Highland Park Public Library Local Newspapers Site

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1931, p. 53

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EXPERIENCED M 1ID D L E AG-Irl> practical nurse wants position for the winter at a very low figure. 729 Sew- * ard St., Evanston, Ph. Greenleaf 3511 after 5 p. m. 42LTY26-Ilp WORK B IY THE DAY OR HOUR- serving and waiting table, window .washing, cieanlng walla and ceilnigq. Drive car and other odd *Jobs. Cali Winnetka 1397. 42LTN26-înc RELIABLE NORWEGIAN, 26 YRS.. * Chauffeur, makes. self generally use" fui; in exehanige for rmn. and bd. Win- netka. 361. 42LTN26-It1 * REmIABL9 WHITE MAN WANTS cleaning; windIow washing, ga rdening or any odd lobs. Ph. Wilmette 3254. 42LTCN26-Inc EXPERIENCED1 MAN, WASH WIN- dlows, care of- furnace, garden work, 1etc. Phone Winnetka 156È.- 42LTN26-Itp YOUNG MAN 18 YRS. OLD WOULD like work of any kin.d. Honest. and reliable. Ph. Wllmette 2623. 42LT26>-lnc COMPETENT CQLORED WO'MAN * wislles posiion as housekeeper - or eook. N. S.' References. Ph. Drexel 0325. 42L26-ltli ,.PILIPINO WANTS TO WORK_ IN family as schoolboy. Expeltenced. céok, butier, chauffeur, and bouse- man. Cali Greenfleaf. 9776. 42L26-1tî, RELIABLE SWEDISH MAN WISHES chauffel, gardening or hopsework. *Steady or by day or hour. N. S. refer. secretarial work. SmaiI salas-Y. Fine ref. Mrs. E. W. Conley, 4518 Cliftoin a..Chicago. Ph. Ardinore 2582. 43LTN26-1 te COLORED COUPLE, 4 YZARS. EX. perience as chauffeur and cook. BRest rets. Wiiette'707-J, ask for, J. W.* 43LTN26-ilp COUPLE WANTS POSITION-WIFE, general hous§ework, mian al aretind houseman. Retf. Wiimette 189. 43LTýN26- ne SWEDISH COUPLE WisaEs POSI- tion.- Husband houseman; wife gen- ,--eral housework. IF. Selen, 8 22 Barry Ave., Chicago. 32-p EXPE RIENCED COUPLE, COLOREDý p)rivate tanmilv. good ceook 'houmenIan, butier. Excellent n. s. rets. Cannot drive~. geneo0.. Seott, Atlantic 3422. 43LTN26ltpi 44 HELP W ANTCD--FEM ALE CUI4T,'URED WýNTOMAN having social contacts to rep- resent natiptlly k]%Nwîi Eastern concern on l)rol)- osition that is cignified and exceptionally luicra-. tive., Address A-31,, BoNx 40e Xilnette. 41LTN26-Itp fll.VVAA8jLL ~tC ~aii..~-ieWANTED) SEVERAL WOMEN TO DS tribuce .hlgh clams food, product iioW E'XPERIENCED MAN WOL'LD LIKE in big demand, spare time, neighbor- *wiudow wasbing, bouse and* gardeit - hovd territory and good commissions. work. Ph. Wllmette 2995. 42LT'N26-lil Phone Greenleaf 1010. 44LTN26-ltp CARPENTER WANTS'ANY KIND 0F N-RTIC AGÛRESSIVE ED17CA- *odd jobs. Phone Kenilworth 2304., ted, neat appearing womeu wanted. 42LTN26-lne No experience necesary. Apply 358 -- Centrai ave., Highland Park, 111i. MAN TO RAKE LEAVES On AMY 4T2-t work around the house. Ph. Wiirnettto 51. *42LTN26-1nc- WHITE G I R L FPO R GENERAL --- housework anid assist with children. 43 BIT. WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE Near Indian . 1111 1 station. Go home RELIBLE N'DR E P ON SI B F ights. Ph. Winnetka 1981. couple thoroughly experienced lu drivý- 4LT 6-c Ing, house, garden. Cook and, house- WHITE M A I D FOR G-EN ER A.L keeper tul or part tîmfe, iving ex- house*ork. Small aduit famlly. Only penses. Write A-40, box 40j, Wimette, very experienced'and good cook with Ii. -43LTÀN26-ltp besr rot. need appiy. Ph. Wlnue-tka 2030. 