3-4-5 roonis. Exclusive tenants-ifeason- able rent. W. H. CLARIS Winnetka 3380 980 Linden Ave. 56LTN23-l te ONE 4-11M. KITCHENETTE APT., 2 bedrms. Humphrey Building. Winl- netka 98 or 3328. 56LTN20-tfej i37 FOR iRENT-FURNISHRD APT$. *ATTR. APTS. 3 AIND 4 ROOMS., CEN- traily located. Ph. Wilnette 2399 or 2427. S7LTN2O-tfe 60 FOR-MENT HOU*ES *3 large rooin.i, (heýated) no garage . . $35 4 la rge roonis, (heated) no garage. . $40 5 rins. bick, H.W. hieat, 2. car garage $50 rnmis. brick,, sun par. H,W.H., 2 c.g .$50 . 6 rins. (new) brick, H. A. H., 2 car g.$50 6 rims. Il. A. heat, 1 car garage ...$6 î rins. en .: por. oil lit. (E. Wiinn.) $10(i Others 'up to $600. See us for furnished and unifiurnishied liuîses and apartnients. B.H. J3ARNET Rooni 4 526 Center St. Phone Wininetka 965 6OLTN2-ltc To Rent Furnished or Unfurnished' BEAUTIFUL. 10 ROOM COLONIAL., overlookiing Skokle.Club. 4 master bed- moins, .2 baths. 2 niaid's roonîis, bath; 2-car-garage. 1-icee $256.00 per montm. QUINLAN &,TYSON, Ime. Î14 Elmn St. Winnetka Winnetka 2198 60LTN23-ltc 720 LINDEN AVE., W1LMETTE A confortable 7 rooni home. Two*bath, extra lavatory, sun pai-lol', sleeping orhand garage. Hot water heat, Very large wooded grounds.' Being put in first class condition, $110. MeKENDRY IREALTY COMPANY State Bank Bldg. Uni. 8383 or Wil. 5172 7- 60L,23-1tc 'UNUSUAL RENTALS FURNISHED and unfurnishJ also many attractive *N. S. homes for sale. DOROTHY K. ROSS 663 Vernion Ave. Gleuoe 305-986 60LTN23-Ilp FOR ,RENT - LARGE MODERN bouse, Northfieid. Reasonaible. $50 nmoth.Forfurthier detatlis phone Lini- coin 1760. 60LÉN23-ltp FOR RENT.- 2008' CENTRAL AVE..' wilimette, Pract.. new 8 Rin. Res. 4. Bedrms. 2b Bathis, 2 car garage. Phone Greenlea! 0971. 60L1TN23-l.tp 61 FOR RENT-FURN. HOUSES Pfn * f ltl1rl--a 'rt I . ..t i each home, ah, for full information corcerniflg our 75% 1Colist. Loas-15ys Baird & Warner 528 Davis St., Evanston Greenleaf 1855 Hollyèourt 1855 1071 Skokie Ridge Dr., Glencoe Briargate 1855 Glencoe 1554 "Even in 'Phese Timies" of* splendid values we' believe, buis modern 7 rmn. brick homne with 2 baths^ to be outstanding. In fine location. Close to schools ând transportation. SellJng for iess thýn- $18,000.. Inspection by ap)lt. Mr'. Ileyser,: 528 Davis St., Evanstoii. Hollycourt 1855: Ort-cnleaf 1855. Baird & Warner On ]Private Lane NEIiW COLONIAL, FOR RENT oRt SALE. White brick, 8 rms., 3baths. N ear ..SkokieClb 620 .S.kokie Lane. Well planned and arrang4ed. Mr. Remington, 10-41 Skokie Ridge Dri ve, Bni- airgate 1855, Glencoe' 1554. Baird & \\Trner 72LTN23-ltc ST'AT E .WSIST O lIS 1POSE 0F TEN ROO'M Spanish typé home. Five bedroomis, threie baths,. large. art gallery or up- .4tairs living'rooin. -car attached gar- age. Large lot. 011 heat. Best 'of Io- cation. Pi'ice reduced to $75,000 and want ,offer. QUINLAN & 1TYSON, Iic. Unii. 2600 or W'inneti<a 2198 72LT/N23-ltc SAXT-E ONE -THIRD C) IOOM 'LtBRICK ON TILE, SUN- porch, hot W*ter beat, .1 bath, at- tached garage, cernent drive, 50 