I=CUL ctfl.3g,"LUfl. OJ - iti ti Vt.liJ5vu at . The retirîng officers, who so -sac- 'o'c!ock at the Church of the. Hôly cessfully, gave their efforts to thieir Spirit, Lake Forest, by the Rev. Her- %vork, were most graciously men-~ bert NV.Prince. tioned and thanked by the retiring The bride's mother wi1I be inatron Legion commnander, larold* Mohir. in of hionor. The other attendants are his annual report. _to be Mrs. Harold E, Harmlon. Miss The new commander, George l.tal, ,Mary Eey Jackson an(!, the. w~as 'duly installed, together with grooin's sister, Miss Alice Clifto.n, alU David Leach as vice-commiiand(er,. of Evanston. Harry Flentye as finance chairnian. Malc1olm M.. Clifton will serve his and Williamn J. Benner as sergeanit- bro(-ther as best -man. The ushers wil.l at-arnus. These four newlY elected be Chris W. Schafer of Evaistoii, officers -were ýeach givenl the, bange Leonard W.. Larson of Wiliiette, and of their. respective offices. Harold E. Harmon. Chevron pins were presented 'to The bride and groomn-to--b)e vil those legionnaires wli..had, sectred imake:thieir home inEvaniston., the inost members during the past, Mr. Cliftoe, who was foimerly with vear. Dr. W. W. Hawkins receivedl the Wilmette. State. bank. js- noNv . as- a. pin with- two chevronis for, havink sistant cashier Of the Citifrîils State sectired ten -new niembers. George bank of Glencoe. L.eal also reccived two chevrons~ and____________ Russel Johnson, one chevron for lavinvitations 'Out for ing secured five new mnemiber. I Mrs., Josephine Gebel, Sevucitnli, Iis-Bruch-Poser'Wedding' trict director, installed. the fOllowing Mranid Mrs. Louis Brticli of 181' Auixiliary 'officers : 1rs. F. 1, l) wd. ,Chiicago avenue, Evanston. formerly r Iresident; Mfrs. R. C. Joh.n, iVist'of WNilmette,- have issued invitation> vce-president; Mrs. Norman fio , to thie narriage. of théir daug1flrm .recording secretary, and .\r,. ~ Marcia 'Louise, and Dr. Eduard 'Salk VanInwagen, treasurer. Poser of Chicago, son of Dr. and- 'Several nicwlv appointed oi*tcers NMrs. Eduard Poser of Columnbus. were announced as follows: Ni[rs. A. iXis. The wedding is to take plac e C. Johulson ,and Dr. Beatrice: Haw%- Saturday evening, November 7. at kins as delegates to- Cook COUnt'y the bride's home. Mrs. RobertLei côouncil; Frances acadih~s Juil- HeIen Bruch) is to bc lier si-ster' s ior membership chairman ; (Catherine inatron of honor and onlv attendant lxal. auditing; Anigela >Froeh1de. ii-iFeerc oe ilserve bis brother iiig chiairmnan:; Verna Graham', Fidric aý; best manî. A reception will followchairnan; Clara Harrison, G)l(l 'Ithemriage ser,.ice. F r tar; Della Leach, traneorttron and( Gertrude Green, muiisic chair- iiaiî. Tlie other officers of the auixil- lary, wvho were installed at the lasi reguilar meeting or carried over froin last \'ear, are flot nientionl iî __In_____ list. The speakers of the evening were '. Armstrong, president of Cool, County*, counicil, and Ivan Elliott. state. departmfent> commander. who emlphasized .the benefits cOnnecte(i Nvith Amnerican Legion membership and cited several. reasons.why eligi- Mies should ýbe 'enthusiastic to join such a distinguishied organization. After the adjourn.mient of thet business meeting the rest of the eve- ning xvas spent ini dancing. Central Cook county~ councdi and Ail Children for Bernie BERNIE STUDIO "Bett'er Pictures=Better. Values 1623. Sherman Ave. Evanston Tel. Uni-. '899 WEBO7LDT'S BASEMENT- -EVANSTON Davis Street Wilmtte 100 e Value nernorrhage. i uesuay, Uctober ZO, while he was visiting bis son, Ehias,* Jr., who wo rks at the National Tea store at 350 Linden avenuie, Wil- mette. Besides hi$ son, Mr. Markens is survived by four daughters. Thé funeral services were held in Evans-, ton last Thursday. woric. 7 7c. Wieboldt's Bosement-vsotf Steo'. child portraiture. BERNIE bas estab- lisbed bis great reputation as a Children..s Photographer through :bis abil- it y to register this essential elemàent.