Great Fuil RPph5cemont Event!. if you're on. of those who have hqld off buying here's a big, exciting, extraordinary event that wil MAKE you want to spend rnoney agai. Youre going to love yourself in the new Fail clothes. And you'il.find if wise tc stock up bore cupboards and, depleted clothes closets at Ibis fimfe. Hundreds of tempting velues you can't résist. Hlere's. Exctting News -- k Gordon's ew DolarStockn Neyer before so nuch hosiery value for a dollar. A beautiful, full- fashioned aIl-silk stocking wit.h damty picot top in sheer chfFon and youe.can have themt in al the. newest shades to harmronize witi new costumne colors. J,:t te Hosicry Sec tion-ýLOR DS--Fi;st Floor, Orrington Ave. Ni~i!DULREY UN DERTHIN OS by CGordon $00 spair rn-t1931 Wardrobe-s ,re. Centered, Ar--nd; 'HE NEW And he utsAndn-tlesfrJL.o iseMse CO-ATSý and Women -and in these, three special groups 39.50 :$5 $650 yorý-- oôf the coats in an individu'l fashio-n an importanit. oe-NEW in f brîcNWi ueffe-NEW in color-and LAVISHLY FURREDI tICS alre m ostly the e very important rougb L wolens in, monotone. FURS"Includeý Fitch, Skunk, Per-' sian Lamb, Bhaver, Caracul, -Fox,JÇrjmmer, Badger and Miriki In~ thre ApParecl-LORD'S-,Second 'FIoo>', COLORS include Patou's Brown, Hunter's Green, dark Reds-and Black <often with light furs)l Orringloei Aze. Rayon 'Scanties," cup bust, panties of crepe de chine. 5 *More "Scarnfies," glove Boned Satin "Scarifies" silk bust, prin- . $ 10 glove siik Bust, j cess lines ' V f or stout figures $ 10 siofi. In colorn you çan wear w t +h, everything. Sizes 34 fo 42. lit the Knit Undérwear Sec. tîon-LORD'S-PFirstflPoor, Center J~obA In the* Corset Sec tioi-LORD'S-Second Floor, Cenier