ft. lot; easy, walking distance to N. W. and M-ýiltw. Eloc., near schlools, $10,000, $3,000 cash. F. Hî. GATHERCOAL 1213 Wilmette Ave., Ph. Wihîîiette 22à 72LTN23-ltc 73 WANTED 7TO SUY-H>USES wi*IL MAKE F,$10,000 'CASH DOWN paymient for $25,000 home, in Win- nietka H feights or $ý E, Wjnnetka, 4 bedrins., 2 baths, Box 134, G.lencoe, Ili. 73LTN23-ltp 74 FOR SALE-VAcANTr FOR SALE-2 CHOICE LOTS, SOUTH! Av*e., opposite Skokie Country club at at substantial reduction. Ernîest' M. l'imbali. 770 'Bluff St. l'léneoe 176. 1 74LTN23'ltc. PIANO. EVERETT GRAND. WON- derful tone and excellent conldition. No r-easonable offer will be refused. No deaiers. Phone Winnetka 3142. 86LTN23-ltv FOR SALE NEW WILTQN HALL rug, never i)een used, dark taupe, 211/ feet long and 4% feet wlde.> Phone Winnetka 13S8. - $LTN-23-Itp) OUTSIDE COVERED PORCH SWING, *uphoistered. Garden chairs. Wicker porch chairs. Ail cheap. Phone Win- netka, 3142. 86LTiN23-lte FOR SALE MAHOGANY BUFFET witb m-iirro)r attachediin fine condi-. tion., Ph., Gicoe 1021. 86,TN23-ltc 87 WTrD. TO *UY-IISLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY A CHIFFOROLIE or wardrobe. Must be reasonable. Ph. Wilmlette I1728., 7LTN23-ltp) BS3 FOR SALE -M lBICELLANEOUS LAWN MOWËR il FEET GARDEN hoe on reel. Spades, shovels, rakes, sprinkler-s, mwheeI barrow. Vex auto Tawn fertilizer sprinkle~r. Gardenr tools, etc., etcý Cheap). Phone Win- netka 314ï..88LTN23-ltc PORCLAINI4NE Q10CAL. PRES- sure tank. Makes gkood beverages. compnjlete with :10 gai. fermnenting croc-' Cost over $100-$20 takes it. Ahsgo one elec. exerciser chea p: Win- netka 2142. SSLTN23-1 te ONE 13-INCII MICROSCOPE IN FIRST c-iass.. condition. Bausch and Lonib Optical vomnpany's niake, gooci for engineer. Phone Winnetka 3633. 88LTN23-ltp 'TWO NAVY TYPE SHIP'S. CLOCKS, one strike shlp's beils. One elec. kitchIen deock. One battery elec. clock, rums 3 years on one 20e .battery. Phone. Winnetka 3142. S8LTN23-lte DjELTA ELEC. WORK SHOP OUTFIT, saw table, 2 circular saws, lathe, jig saw, grinding and buffing wbheel, carv- ing tools. % H.' P. niotor. Cheap, Phone Winnetka 3142. 88LTN23-ite MINNEAPOLIS HEAT REGULATOR a nd Thermostat $1M Also, ladies' dresses and 2 ladies' winter coatg, size. 36-38. 4-plate gas stove. 917 Vernon *AePh. Glencoe 1205. 88L23-litp) GAS STOVE' IN GOOD COND 1ITION, *reasonable. Aiso Russian Mendel fui' coat. Reas. Ph. Wilmiette 14,S2. 88LTN23-ltc 66LTN23-tfe 72 FOR SAS..-MPUBEB FOR SALE OR1 FOR REN'T -- LOVE- iy home, 4 bedroons, 2 baths, extra' lav., breakifait nook, oil heat, 2-car gar. Salé, price $20,000, rental .$150. Many other' attractive' values.' Mrs. Làwg. Witnnetka 1194. 