GIVEN SHOWER Forty of 'Mi~ss Rose Mary Braun's friends surpriseti her at a miscel-. laneous shower last evening at~ lier' home, 706 Illinois road. 'Miss Braun. wilI be wed' October -91, ta Arn,.i d Chilcotte.. Cha~uffeurs SUITS >> of Gray Whipcord CarefulIy tailored of Iong-weari-ng Gray. Whipcord these suits wllI. add' much ao he appearance of jourchauffeur and your. car. Other Suifs, $22.50, to $50 Ah- Chauffeurs' Accessorles Wift y C. Ly-rT*N & SON$ Orrington and Churoh EVANSTON anti he'fl be on the joh eVerý,' day. includ- ing Sundays, f rom 60 o'clock in the mcorning until 12 o'clock midnight. In making use of this a person nerelv tuals or calls Universitv 2400, says nothing, but just listens.-When the con- n.tection ,is.'completeti he will hea.r the officiaI. naval ohservatorv time. The. manager ofi his service is, Walter CoDlbati. former Northwestern univer- st v intercollegiate diving champion. ,Suggests Books for Musical Ears. "In a-, do people differ more than 'r whât thev do with their eaàr,. A few of us use them 'ta hear witl.. Mof.,St of uý.. I am ýaf raid. like a certait' animnal, onlyý wag, them . . But Our 1'ears are only doors after ail; the place iwhere the business is done. is theî nîinti. 44See.îngI anti hearing: are active pro- ceýsses, not passive: states. Listeniig 1i; nat an occupation for the laty or dulI; 1 .t 'reqw ires a keen andi collecteti intelli gence': but in the inexhaustible delîght;, it brings %we are repaid a thousant iofaI for aIl the effort we tnake." With these', worts Daniel Gregory NMa,î iiintroduces his 'Ears ta Hear.' Tfie musical season is just. apening ani fotf those Who -listen with their mintis as Well as their ears, the \Vil-' mettc ýPubhlic lihrarv recarlnmndsts ic follo- îng tofotshelf Krehbiel-Haw ta Uisten t4, Mu>ic;- Fait 1ker-Wliat We Hear iMsc Gehrkens-Fundiamentals af 'Music: Hentierson-XVha't k Gond' Muisic: Dowvnes-Lure of NMus ic ; \ason- Beethoven 'anti His Forerunners : :lason -Ramantic Coruposerb; MsnO- chestral Instruments: Spaetli-Com- monsense ai Music; Kohe-Comrplete Opera Baak; Hall-W\agnerian Ro- mances; Martens-Thousanti anti One lNights of Opera:. Gilman-Staries ai Symphonic Music, Goepp)-Svirphonies anti Their Meaning: Dickinsol-Spirit of Music. MNiss Helen Southwarti of 30(, O- ford roati; Ker.ilworth,' bat a,;"lier recent guest, Min Irene Nicholson af area. In ie with the resie educa- tional policy of thtw college. the enter- 'ing class found a xîeu and appealing curriculum.' Ail Fre-shmien are re- quired 'this vear ta select sinle one of the new' couirses in the expressive or, creative Arts.... The choice may, be music. painting, draw 1ing.' -dramatics, public speaking. writing or dancing. The new curriculum'. provides- for faculty group cooperation in the presen- tation1 of some student pro-ductioni. dur- iing.the>year. The idea is thus ta test the- ahiljtv of the *studerits .as %well as ta contribute -tû the artistic apprecia- tian aio the whole college. The new departure is attracting xvide andti avor- abl ,e attention andiflosa a logical. seuneta the Orientation, course for Fre-shmeri instittuted some vears agyo.. At thé opening chapel service on Thursdav marning. Dr. Williamn Arthur Mfatitox. presitient for the -pasît twelve vears, voicet a iielv challengéýtc tothe student body Dr..