Robert Stoddard, 524 Lake avenuo, asnd'bis son, Ford, hiave. heen In At- I#nltic City this Nveek attcindinig the( a tonal Dairvcoeni. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gutliridge oî 7 Greenwiood avéenue .naununce the iirt of awdaughiter, Geénevieve, ýOc- tbber 18, at St. Francis', liospitu'1 posed of Amier Edinger at the piano, Margaret Jean Cree at the cello and Robert \Valker at the violiin. * lOI Bent, 338 Mei'rose, avenue, Keinillworth îiI Ie home, froiPurdue thIs co)niitg %véeek,-ed for theW Purduie- Chicago gaimtv. First Church of Christ, Scientist Tenr-h Street, and, Central Avenue. SUNDAY SERVICES -î A. M. WEDNESDAY - TESTIMONIAL MEETING -' 8 P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES-9:45 A. M. NoVEMJBER 1, 1931 -Subject: EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT READING ROOM-î 148 Central Avenuie Open Daily STht Bible arid W; Chistian Science L eýRéading Room. i TI{EPUBI i CHURCH, ï(e.xcepting Wednesday) ý A. M. to 6 P. M. Aednesday 9 A. M. ta 7:4 5 P. M. Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. ortks of Ma6Baker Eddy and ail other autborized Liierature may be. read, borrowed or purchased a[ the ýLC M5 CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE SERVICES AND VISIT THE ýREADING ROM 'Wilmette, 1I1,- * ihere wîil be1no worry about -wflat nitiL x nI L1Ii' r -'ei'to*n utB ps rffact to %Near," since it is to be a Hard by the orchestra. The soloist will be (l Times affair. The conittee in Djàniei Saideiiberg, the principal 'cell- charge promisesý a diversified pro- ist of the Chicago Symphionv orches- grain of regular and irregular stunts tra. -Mr. Saidenberg studied at the ini keepiîîg iitlt the season. Paris Conservatoire and in New York Cit\. and in 1928 won the Naumberg .t the Installation dinner, NVice Fudto otstl e or.H Comnmander Leach hianded 'our new j Wvas a mniier of the Phiiladeiphia comnmander. George Leal, an envelope orchestra utîder 1.eopolId Stokowski conitaining- paid-ýup ni.eniberships for for four vears. In the fal of 1930 1932, the nutuber bein.g. fo-rtv-five. lie assunicd bis preseût position with whichi is the highest.ituinher ever: the, Chicago, Synpî orchestra. paid at this tiie, of, the 'vear: which.' succeedinig Alfred .aleinstein.. Dur- woul. d tend to show good work o ng the past season lie appeared as l)ave's part-aso,ý that 0!' Mani De-. Soioisi withi the Chicago Symphflony pression is I)robably on the rii. -on three occasions.< IThe F.vanston Sy.niphonv, orchestra TIhe telepiione cewn;u*s of W\"ilînettehi bs beconie wiclely known as qone to locate, ex-service mien nlot members -the.,Icading organizations. of its kind of the Legion, promises a large num- ini the cOu.ntr\-. For a iniher of beïr of prospects. Ivan Elliott~ state 'erth ocesa asuérte commander. said ai tlhe installation leadership of Prof. Harold F.verard (limier:. ml ien outside the Legion Knapp. ýThe présent seasonviilw be are flot onily laying down on us-wVe the fotirth under the ;direction i are carryilig thei. XVe are sutccecss- George Daschi, Weil knolncndc fui ini legis-lation hecause the good tom of the Little Smp on Qrches- people are Iback of ufs." l). . . Lech.! tra of Chicago. telephone \\Vlnîiette- 37.52. ~is 111 charge The. officérs of the Orchestra as- )f inemhbership. . fsociationq are as follows: AAugustù_ý Kniglit, president; Richard F. Bab- l'lie Post and Atîxiliary staged the; cock, George R. jolies and MrJsi. J. B-. regular bi-tnonthlv I)aty, for theéimenf Cherry\. vice-presidents; XW. F. Ptr at Naval-hsitl Great Lake>. Mon- secretarv; Charles N%. Stevenîs, treas- day, Octoher 2( umer; Géorge. E.. McClay. îmanager. ÎThe itustees include President 'Wa1- On tiida, \oven1er , \',iit.fer Dili Scott: Dean Emneritts Peter. st w0lai. novteie , Wiiit IChiristiai-.Lutkin and Dean Carl M. (la\ -IIatn teXiet u- Beechier of Nomthwestern Univemsi.t 1a E'tuîg chilb nîceting iia hodv h f ui Schol of'Musc; GorgeDasch., F ttw.rnsiela l conductor, and Arcule Sheasby. çon- c,-ertmiaster; \Villiami H. Bariies. rs \Vilnette post annouinces the saleGere.DreWiia I-.D - tiktsfr [ Scnd.nna1 ham, Join FH. Hilton, Dr. Ma[.rcuis H. oi tcket fortheSecod Anua 'i IAtinericali Legion F'ootball gaine-St ' ait. Francis 'M. Kni.,, Alheri j(Itisvs.Cutlvr-at Soldier Field, oh r.R .MKîniMs Noviner 4.Chale~ P Jahîke jAlta Miller. lEdw.,ini S. Millsi Héfnrv aditau, poneWilîete 365.~ ~W. Price, Charles \V*. Spofford. and clharge of sales.. This gaine takes ou hrlsC.Xels faIl the g-laînor of an. Arin-Navy aýf-.J (aim dlue to the înitIitary chamacter of! PLEDGED TO SORORITY thîe coinpetîng ss0n Miss. Jean Fischer. daugIiter of r sored, b%- the joint Ememgency Relief anxd Mrs. Huîgo 'r. Fischier Of Evais- Ftnld .of *Cook couniy. ton. merly of.738 Tenth street, \Vil- z_________ îr.ette, lbas recentlv been pledged ti> zMOTHER DIES Alpha Phi chapter of Zeta 'lau Alpha Mms. Hannahi Fuchs, inlotlier of soromity at 'Nothivesteri unîversitv. Mrs. Albemt Fleshi, 516 Lake avenu e, is sî h i els.i fe Iand who hiad made ber homie withi hleard over the radiond is ~ho4lin Serving 6,000 squa re, miles-?)9 cities, towns and communiies-with Gas anad Electricity B,