72LTN23-lItp chance to trade your North Shore (and if a daily paper, the circulation), homne' fu>r a gooci California homne. For etc., of the aforesaid publication for the T LU N IA L further cetails .call date shown ln the above caption, re- TfI aAeIL L R. M. JOHNS'TON & C& ezbofid ln section 411 Postal Liawu UA L L M OppV.site'L Termîinal, W'il. 68 and 444 and Regulationis, printed on the reverse S . BLraA KE , Chiao 85L23-ltc or this fom, to wlt: ý N.Wsen vChcg 1. That the nameg an&-addresses of Opposie Roahill-Western Ave. enrance I HAV1Ë CALIFORY4IA1 PROP.ERTY, the publisher, edtor, mafiaging' edtito Tel., Longbeaeh i1161, Pros bookiet weill trade for.North Shore home. Box and business manager are: Also opip. Oakwoode & Mit Hope ent. 1341, Glencoe, Ill. 85LTN23-ltp Publisher, Lloyd Hollister m.(' Loop offie: 228 N. Lâalalle Slt, Street, Jivanstofl, 111. ; Rout. p oin berg, 1158 Tower 1oad, Winnetka, Ili.; H. D. 11ill, 1161 Laurel Ave., Win- netka,' Ill., Arthur C. F. Gedge, 1106 Eim St., Wiflnetka, Ill.; A-.--M. Levy, 6',North Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill.; E. C. Rodenberg, 635 N. Lockiwood Ave., Cicago, I11.; C.. H. Sherer, Glenview Rld., Wilmette, I11. 3. That the known bondholders, mort- gagees, and other secunity holders own-, ing or holding 1 per cent or more of total amounit of bonds. mortgages or other securities are: (if there are none. s0 state)ý-Nofe. 4.» That the two paragraphs nuext above. giving the names of the owners, -4tockholders.' and security holders, If ainy,' contain flot onilythe list of stock- holders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the compaîiy but also ln cases where the istockhold- or or security hoilder, appears upon the b'ooks of, the companly as trustee and in iny other fIduciary- relation, the liame <)f the person or corporation for whon' Such trustee Is acting, is given; aiso that the said -two p aragraphs contain etatements. embracing affiants full, knowledge, and belief 'as. to the circum- stances and, conditions underi wich stockholders and security holders who do0 not appear upon the books of the Company as ftustees, hold stocks and securities in a capacfty'1 other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant lias no reason to believe that any other iierson, association, or corporation has anyineetiet or Indirect ln the said stock, bonds or other securities than as so stated by hlm., 5. That the average numlber of copies of each Issue of this publication nold or distributed. through the mails or othier- wise. to Paid subscribers during the six ,îîonths preceding the date shown above, îs-(Thls information is required froin dal.iy publications only). LLOYD HOLLISTER. (Signature of edîtor, publlsher. business manager, or owner.) Sworn to and subscribed before mie thiis 22nd day1 of Sept., 1931. '(Seal) C. E. HOTZE (.Ny commission' expires April 6, M9v.) VILLAGE 0F WILMETTE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids -will be receivedj by the 1V\illage Manager (by order of, the Vil- laeBad fthe Village' of Wîlmette, Illinois, at his office in the Village Hall, until 2 o1clock *P. M., October 19th, 1931, forfurnishing one (1> thrée and one- hlaf (3%) ton truck< equîpped with a steel duip body or six (6) to seven (7) cubic yards capacity--water level, with hydraulic holst and pneumatic tires. Eahbidder mus furnish detail spe-