>' Maddox said' in part : - - -- "The Amterican college accupies ,- sýtrategic position in social, crises, such as the worlti-wide depressin The clas's of 1935 cames on Hie sta. Te af human a«fairs in a great if di- turhing period i American li e 01,1 ideas are giving waày anti a con fliet of iew 'ideas andtiuntrieti plans fleold the ýworld. Itisthie job. of ie Col- leges' to arouse Votir 1intcres t Itv ro-blems of aur time, stimulate v-or intell igenrce, anti ahove aIl, vouir faitii in the va!iditv af ideas.. The wl-ndeý trendi of our calleges in recent vea7. has heen in the direction of a critical stutiv of the social sciences anti awav from a remntce isolation from evýerv- day' affairs. 'A good deal' of t ie fu- ture tiepentis on your good-will. in- telligent P)atriotism. antig r a s p human affaix-s. In alî periotis of sacia1i revnlution. traieti intelligence a'n'l sacrifice have been tiepended uipon, th( x'vyout. rhis is .ao,: Lo much for the mil-ý lion college -students: who, are returii ing thîs month ta 'consider. The di- rect result of worlti -wide dépression wiill be more thoughtfiil, responsible students." TO MOTOR TO MWICHIGÂN By Mr*. John Veaùaema Livery member 'of the North Short Art league, this year, will be the prouti possessor of an etching; one of a strict- ly lixuiteti édition made andi presseti soleiy for the' organizatian by Char-les A.- Wilimovski, instructor at the Art institute of Chicago., At the final meýeting oi the, last sea- son, it was votedti t abolish the artîfi- cildistinctions between memberships anti create'a general class of "'members." including, both professional and- lay. members. In order ta affer a distinct recognition of the. services of those who help sustain this organi 1za tion, it %Vas, decideti to commission Mr. XVili- mavoýsk-i ta prépare a special plate. on his, exican trip this summer andti t prînt oniie impression for. each .niember from it. Study of Cathedral The plate has been completeti. The artist has chosen ail unusual view for this special occasion. It îs a .study of the cathedral at Xèchimilco, one of the, nxost interesting. of the purely col- onlial' churches now standing. Xochimul- ca lies on the outskirts afiNlexico City. It is f ameti as the site of the 'floatirig ,gardens' of Montezumfa., The inhabitants are -mostly unmixed, Aztecs,. whocon - tinuie ta construct floating. gardens on whichI they raise.the myriati blôoms for the flower ma -ket '. of the capital. 'l'le little citv is, ->liîîected ta >thc, capital bya long canal. the Vî ga, along whîchi, each mnôr.iiing. a 1).rt)cession of ntiarv'elau, colors-boatload., ai !ossom-s-wi nd' slovly towards theérnarket.' The floating islantis are 'cunstructeti hy heaping eartil on 'rafts of logs, which' are: towed out it it'li~e lake anti an- choreti. On the blanket (À soul, the seed are planteti. ost of thé inhabitants spenid their days in, dug-out canoes af amazing tippirtess, anti the village. is, aiten calleti -the- Nexicaii Venice." The cathetiral, is distinguisheti bya single flying buittress, the design of a native arc'hitect who erecte t itot strengthen ,a- wall damaged. years ago earthquake. The main- portion 'of the buildingý is about five hundreti years, aid. 1The artist has chosen for this print a' view of the front of the edifice with a group of the flower-vendors wlio seli Trier High, school'. Anvone interesteti in membership in the !North Shore Art league is invited TO BUY NEW TRUCK ta communicate with any memiber or to Purchase of a three anti a hall tonl caîl Mrs. Jasper King, secretary, at truck for Village turpases was au- Winunetka 2428. The. opening meeting thorized by the Villaze 'boarti at its .ta which ail. are invited, will be' e- regular meeting Tue'a* nig'ht. - at Matz hall, Community House c lage Manager C. M. 'Osborn was in tober M. the proof s of, the print will s.tructed to mnakethe purchase. be displayed. j Enter Ganie