noice.~y. une huureu andu nty took part in a singles tennis tournamient, 58 in a doubles tennis tournamient! and 32 iii a golf tournamnent. With Miss May Fogg as director j of girls' athletics, the soccter work is j in charge of Miss Anriamay Smith,! while. Miss Iris Roultoi. lias- charge of hockey. Miss Bernice BuIIey of Kenilwortli. a graduate of' New Trier and also of Wellesley. college,. is lhelping Miss Boulton with the hockey work. Two postgraàduate' students, Antoinette Brown and Virginia Rietheimer,,andl two ufidergraduate students, \irginUi Smith, liead, of hockey, 'and Janet Waidner,ý after school sports chaiîr- manl for the.girls, also are assisting. L.ouise Wagner* and Ethel' Ander- son, postgraduate students, are. help- ing Miss Sinith, thé soccer coacli. Sylvia -Bovytoil 'Was, inicharge (ol tenis.ig and L.ois Tucker inanaged the.1 golf tournaîient. National Tourney Loomus Much, interest is being showii at> present hy N ew Trier High school girls in flt National Field lloéd<ey tournainen t to lie leld on the New Trier athietic field 'Noveuiber-25, 26.; 27- and, 28. Preceding the gamne b etween -thle. AII-Anierican hockey. team, and, the Scotch teanÉ on November 28, there wvill lie a gaine 'between two teaims of equal strengtli selected fronm the Iicst girls' hoc key. players in the prep schools of Chicagoland.. Tryouts were hield last Saturday at Hum- holdt park ini Chicago to select gil who will forin a squad f rom whichi these two teamis ill be picked. New Trier Hili school sent fi ve girls to the tryouts and aIl of themn were choseix for the squad. Thev are: Loretta' Anderson, right hiaif- back; jean (,otrlay,, right fullback: Nanicy Harris, -left halfbaàck:; Virginia Smith, righit inside forwvard, 'and Jane ý\Vaidnler...ceniter forward. Capt. J. Janssens Takes. Comimand of Coast Guard Capt. John iJanssens, former coin- î nanding officer of the Grand Ma- rais, Michi., coast gtiard. station.' assunied charge of the Wjlmette sta- tion last week. lie succeeds Capt. Otto W. Fricke; for the lâst ninc years in charge of the; local service. wlho was transferred 'at his own rý- omant(casI ions Presen ted inOur Beau tiful New. Women's Shop a fuscintine coflction of cocos, suifs, ane *.wns- 1chosen from the récent pa1rod openings -und prnced t. accord p.rfectly with YÏOur purs* OMAN CE n color; min ex. pressive Ilnes;, in pictur. esque detail. Elegnc-in rich mate. riais; , n precious furs; in the exquisite manner 'in which garmentsare created A romantic and. luxurlous. 'new, mode- especià.lly designed for. and parti':u Iarly suited ta. the very modern femi- nine of today. It wilI be a revelation tc you. that, just when Paris pronounices luxury the mode, the greater standard of, value createdbyarbeuIu Evanston ýShop mnakes_ luxury possible 0o ev ryo neo SHARPLY DEFI NED SiLHOUETTES -ELONGATED LIN ES -i NARROWER WAISTLINES -WIDER SHiOULDERS -"ASOVI TH-I-WASTtINE'* EMPHASIS- NOVEL .SLEEVE TREATMEN1, ri -OCCASIONAL HINTED-AT BUSTIES-RICI-ER MATERIALS m i) the speaR-er. JM/r. ,Vstrander recently returned fromn Ceylon and Phones Greenlcaf 0900, Winnetka 0188 (No Toil Charie) India, the lands to bé covered in hisOenBr StdyReigUui. lecture, with new films and slidesOpnEeySfid vnngUil9 taken amidst the 'scelles that inspired 0 The Hub, 1931 Kipling's r6mances. The lecture will' begin. at 3 p, m., ini the James Simp- l>I. son threatre of the o tick- 7' etsare xpecessary for admission. k