Howard 8A Wins Kickball Contest- Prom 8B Squad, The 8A.tgirls played 18B3 girls of How ard on Wednesday, Septemùber 23.> When school first let out iii the afternoon it looked as though it sure- ly would rain. but ncvertheless wc started our kickball gaine.ý In the first inin g 8H was leading. by about eleven runs. If looked dark for us. By fthc third inning hiowever the clouds. lad shifted and the su;î came out. XVe got ahecad and kept. in the lead uâtil the end of the garn.x The final score was 20 to 12in 8A's f avor. The-girls whio took part in the rotating .teamii were as follows: Marjorie Staubitz, ýHelen Lindstron. Eleanor- Speredes, Jane Brandt, jer- rine Fromim, Lucille 'Watson, El-sie Edge, Lumille 'Grahamn, Shirley Gar- niss, Kate -McCoin-oliie, Virginia 01- ~son, TFrances Bebas and Barbara Ormsbee.-Jaiie Brandt, .UoNvaid school. Start.'Second'Unit in So0cial Science, In social science Nve are on Unit II, called Early Settlenments Mi Nortii America. We have just fiiishced the l ast unîit about the different explor-' ers. X\Tc made a mal), shiowinig th', routes of tlue different explorers. \V( also made a chart of expflorationi, putting first the explorers., the coun try they sailed f rom and their expl-i) ration or discoverv., Some of th- students p)asted Jictures and miade tine fines ini tleir u.otebooks. Othiers traced pictures aiffl niaps; to put il their notehooks. Ith-ouigliît.,that Unit 1 was àa very' intercsting unt. lý)t I Unit Il prornuses to be even mlore ii-.! tere'stitig. P-ain Ricks, IC Sto0Y school. Howard 7A Wins Initial Football Game, 20 to O Ho\N-,aA( 7A lîad its first football Ban d Leader Gives SEES BRIGHT SIDE ýPro gram at School Student Vs Hopeful During Howard The sixth, seveiith, and éighità Changes; Looks Forward to, Out- grades of Hlowvard school enjoyed a door 'Gym Class very 'interesting program .Tuesdayi, .A h~od vr os tsa September 22. Mr. and, Mrs. Rex jil wind, that blovs 1bd go. Elton Fair of Wilmnette entertaited Teachers, have, had to 'sacrifice their usý with thée Bute, piano, anâd*Piccolo, favorite rootus.. The library and gym- Mrs. Fairacconmpanied Mr. Fair ou nasiu n are takei up with clas3 the piano -.vlile lie 'playýed ]lis thréecrooms. Every nook and corner is compositions on thée Bute and piccolo. occupied. Somne pupils even. had to Mrs. Fair gaxe. two readiings go to Logan scliool to thin ouf the One was cailed "Iii the, Pantr3y.". The populationî. other , was called "A- Scaildinavian This situation ,ias corne about be- Lunîberiack." cause the Howard'school lias been Mr. Fair is .to be the leader of the partiallyý torn dowvn and, is beixîg Howard and Stolp school,.b-aud tlîis a(lded to.' The work will be coin- year in theae of Josýeph C. Schu- pleted sone, tinie iin late November. macher who is so l)isy with tlhé Ne,% As the gymnasitim is being.used for. Tr'ier bands that hie could not give class rooms we can't very well have his tilnie. Mr. Fair lias inaede ym ,tiier*e,.s until the schooi ilscon-, Pryor's band and maîîy noted orcheés- pleted aIl gymi classes wiil be held tras andl cati play mvilost aux' instru- outsi(le. :Most of us are very giad mient. ManN- pupihs have jo'ined th,' because.- we will. be able to hiave>ý Xilmette 1)-aud alreadv.- Frances stiowiall fights and other gaines Rap,8BHoar shol.which cati be plav-ed inwitr Rapp 8B owad scool'thle pond opens we cai also, go ice How rd A Tam i,~ skatiig -ýJane Brandt, Howard 8A. ýFirst Two Grid'Games U.S. RChmn This year H-owvar d 8A lhas beenl .more successful than ever. \\'e havéeore yPii won bothj our football gaies thagt One wet, raiiuy.iiorining mv aut be ave played. Our first. gaine, ýwe i was invited, tô lunch on a battlslîi beàat H-oward 8B, 32 to 0. Our second 1 îanledj U. S. S. Ricinond. M'V sis- gamne with St. Josephi eigbti grade ter andi1I were going to stayý homec x,vas .13 to . Oiir ieup is : ieft lualf, but N\hjen the captain sawv us - h., Bob) Spechit; riglit laif, Bill Wadc; asked, us if we wantedl to go. 0f fullback, Gerald Spiiîier; quarter- course wve accepted. After going tn back,. DavidJl -aass; righit end, Bobý a club -wiere tiieir tenîder w~as we \fac.Nori-ai ; 1 e f t e ii d, LawreniceIgt in the tender buit it Nvas terriblv. Hauigsîiess,; r i g h t tackle, Elmlerl roug oîg1san oud Stoîîe; ri1glit guard, Buid Andersonî;Il After ceiîg lunch. with us, the- center, Arineii Jorjoýriati;. lett guard, j captain took us ail arounid the sh ip.S RPxobert Kiiepper; left ttcle, R.obert1 We worked the 1aînti-aircra 1f t guls. Edn1iionids. X'Je hope to take the cfoot- \e 1r sown suîiokeless, powder hall pennauit tis ye ar.