aie (onslsctreu oth h wVLI. o~I)IuUJU *JC:.The- golden text vas, 'Verilv, 1nuable. to Continueiè thir veducation verily, 1 say unto you. The hour is withotit fluanciai biellp. Last .% ar îliu cominig, and now is. wvhen the dead club awarded $1,500 il, scjhiarýshijps shall hear* the voice of the S on of1 andbas.God : and thev that becar shall live' Letters fromn girls w'ho are In Col- (John 5: 25). ltge usînig scbiolarsiiips provided y îîogte iatoswhc 1on uhe Girls' club, spcak in appreciative prised the lesson-sermnon was the fol- toue of the hclp which lbas heen lo iîfroin:tbieBible: *ýKnow yç not give, acordng o Mis vjî~that tbey wvhich run iii a race run aIl.: butnere.i1tht1epr1e1o1u, \VNright, faculty sponsor of theChclb. -,'oeecithhepz- ri, «that ve înay oltail. - maervina This year, Miss, Wrigbit states, 1wtîiat strivetli for the miasterv is teniî- club inuist* bave as large a sU'Ili is l11 pcî'ate iii ah tliiiigs.' Nýow ýthey <ho it former, years to iineet the uleed. to obtain a corrup)til)il crown; but Miemlbers of the chli arc )usy sedi- %\e an incorruptible" (1 Cor. 9:24, 3). ing hot dogs,, inaking saùdîvichcs 'and T e lso-sern onî alsi ..jnclude(l .selling magazines and Christmas the folhowing ps ages ifrom the cards to blell) raise milCV.> Christian -Science textbook. -Scienîce l'Ie clul's iargest and m lost liin- portant venutre >of the 'car will i)c a bridge beniefit to bhe liel(l, at the Iiiglb scbool Decëenîher S. 'lbreehuii- ired tablescof ibridlge NWll1lie arranged in the scbool meéss bail. Prizes vvill lic ,a.war(led for tlhe b igbcist scores, as w~elh as 'for h.igh scores at eaclh table. Fuirtlier amouîîicencnts of thIs C%ýeIt wvih aîpeai later. and 1leath with, Key to the Scrip- turcs," by 'Mary Baker Edd(y : "Pro- gress is born oi experieîîce. It is the, ripeiîig of niortal man. tlîrolughi wîhthe mortal1 is,(lrol)ped fo .ýr the, immnortal. Eitber- bere or bereatter. î sufrîgor Science miust (lestrôNy al illusions regàarding life and mmid. anîd regenerate inaterial seuse and self- (1p. 296). GOES TO WASHINGTON iO!LD:ANNUAL MEETING Dr. - 'EugCneT1). Cbainey, medical di.- 'He animal ilicetlaig and sînioker ofi. rector of thic*Nortli Sho;re Hleaith re- thé North Shore Golf clubi will i)e sort, Xinnetka, over a period-of tciî held Fridav evîng,' October 30, at .e rresignecd.hi-, position r'ety teClub biouse. A special programl and is leaving Xinntka Nvitbin a t ew mi honior oi tliib ll)ten abex (asfor* Washingtoni, D. C., Nwhlere airraiedl and there wiil be the pres- Dr. and Mrs haeywiii taku thecr entation of chlb afndca champion- home. sipprizes. ___________ LOUVAINE .. a stop-i JÇ j( tonpup h<eflestaeningj tongmeteflas taening à colonial lInfluence. $150 Ifi your feet-.need, oa, DOCTOR 626 Church St., Evanston Greenleaf 9719 andi ARISTOCRATIC AUCTION SALE- <Jrgatuor;ng IL Jcamonsg BL_'ACK. KNIGHT. Comprising amnong the divertified piece-s-distin- guislîed Place Plates En-. trec PlatesamCreïtinmSoupa -Dessert Plates, etc. Values to $500 the Jozeu. a $50,000 surplus stock of LIT WINSKY imported LINENS and LACES a150 a $50,000 stock of ornate lampe, lassware, stem- ware, Italian pottery, Ve- oetiau 4lasis and furniture. NO 'REISERVATIONS NO ,RESTRICTIONS (Jpon re4uest any article you rnay choose from the 'coni- Au<ctioneers -App'rais .ers WAB ASH AVENUE, CH-