The pla y takes place ,in the iniddle eighteen hundreds, but the financial distress of the March faily is very modern. However, none of thein lose heart, even in the tragedy of death, and Jo says hiolefully: -Well, Marmeet lias alwavs tut.] us: 'Cast your bread., upon the wva- ters.' and, alter tnan,.-da".s it wil comne lack-Buttered !" Tliere are times of sorrow for the M arch. girls and rnQnients . f cornedy. but happiness finally 1revails. The, iollowing cast ' is rehearsing under the direction of -Miss Elizabeth Stanwood and Gordon-- Van Kirk: Mr. Marchi, Donald. Simpson; Mrs.1 Mamch, Ma\Irgaret Kahler: Meg, jaîîe Bull; Jo,. Sally Romig; Beth, Rose-_ mary Price:, Amy, Frances Cop- thorne ; Aunt Mlarch, Jane Dernent; Mr. Laurence, David Routsong; Iau- rie, Robert -Flandreau; Professer lBhaer, , Bradford Brown;, joh:î Brooke. Sidnecy Date;. Hannah Ml.1- lett, Jaci'ità Kanmiier. Kildeer Country Club Bridge Is For Charity Tu esday- afternoon, Novemnber .3, at Shawnee Country club, woinen of Kildeer Country club are a benefit bridge luncheon poced f rom which will be gýiven te the, * Womian's Western Golf association for distribution to cbarity. Reserva,- tions, il is announced, are to be mnade by Monday, Novemiber 2, witb MNrs. Willîim Baîhatchet of 725 Twelfth * street, Xilmette; Mms. C. M. Bing- hairn, 420 M apte avene, Winnietka; Mrs. Jules Urbain, 540 Xoodla\\-n avenue,. Glencoe. Catholie Club Sponsors Veterans' Benefit Partyl The.annual bencfit card pàrty for! the, ex-service meni of Great Lakes * hospital will be lield at the Mrs. E. . MArmde, 111 Broadway, Wilnîette, on'Friday afternoon, No- vember 0, at 2 o'clock. Tbe party is sponsored by the Womnat's Catliolic club of Xilmette, the Great Lakes departnient,__ Mrs. R. H. Hackett, Ilvey were schcuuieu w pay agaii Monday of this week at Wheeliiný' . The basebal season for the I'ligbi- 7crest. school will close with this -iweek's gamles. Basketball will lie the next sport. on the school's athlet;c progiami. POSTPONE INDOOR PLAY <pening of, the-indoor aftrr-sclîool gyrnnasiuni w'ork at, the joseph Sears school ini Kenilworth has been post;- ponec(l f roin November 2 to' Noven- ber 1.1. Robert W.,Townley, athletio dlirector at the school, announced this wéeek. Ii.clëment weather wlîich bas delaved the otdoor athletic program, is ,the reasoni for the:postponiexent, Mr.Towrey stated. -- Mrs. Robert R. Caskey of Signal1. Miýountaini, T.en., formnerly of Evans-, ton, Who bas been the houseguest of. Mrs. Harold B.' Foster,' 120 Woodbine aven ue, during the past,,mlonth, 1is r etumniing to ber home this w %eek: -o-. Mýr. and( Mrs. George. Grater of Minneapolis were thec bouse guests for several dlays last week of Mr. and, Mirs. J. G.: McKibblan, 225, Central Park avenue. M.\rs. Grater is M rs. MNcKib)bai's iniece. SMilton l. .Friend(, Jr. will pass next, week-end with bis, parents, Mr. and Mrs. M\. Il. Fiendç, 80ý6 Undeni ave- nue.. He is attending the TodId School for Boys, \Voodstock, 111. M rs. Arthum J. Li.ndsley, 20. Oxfordl oad, Keiitwortb, will retumrn to licr homte this . eek after visiting iriends in Nc-%v York and Piilade!,)hiat. - MrS.'Chartes. N. Roberts, 1819 Etýn1- wood avenue, will entertain mnembers of bier D)raina Study club next Thurs- day at bler bomne. -0- the season's schehlule. Scnediulës of the gaines for the Volley Bail league will begin Monday, November 9, and Nvill. he puiblishied in the niext ~e' ~N W"I.TTE . BOWLING CLU B FROLICS Wilmette mnenîbers of a bowlin-g club. wvich. plays at the Lies Alleys in- Nues Center eacb inter were guests. at a dînner and dancing parti" givenir iîw the Columbia Garden at. NXVheelijgý, Ill., October 22 *itb F. P. Dudenhoe ff er of Nules. Center a s mas- ter of cerenionies. Mr.,Dudenhoeffer is secretary of the club. Those wba. attended' f romn Wilmette were Me. and'. Mrs. Michael Loutscb, the Misses Clara and Mary Loutsch, Henry Loutsch, Mr. and Mrs., Johnl. .Loutsczh, James Wellers, Mrs. Elea- nor Engels' Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ny- borg, .\Mr.,anid .Mrs. A. Nawoaéki, Mr. and *M-Xrs. A. Lies, Mr;1-. and Mrs. G. Buscher, and Mý\r. anid H. Grosse. There were other guies;ts f rom Nules Genter and Chicago. -Mrs. Xillian M. Kinniey, jr., 126 Abingdon road, Kenilvortb entertaliied lier noter-in-law, Mrs. W. M. Kin- ney of Berwyn, oni Friday afternoon at the Keilwiorth club bridge .party. Shlid hafouirteen guests. '7 - I 1Il Duck HuntingI ,November s READY! *We'ré ready-and w,1! help you prepare for à successful season. Thep ight sort of equipment kelps a lot-and you choose it bere from ample, weII- .bssorted stocks. CIIANDlR"S misSim plicitif * of Super / Roya' batiste %with- panielsý of the new ch a rmWoie elastic (a, sôfter weave that's as everi) The waist- lino straps crote a 'diogonal pulI* Ïhat flattons thé diaphragm *andi obdomeïn, -a n d slbms the Waist. *Reg. U. S. Pat. O00%-Par. Applied For Se u nwIne of lingerie an. negligeos. The EICHORN, COSSARD SHOP, 72 E. Madison S+.. -Chicago Under the peraonal ot&per1<fOo! o Jane May, formerly sot& Bontoit Teller Co 0. o! Newo York. Quem- agent î- a Wilmeffe 724 Founfain Squaré' .Evanston