Rev. Jamesà T. VenelasenAs *sum es Pulpitof Presbyterian, * Cburch October 4 Sunday, Octobe-r 4, the Rév.Jae T. Venekiasen takes up his work as pastor of theý First Presbyterian churcb in Wilmette. For more than six years he bas been pastor of the Second Presby- terian church -of Oak Park,,cominig to Oak Park from the Faith 'Presby- teriani church of Baltimore, Md. Pre- viouis pastorates were at -Stillwater, N. Y., and Grand Haven, Mich. Mr. Venekiasen bas served on the advisoery committte of the Church Extension Board of the Presbytery of Chicago, on tbe committee of pen- sions and on, the board of directors of the Chicago Christian Industial league. Mrs. Venekiasen bas been active in the work of the Oak Park church,, especially as leader and teacher of' the King Klass, a large class of young women. They bave three son s, Dudley and Paul in high scbool and Rodger, an eightb grader. It is expected that work on the, new cburch edifice will be startèd very, soon. Services of the cburcb are now being field in the Wilmette Woman's 'club -building at Tenth street and Greenleaf avenue. Chamber of Commerce Considers Giving Play* The' Wilmette Obamber of Coin- * merce is considering the staging of a play thiis fail to take the place of tbe organization's aninual banquet, B. *T. Clark, secretary, stated this week. It is proposed to present a play similar to "Aunt Lucia," in which a, number *of promninent business mnen took part when. the play was given two years zwndn'er the ausines o<f the husi-1 MEETING FOR à North shore buili and laborers have bee a meeting and discuss in the Winnetka VilLh chambers Friday eveni at 7:45 o'clock i ummonea U tU L on to be beld e hall council: g, :October 2' A ward Contract for Initial Unit of New, Charck The contract for the, first unit of the: new. $175 ,0.0 structure for the, First Presbyterian.cburch of Wilmette..was. awarded by the Board-of Trustees to. the MacLean Construction Comnpany, 228 N. LaSalle street, Chicago,..on, Tuesday nigbt 0of this -week. The firs t unit, comprises the auditorium and chapel. Work will start immhediately on re- moval of the ýruins of the former cburcb, destroyedby ire in.:December, 1929, at the northeast corner of Nintb street and Greenleaf avenue. This wil!l be the site, of tbe new Gotbic edifice designed by Childs and Smith, Chicago, architects. The exterior of the struc- ture will be, of -lannon stone. With a seating capacity of more than four hundred in the main auditorium ~and balcony, a banquet .room ini the basement for 300, and club and class roonis in the tower, the new building wiIl provideample room for the various activities of the church. To'the south of the main:entrance will be a small individual chapel for funerals, weddingÈs and other purposes. J. C. Keonen is chairman of the plans and èontract committee, and A. W. Crawford heads thç general building cQninittee. Ne W Teacizer at .I1Jigbi Crest Sckool Because of the large enrolînient in the new 111gh Crest school at Illinois road and Twenty-tbird street a neW teacher, Miss Lola M. Kurz, bas been added to tbe faculty for this year. Sbe is teaching the first, sec- ond and third grades., One hundred and tbree pupils are enrolled in -tbe scbool, including a kindergarten- of twenty-five pupils taugbt by Miss Alice O'Connell. L. Ray us Murphy is principal of the school and teaches. the seventh and en . .Li... '............ ýSocity et 324~ Tafks on Forests H ' N. Whieeler, chie! lectuérer for lte United States Forest service, îvill g~ive ait illustrated lecture oet "T1he Lure of the Forest" in Wil- ,mette Monida y nigla, October 5,' under the auspices of thte Wilmette Ghamber of Commiierce. Ne will speak in the auditorium of the Wilm cite Masonie temple, 1010 Central avenue. Thte meeting .çarts at 8 o'tlock. and is open 19t te public. Residents of Wilmette and olter north s.hore towns have been i,'tdto attend. GIVES COMMITTEE TEA Mrs. Roger. E. Williams, 410 Forest av.enue,, was hostess to niembers o the committee of the Woman's club of Wilmette- for the annual phillan- thropy card party at tea M on da y afternoon. fo the Notre Dame- Norfhwest.rn g a m e awai'f those Who Win. Alice Henders9on, Soprano, to Htave Leead in "gRainbow of RioGrande" Mrs. PFred vont der.Lippen, chair- man, reports. excellent progress, in arrangements for the staging of "Rainbow of the Rio Grande," the musical production to lie presented uinder auspices of, the American T.egion Auxiliary, Wimette Post, No. 46. The ;play, will be Igiven Monhday and Tuesday,, evenings,' October 12 and» 13, at the Winmette Woman's club. Sonie, very fine talent S represented in. the cast, it is announced. Alice Henderson, coloratura so- prano. wbo sings witb the choir of the Frst Congregational ehtcfh; wil have the leading role, tbat of a New York girl in tbe West. The part of Zazu Ketcbum, a native of the Bowery district in New York,. will be taken by Kathleen Daily, wbo is a member of the Auxiliary. An- other auxiliary member, Helen Mc- Naughton, soprano, is cast as Biue Feather. George Bersch, as Chief Eagle Wing, will bave a dominating part in several of the more important musical numbers. Other member s of the cast will be aninounced next week. An interesting' feature wiII be a unique souvenir program containing the signatures of *many celebrities and weII known Wilmette people. Tickets are selling rapidly and those who -desire choice seats. are being advisedto makre servations prompt-. ly with Mrs W. E. Ricbmond at Wil- mette .1179% Proceeds f rom tbis production will be' used to furtber tbe regular work of the auxiliary in caring for hospital- Jattorneys tor the rairom municipalities. Trhe hearir scheduled for. Monday of and UICe had beeii 3 we&ek