-70, and Red Silver equaled Rous' total with a card of 35-35-70, "Red" was playing Ibis first round ivith s'teel shafted irons and hie, savs thev are 0. K. HOPKINS WINS ýC. C. 'leJack" -Iop)kii- of Gle1i Viewv is a real golfer' and. bis gros card of 76 was goo0d.enough to 1Win the General Amiericani Tank Car tournamient at theCherry Hlill Golf club. Jack liad- a fine round of 68 at Exmoor recentlv - and lie is ca- pable of 'very fast golf ivhen righit. golfers should bc proud * - riecord which the Indian i II ,en's team bas made. MRS. SHIPP HJEADS WILMETTE Mrs. Sam W. Shipp :%as vv Cee and Mrs. E CU. oessier of W in-diînner. Charlie Nash said it was, Mrs. Edwin Hedrick, 304 Meirose- shore netka, and a party of guests were the best event of the year and the avenue, Kenilworth, entertained' hcr )f tbe competing in the mixed foursome oficers of the club got a real kick bridge club on Tbursday, Septem- WVoin- events during the week-end and tbey out of it. The winners follow. Blind ber 24. sbared the bonors with Mr. and Mrs. bogey, 88, John Myscka was first. .-o- R. D. Smitb of Winnetka. There Cbarles OIson and N. Schram. The Mrs. ]Frank Ketcham of 40 Devon-. wcre 120 players out Sunday and low gross prize for the day was won sbire lane, Kenilworth, cntertained e J. C. LeDuc,, R.,G. McKay of Wil- by Herbecrt Marsonie with a card of ber bridge club on Tuesday, Septem unani- mette, and Howard Watrous, of 88. Bob. Splitt lîad second low gross 'ber 22.