44LTN26-Itc- COUPLE (COLOREt» G E N E R A L houseworlk, neat andI good workers. EXPERIENCED MAID FOR GEN- Man dý-iveg, 6 years eue place In W11l- erai housework. No. laundry. Go home mette_Saiary $75 te $125. Ph._Green- nights. Ref. Write Wilmiette Lte. A-42. MAID FOR GENE4RAL WORK over 30 yrs. Experieneed, good neat, no Sunday work. 2 ln fa N. S. reterences. Ph. ]Ketiliworth 44LTNM 4795. COULEGE. STUDECNT, Olt ONE79WITH social contact and club, connections for artistic reffined work. Ph. Wiimette 650., 44LTN26-lte MAID FOR: COOKINGO AND GEN- eral work., Must, have lât clatis No. Shore ýet., 2 yris;, or more. Tel Wii- merýte 2200. LT2-t EXPERIENCED SECOND MAID TO also assist with two young chil&fen. Must havebest references. Write A-35, Box 40, Wiiiette,, Ii. 44jL26-Ilp EXPERIENCEDJ WHITE MAID, FOR gencrai houseworkand cooking. Ref%. Ph. Wlninetka 2069. 44LTN26-ltp WANTED-EXPERIENcED W H I T E girl for general hoDusework. No laun- dry. Ph. Giencoe 1356.« 44LTN26-ltp 45 HELP WANTED-MALE EXPEBRIENCEi) REAL E ST AT E saietîman for our Winnetka offiei must have had 'extensive seliing experience on . 4e North Shore. We alse havie cpeing in sanie office for mian who has had experience in renting and in- surance. Sée saiesmanager, 1571 Sher- man ave., IFvauston. Qulnlali & Tyson, lue. 45LTN26-2tc WANTED-ROUTE MAN WITH SELL- ing experience and couscientious wvorker. Vogue Cleaners, 744 Elrnst., Winetka 3360. 45LTN34-Ite 46 ELP VWTD.-MALg AND FENALE COUPLES WANTED Man for butler, wife as cook,, A-i reX. req., four lu family. $175 mo. Man as housenian andI drive.- Wite do cooklug. No iaundry. A-1 ref. req. $125. 4 No. Shore Oftlçes PAULINES AGENCIES 748 Eim Winnetka 2662 46LTN26-ltcý Fou SALIE-AUTOS Lowcst Prices Ever 1924 'Nash business coupe ....i.... $395 1929 Nash sedan . 3à5 1927 Cadilac Broughami DeLuxe . 375 1927 lWillys Knight iedon .......195 1928 Essex coaich ..................i5o 1929 Ford sedan ...... ........225 Marty, mnany more aIl reconditiotied. EVANSTON NASH CO. 1735 Benson Ave., ait Clark MI3 Chevirolet 4 door sedan, driven 3,0Q0 miles, $475. 1931 Ford, 2 door sedan, car caulnot. be 'toid trom new, driven 1,500 miles, $425. New Ford town sedan, $560. .1930 }Iuprnobie, 4 door sedan, $695. 1929 Franklln, 4 door sedan, $726 SANDARDMOR SECURITIES CORkP. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 10 -0',CLOCK 1119 ChicaLgo« Ave. UN-versity 0057 PRICES ON ENTIRE- STOCK 0F USED CARSl GREATLYREUD 19i29 GahmSedan ..............295 1 929 Dodge six,................... 295 1929 Whippet'89X...............195 Nash Convertible coupe......14- 1027 Paékard ...................... 295 1927 Essex....... .................. 95 1925 Buick coach.ý...... ............ 95, Dodge Sedan .............35 HANSON MOTOR CO. Dodge- and Pl ymrouth dealers Wlnnetka, 111. 48LI1N26-Ite POR SALF-1-16 PACKARD COUPE. .ln good conditin witii 6 geed tires.. $60. Phone Winnetka 2251. 48L26-1tp 81 FOR RENT-ROnS ATTRACTIVE ROOm, EAST SIDE home, furnished or unfurnished. Light and sunny, ohl heat. Bathroon facili- elès tinusuaiiy good. Access4ible ail tra nsp. 'Ga rage optional. By appoint-' ment. References. Ph. Wilniette 204. 51LTN26-Itp LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED ROOM with sun parlor and private bath witli shower. Suitabie for. couple. N'l. trans., 824 Foxdaie,,Winnetka 2010. 51LTN23-tfte LARGE ROOM, TW IN BEDS, EXTRA sQIidng rm. Inluded. Also 1 single rm., nir. school. . Reas. Ph.' Wilmette 1633. -, -- . 51LTN26-1lte PLEASANT FRONT RM., 2 CLOSETS, suitable. for couple; also emaller rut. Near transportation. Reas. Ph. Wl!- m-ette 3014. 1T2lt NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH privat., lavatory. Near transportation. Tel. Winnetkca 2791. 5ILTN26-ltp COMFORTABLE ROQM,' NEAIR trans. $3.50 per week. Phone Wilmette ROOM, FOR RZNT. GENTLuBMEîN WILMTTELxvuE *for more than 20 Yeara thfm HOME PAPER of the community"- $ ".PHONE.«WILMETTE, 43.00 t . 1 . .1.

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