- Bob MoranIIovar, .and machine guns. Later on we xvent 8A.down ilîto thIle enigine- roni. h ship of, course wvas aîîclîored. They, Howard 8A Girls Win said Àt is 125, degrees hiot ini thîe Two Kickball ContestS gifle rooni when flic slip is going. The girls of 8A have been going rooni, anîd the steering rooin. h n'a great so far in their kickball gaines, ~~ver iersithun\ar, Je ()rr. IT~1. ~ 6tli grade Cetitral -schooi..I Students 'Vie ini Writing Sto ries f or Junior Life The representatives for, thé eigiith grades. at. Howard school hiave de- cided it wvould be a good idea to 'havc a contest staged at Howard. The cotitest is to be about writing junior Life articles. Tiiese three girls are goiîîg to auînounice it to tlhe roonis.. Some of the irulesare: The article nmust be originial. It must, be, written wvitli as, litle help) as possib)le.' The reînay.,behelp only with spelliîîg and granîmar. The article nmust be written oiîiy on. one side of the page. There may 'be a few more, mies added.* A set of mules wvill be posted oni . somne of the bulletin' boards., We want to sec wvhich class can have the nîost articles in,-EFileti' \Veakly, 8BP Howard schooil. Explains Why Bike Has, à.-Crooked, Front Whcel I was riding niy bike dovwu the a!1- ley. When 1 just started to go down the hilI I saw a car just starting out, I slowed, down and I was very clos-c to the car wlîen sud.denlv it stopfed and I bit it anîd fiewv. 'l'heuIlthe lady looked otnt the win- dow anîd said. "\Vliat are you doing Y' 1 said, 'Wiy don't you give a- sig- uial tlîat youi are goiîîg to stop?-" Shie said, -1 did. 1 put on my brakes." '[heu she drovc away. 1 wasti't burt miuch but miv bike hiad crooked fron L- vlieel.--NVal fred .jolin- son~, 7B Ho,%ard school.. ,Hap Gathercoal Decides There'Il Be No Captýains "There, w\ill be no more, captaîns in any of o.ur sports, -becau«se- tu-e cap- tains always gi've their best friends. the positions'.they ,ý,aiited," said Hap ZGathercoal onl Tuesday, Septeinhler 22.* He said tlîat lie wouild pick ojît a. cominittee to agree on the boys' positions. Thç committee. for 7A.ils a *group of four boys. Thev are : )ick Wernecke, chairman,, Robert Steffens. Jack McConnell and Bill president, vice-president and secre- tary and were about to vote fôr treasurer when Mrs. Jones, our rooni teacher, noticed that We vere elect- *ing officers who were' captains of thie di «erent teans, as football and kick-" bail, so now we have to vote ail over for> Our class officers:-Lucille Gra-' ham, SA Howard school. Hap Gathercoal, the manager of the force, took the naines o-f ail of the boys who were trying to be police- me.Thiere are to be eight boys ou eachi patrol, and two patro ' s. Couit,- ing the captains.and the lieutenants tiiere are njineteen boys oni the force. We hope tolhave a successful.year.- Gerald SI-inuer, 8A Howard sèhool. subject in general science'now. It is thie study of grasses. Miss Stevens had us. write a short s tory of grass, write a list of grasses and bring in some speýcimens, which we will mount and -make bîme prints of. 1 arn sure we are going to have a very intemest- ing9 Year.-Bill Harvey,. 10 $tolp school. 8A Howard school. LENAS VERSUS ROACHES The Leaping Lenas of Stolp 2D play the, Roaches of 2A on Wednesý- day, September 23, The captain of Lepng Lentasis Betty' Ellis and the Roaches' 'captain is Lomna Tichnor. -Betty Ellis, 2D, Stolp school. 1~ ýa