Alvin Otto Seeia fer, 1620 CePtn- trac! avenue.J'iipicte, --'tula is ye'ar receizd un .11. S. degrece l l'h.vsics froin ANor-thzkestcrn un iirzer- sit-v, las bcrîi awcarded a fCellowýslzip eûtitling Nl>,to study. in Gerinany. z,!her- e lewl o l ehis research in ,lil'Plccnqnecring. IHo. sailid for Jiu>'ope. on TiirsdIa y, October S' Lind z-iil study in. GernaniY foràat leat ue vear.,>, *He recei*ved a B,. erc I .elec trical cngineering f rom NortJiwestern universitv. In 1930, anid tliis year coni-, Pleted bsml tru hss iphics -Stroboscopiec Method of Determining Absolute Prequencies." He had a stu- dent assistanitsip 1927-1930, and a graduate assistantsipj 1930-1931 i ;physiCS. 'the fellowship) award, based -on scholarship. personal ity and appearatice. is .a .student exehange proposition he- tween Germanv* and tI.e United States. Mr. Seehiafer is otieof abojut ten f rom (he United States ta receive a feliow- ship of thisna iturefor study in Europe. S eeiaie is a miember of Phii Nu Beta, social iratcrnity; Signma Xi, hion- ora rv science fraternity and 'lau Beta Pi. ion<orary engineering fraternity. 's I - -g xlThe NewFanl At a,, New Low Pr'ice uaestudent at the nîgh scliool tliis year. wvill be lthe assistant. M r. a.nd M r s. Dales Knapp ofi Alamôo, Texas, who hiave l)eefl visiting. the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Knapp, 633 Forest avenue. lef t last week for thir homne. They .nîotored back. Phone Wini Evanston.ShoP Open Tue O The Hub, 1931 188 (no tol charge) Tkursday 'and Saturday Evenings t: % t, -qwk*- oit.