While partisans of both teams will argue long and Iaboriously over what might have been the resuit bad the game been played on a dry field, the Wildcat gridders regard the gaine as a clQsed incident, one whicb must' wait until next year for a decision. Next on the Purpie grid calendar is University, of California at Los An - S geles, 'a teami which bas been forg- ing rapidly to tbe fore in the Pacific Coast con ference. U. C. . A. is obached by Bill Spaulding, one of the numerous former ,niddlewest coacbes who have migrated westward. * The Bruins will invade Dyche sta- dium Saturday. Spaulding was head coach'at, Min- nesota in 192, 23 and 24. and. before that was football coach at Kalamfazoo college for ýfifteen years. He ivas an ail-western haifback at Wabash 'in the days when the, Little- Giants turned out some iof the greaiest foot- hall teams in the country. He starred in the 1905 game, against 'Notre1Dar1ne, it being the onlv gaune which the Irish lost ons Carter fieki until Carne.- gie Tecb beat theni in 1928. U. C. L. A. cornes eastward with one of its best football teanis ini re- cent years. Trwo weeks ago the Bruins, lost a close decision to Washington State, ast year's Paciflc Coast. con-, ference champions. Like other teanis which have faced Northwestern this year, the Bruins have a strong pair. of tackles ini Norficet and MèMfihlan. The former weighs 226 pounds while McMillan tips the beanis at 190. These tivo huskies, are the bulwarks in a line %vhichi is 'cornposed entirely of vet- erans. The backfi e id, likewise. consists1 argeiy of veterans.. The backs, are headed by Capt. Norm Duncan of, -,Santa Barbara, one of the Ieading- fuhhhajcks' in the P.acific Coast con- ference. ' His plunlging and kickinig last year was a feature of the Bruin 's season an d alreaidy this. falhi lie. has played a eading role in his teaini's à ttack. Kenilworth Union. Kenilworth avenue and Warwick road dents at No funeral ser T rier. es WC: Painter and Decorator leu 11r.nh.f PIme m274 a nelci Monday Here'saBargain!, wiIl put this gas range in your kitchen 510o*te F. - A. Cushing Smith, 431 Central avenue, attended a meeting last week of the. Aierican Civic association held.in Detroit. He gave an àddress on the importance of design in land- scape architecture. e i salme jar. (This recipe a 2-gallon jar.)j JOSEPH W. K H.,C. RE'] 1141 central Ave55 J 5150