DELICACI ES 5 tins boneless and skinless sar- dines..........I 8 tins ipre nhve 5tins grapefruit.......... $ .3-lb. tin "Chase & 'Sanborn" cof-7 t ee...........5 3 Pt. jars 'Old %fonk" salad dres- sing and 1 jar "'0d onk" tan- ter sauce............. 3. 16-oz. 'jars Piccalilli....$ 5.1 -1b. jars beets.......... $1 3 tins '401d Monik" ripe colossal Olives..........$U Preserved figs, 3 16-oz. jars', 5 '1-lb. jars préserves. ..$ 3-1b. box assorted candies ... .$1 2-lb.. box- assorted chocolate.$ 1 Ili,. chocolate àlmon(1s .... 50c d salted put's .60c, Olive ou1. . .1:quart,'. . $1 Mfanaschino cherries. 5cjar.;$ Pitted cherries. 3 jar>* . ...$I CaviL- "Ronanof". 3 tins. 5 ClIicquo,-t beverages. . oldeti ard Pale DÉ%- Ginger Aie. c as e $ 1.50 SOAPS, ETrC., Pepsodent toothpa..ýte ...29c Squilbb's toothpaLste .... 28c Forhan's toothpaste . 34c Ciýolgate' s shaving cream 25c Camay soap ... (loz .......75c Olivilo soap ... (107 ...... 75c Pond's cold creani .... jar,. . 34c INFANTS' APPAREL Miýllanese silk bloomer and vest set in sizes 4 to 16. Pink only ..... ..$ Cotton pajamas for 'sizes 6 to 16 and.12 to 16. One-piece style .... ......$ 115 Ra v o n bloonier-anid-vest. sets with band bottorn. Sizes 6 to 16...........S Rayon bloomeèrs, with elastic orý band knee.. S.izes 4 fo 16. 2 fort.$î Hland made d .resses ..izes 1. 2 and 3vears$1..15,$1.9,5.$2.95 Iland. made creeers...sizes l. 2and 3 vears....... .$2.95 Wool Plaid shirts. sizes 3 to.6, at onlv .$.1.75 Rayon, co M.i aton. ses2o 3-piece chinichilla coat sets; kasha lining and zipper leggings. Sizes l to -6 .in n avy, green an d red Warm tchinichilla,:bunltings $2.95 Colored bloomer dresses for sizeis 2 to. 6. 12 st-vles' and assorted colons.............. . $ 1.85 Boys' knit suits for sizes 2 and 3. Whitieypinik. blue. red. tan, zreen..........S Sec*ond Floor H4ANDBAGS AND STATIONERY Handbags iassorted, leathers, and styles........... 27 Seed bead bags......... $2.75 HOSE AND ACCESSORIES Chiffon hose, f eatured. value, pair, .. . .$I Midweight ,service hose, silk, to top in ne w f ail shades, pair 85r, Chilciren 's wool mittens. Soft. varn in a, variety of colors and styles, pair .......... 45c WOol gloves-flare and turn- clowni cuifs, pair .........65c Womnen's, handkerchîef s, white or pastel shades. Doz.....$ One clasp, real kid gloVes $ 1.95 Glace, gloves. 5-button length. . .....$2.50 Chiffonr hose. 45-gauge,. pico t topS ; the mesn' rost popular shades. pair........... 85r 8os ? ength s ocks of wool 1 and raýyon' or. woûl a-ndm cottoti mnix ture. Manvattractive' paýt- terns, pair.......... 45 '~sockýs1 in W~ool and1 cotton pair ...... .. . .5 New scaris in several attractive patterns of silk and wool corn- bination, pair .........$15 1-nrb silk unibrellas i colors aind b lack ; plain and with. novel1ty borders at ........$3,95, Fb-st. Floor GIRLS" APPARIEL 0une-piece jersey dress. Sizes 10 to 16;5 in brown, green and m1ar- oon..........29 Jersey Bandolero for sizes 8 to' 14. In brown. navy and green; yarn triinming.......... $6.95 Padided cotton robe in japanese ~iuu - mtuuu A~SHlERMAN. MARSIIALL FJED&COPN 2