A Special. Founde-r's Sale.,Purchase In Sma rt" Modes For Winter Authentic Copies -of High -Priced Models SiIk-Crepe Lined With Fur- Trims Youý have seen sale coati before but ýneyeor, we believe, any of such superlative vog ueý- assurance at so low a price. Fashioned of the effective nubby fabrics so d.finitely sponsored Ihis season, i black and the lead- ing Fali colors, these coats feature diagonal seamng.sido closings, novel ,sleevé treat- ment. Luxuriusly trimmed i handsome furs: Lapin Fox Fitch Marmink Caracul Wolf Squirrel Apparel:.Shops-Second 1Foor A .Sa le ofý Do You Weaà S hoes Ç2 e -g for Sm allsh Feet! IB, 4C, 4V2B Or 4V2AC? Davis SI*r.ef ~Shop Wifh a Charge Account i Wlel Wilmeite 1100 1 . Davis Street