B Thee Washî ngtoriLaundr ESTABLISHED 1887 for ForlyFour Years Catering j o *hé ParticulrPeope of. the North Shore- an.nounces' anexpansion program with new equipment and mei.y hc g.I reduces our cosf of production.: This fremendous saving we now pass on fo aur customers, wth the same guarantée, QUALITY WORI( which ha$ made us famous. NFW DELJVFRY PRICES FAMiLY ýNREW CASH AND CARRY FINISH -with Starch Everythingj ready to wear Wearing apparel............ 3 lbs.~ Fiat Work........... ....7 lbs. $ .75 (Former prie. 10 Ibs. for $2.25) (Deluxe) ail band finished. Socks -darned-mending free and ROUCH Fiai w.ork ironed-Wearing apporet dried by air. Over 1 NO STAROH STARCFHEO lbs. <minimum) ......... .84 .84 ILb..............01.75 lbs...........09 .10: (Former pr.ce 20 Ibs. for, $2.60) HYDRO,-o Fit ,rcpropely1rnd, bath towels, mats and wash clotbs fluffed, ippare eurned damp, re.dy for you toiron. 15 ibs .................. 1.20 Wed., Thurs. and Fni. 20 Ibs. ................. 1.60 Monday andi Tuesday 8c for each additionai pound Wearing opparel...............3 lbs. FlitWork...........7 lbs. (Former price J0 Ibs. for $I1.80) no extra charge for negligqe and soft coliar shirts. DRY U.40 Fiat work irosed-Wearing apparel dried1 by air. NO STARCH STARCHEO 7 Ibs. (minimum) ... . 68 .68 15 Ibs ................ 1.20 14 Over 15 IbL................. .07 app. .08 Tlirifty . Fot work properly ironed, bat h tow.Is, mats and wash cloths fluffed, apparel returned daMp. 15 Jbs. ................ .96 Wed., Thurs. and FFn. 20 Ibs................... 1.28 Wonday and Tu.sday ROe'GERS PARK 1323. UNlversity 5900 Direct. Wires WILMETTE 145 ml PRICES