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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1931, p. 39

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Jobs to Avoid .Winter Detours, In view of the possibility that the end of the construction season will be close at hand, highway conistruction contractors in the 'Chcago area are rushing pending jobs with ait ý pos- sible speed, in order to, be able to eliminate existing detours before win- ter sets in, according to the touring bureau of the Chicago Motor ctub. At.the.presenit time, fine state bigli- ways withini a radius of thirty-five miles of Chicago are 'barricaded for. varying distances. These highways onwhich detours wilt be en'countered are 4 (Joliet road),, 5 (Lake Street), 6 (Roosevelt road), 18 (Ogden avenue), t9(Nrthesthighway), 21 (Milwau- kee avenue), 46 (Mannheim road), 54 (North. avenue) and 38 (Evanston- Elgin road). The motor club added. that îimport- ant construction is in progress on a niumber of main county highWays and that detours likewise wilt be encouný' tered on these routes. Among the more important of these are Touby avenue, Southwest highway, Lincoln avenue, River road, 95th street, and C rawf ord, avenue., Whilé in most in- stances the detour 'routes are fairly adequate and well marked, it is sug- gested that nitorists'e niap their routes with a .view ,to avoiding them ýif possible. Pennzoil Wins Again In Pike's Peak Climb For the fifth consecutive time, Pennzoil lubricated ,cars swept to~ victory in the ann4at 'climb at Pike's Peak, Labor'»ay-- "Chuck" Myers, driving Ab jenk- ins' Hunt Special, shattered ail pre- vious records. by ùlimbing f rom Crys- taI Creek to the summit in ,17 minutes, and .10 seconds, while, Glenn ýShultz, driv i ng bis Pennzoil lubricated Stutz, reached the top just 15',secondslater, also breaking the record, establisbed by himself. in 1928. Not only did Pennzoil'take the two highest honors in the special event, but rounded out the day by winning .first and second places in the stock "Observe' State Speed Laws" is the] warniing. on signs now being postedI by the Illinois state 'highway depart- nient at the ýlimits of incorpOrated municipalities. These signis are replacing,,in most. instances, other signs posted by the .municipalities and' which indicated speed limits frequently in conflict with. the provisions 'of the' Illinois miotor, vehicle aèt with, respect to speed inside the limits of municipal- ities. This, practice, in itself,_ is in violation of the act, which forbids conimunities f romn setting, speed lim- its which differ, from those specified by the state. In response to iany inqu iries con- cerning the provisions of the act with respect to the speed of passen- ger cars in incorporated, cities, towns and villages, thé Chicago Motor club pointed out that the prima f acie limits are fifteen miles per hour in closely huilt up, businiess, districts,; twenty miles per hour in residentiat districts, and twenty-five miles per hour else- where than in closely bulilt-up dis- trcsbut withiin the corporate limits. "In view of the'fact that these arej prima facie speed limits, and that the act also provides that no one shall drive a car at a speçd greater thant 's reasonaile antd.prtoper, having re-r gard. to the traffic and the use of the > wvay,' nor shaîl endanger tife' or prop-j 'erty, these limits are not to. be con-t strued as arbitrary," the legal de- partment of the motor club explained. "Under certain conditions, one could exceed themn witro'ut violating the 'law; uinder other conditions, driving at such speeds woutd be illegal. "The act specifies that driving in excess of, these limits shall be prima facie evidence tbat such. speed was' improper. The accused must show thatthe speed at wbîch be was.driv- i ng was not unreasonable nor Nvas' he enidangcring tif e or property. Thus, any, speed t hat is proper also islegal. The Illinois Supremne court bas, i substance, so ruted. ."The prima facie speed timit in thie nnPn country is 45 miles puer. hour. Don't pour cold water in rad- iator if engine is extremely bot. 1Donit rmn engine in closed ga- rage. Dont fait: to have cooling systeni draýined and .thoroughly lusbed every'six months. Don't fait to have the oil filter' cartridge renewed every, 10,000 miles. Don't negleçtinspecting the entire ignition systejn twice a year, pre- f erablyý in 'the fall and the spring. Don't forget to check tires at least twice a month. Don't forgt to have batterY checked once a month. Don't forget to gre.ase car at l1east every.. 1,000 mites' Don't forget that periodic atten-. tion to your car wîll save you li;i' and money. '-From AC Spark Plug company Aiccident Repeaters to >Be Safety Meet Theme What constitutes a traffic accident repeater? What makes bim that way?. Can he be cured of bis weakniess for automobile smash-ups? "Accident proneness" is one of the important themes tol be discussed in the street and bighway traffic section- meetings of the Twentieth -Annuat Safety congress and exposition, ta be held in the Stevens hotel, Chicago, Oc- tober 12 to 16. it is a knoWn iact of accidents. A coniparatively recent study of a group of commnercial. fleet operators re- veals the f act that about a third of sotue 1,200 operators had'no accidents what-' ever. Another' thirty-three. an& one- third had two accidents each and the. remainder of the group hb1ad. from w3,to 10 accidents. If these findings represent a f air cross-section of the national. au- tûmobile accident'experi.enceit cêrtainlyr is high time that the matter be given the attention it deserves. The 1931 Congr-ess will consist of 127 secioaliedsessions embracing prac- ticalty' every> known field of, safety endeavor. There W>ill ýbe 359 .speacers on the prograni, ail leaders in industrial, home and higbwýay safety. Even safety in the air is tio be featured this year in an interesting program arra.nged1 by the aeronautics> section of -the council. An- attendance of, approximatety 7,000 is expected. Eighteen per cent of ail motor ve- biche accidents occur on Sundays and seventeen per cent on Saturdays, ac- cording to the Chicago Motor club. Approximately eigbty per cent of ail fatal. motor accidents occur in clear weatber. > Exceeding speed lumit, operating on wrong side of road and failure to grant right of way are the tbree prin- ýcipa1 causes of motor accidents. bis. Hlave your car gone over ruiuy: Washing is a speciaity with us-give us a try! TEOZL WEL Bob 'n' Mac EVERYTHING FOR THE AUTOMOBILE F1 721 MAIN ST. i I NE VFE I WILMETTB IJ. C. SIowi CLOSEDIÀ.B.Vaunflousen Phone Wfl. 2600-2601 Main St. at Linden Ave. I'hone Wihnette ~,jjq MOTORS SERVICE licorporated Have You Been CIIILLY? , Phonë, Wil Miette 3334ý - I*CA IMailm St at Linden Ave.l

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