Paris hbas. spoken! Color, plenly of it in Fali 193-1 Fashions..- and co*lor contrast, fo, mWdresses and hbats. Here, we haVe -ail the new syles and, colorings, 'and Fhey are lovely in Velvets, Satins and Crepes. WooI Jerseys, Crepes and Silks, Special -Seliu. $ 9 Featur*ing CoI,'ôd Wether Needs Children's Union Sif Cream n fi+rayo.n stripe, short sieeves, krn.. Iongth, drop seat, sizes 4 5 to 12 Each 5 C Children 's S5léeping: Car.ments Made of a niçe sof fabrc simnilar to Dr. Dentori's. Szes 2 ta 10 EacS $1400 AT OUR MEN'S STORE Firs+ NationalI Bank Building !Womnen's Siik Siripe Cream Tint Union Suits SI..vlss, Ine. I.rmgh S.îhing, *eàch t.49C It is considered smarr fô wear. th. new knt+ underwear BREECHETTES and SHIRTS of W OOL and ~.tI i ng $ 1.95. e, Men,'s Union GUARD YOUR INCOME Ce wooi tint wih a silk stripe, short si.,ves, anle lngfail sizes. 1148 WILMETTE AVENUE Phones Wflmett. 588-589 7W Lik