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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1931, p. 54

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61L26-ltp WELL VENTXLATED M. WITI] adi. slp. pch. 2111 Wflmette Ave.. gar. opt. Phone Wilmette 4518, S1LTN21-tfp LARGE iiGHT F RONT BOOM ALSO smalier ,rooni. Conv;' to bath. Kitchen privileges if desired. Ph. Wiltaette 32006. SLT2-1tp FURNISHIED RO(>M SU ITABLE FOR 1 or 2. $3.50 a week. .Ph. Wiliinette 923. S1LT4N26-Itc LARGE FURNIS'HED ROOM FOR 1 or 2. Phonie Winnetka 2424. S1LTN26- Ite- BOM FOR lIENT - TWIN BEDS, suitable for 1 or 2. Near Ridge Road. Ph. Wilmetee 2677. 51LTN26-1te LOVE LY LARGEu RM., HOT WATER heat. Near transportation. 633 Par-k sa- BOARD AND RO@M. COMFORTABLE SINGLE RM., 1,G E. eloset. >Board optionai - good homne eooking. Iteasonable, L. $chroeder, ~733 1Min, Winn., Apt. 203. 53LTN26-ltj, SU-FOR UENT-LT. HOSKPO. RMS. FOR RENT -N ICE, CLEAN, FUR- h.ishedrooins for llght hou.4ekfeeping. For desirable, people., Near trantispor- tation. Phone Wilni.ettè 4866. Foi FRRENTr-APARTMENTS A Luxuriouis Apartiient IHotel.. Overshadowving ,a district..i isi;Èe and, select over - shadowing contelInl)oral-ies insu ccessf Il, fulfillinenlt o-f perfect. service. afl(l co.1.iplete 980 Linden Aenue lnta38 56LTN26-Ite FLAT FOR RENT, REASONABLE. 5 large rooms, furnace heat. Con- venient to transp. 1501 Washington Ave. Ph. Wllmette 417. 56LTN26-Itc FOR RENT-3 :RM. FLAT, ýHEATED. Reasonable. 716 Ridge Road, near Washingtonî Ave. Cali Wllmette 5066. 56LTN26-1 te APT., 4 LARGE RMS.,IH. W. 11T. $50. kitehenette, liv. rrn., 2- bedrrns., elec. re4rIg.-40.Winnetka -165. 56LTN26-3tc FOR RENT-4 ROOMS WITH, BATH. 226Wilrnette Ave. $18 pet, nionth. Phonp Wilinette 1065. .56LýTN26-ltii ONE A-RM ' KITCHENETTE APT., 2 bedrms. Humnphrey Building. Win- .netka 98 'or 3328. 56LTN,%2O-tfc APAITMENT - 2 111001s AND SUN Wliinetka 1460.. 561;TN26-i te FURNISIlEr)AND) HEATEI' 4 Roo'm apa.rtnment. Il,:, blocks to Kenil worth station. Phl. Kenilworth 116 aLi p). M. 7T 6-t .>XTTR,. APTS. 3 AND 4 l1ý00MS. CEN- trl427 md.P. Wilmette 2399 or 5WANTED Yb RENT-APARIMENTS WANTED - 3 ROOMS %WITII 1BATII, unfurnished, or garage aipt. Rleison- able. For- Nov. 1. Phone Wnek 2420. 5STýN26-1.tc 00 FOR-RÉNT HOUSES 4 mi. apt., beated, Wilmette.....* 40 5 rn brick, lst fit'. dupi., 2 c. g., oillit.;- Northfieid44 4 rin. ap;t. nr. Min. St. sta., Winn. -)0 7 rn. H. W. Il., 1 c. g., E. Wlun ii. 75 6 mi. H. W. 1-1. (oit), 1 c. g., Winîîi. 90 7 rn. 2 baths, H. W. H., nod., Winn. 13.5 Other furnished and unfurnished liptises aknd apartmnents up to $300. B. H. BAR'NETT Rooni 4 526, Cetîter, St. Phonie Winnetka 965 60LTN26-lte TWO BATHROOM HOME FOR $100 per mnonth within easy walking di-- tance to Davis' St.. tran1sportation. 4 bedrootns, 1 bath on second floor; 2 bedrooms, 1 bath on third floor. Have tenant for third floor paying $40 a month If desired. F1rst floor hats den atnd sun rooni. - ation, the Las 'It eta re- miodoi to suit your needs. Long term financingwlth inonthly-; paytnents can be arranged. Plans and sketches wil be prepared, showlng how this bhouse eaun ieet your requirements-at your. re- quest and wlthout obligations. Cali Mr. .Newhall, .1071 Skokie Ridge Drive, Briargate 1855, Glen- cee1 554ý Baird.& Warner 72LTN2671 te RICH FA LL. COLORING.S- IN THE $URROLYNDINGS, THE flowers bordering the lawn and the stone torraced >peu porch, give (lig- nity: and an artistic setting for thih Eiglish briqk house in Deere Park.: Living rootn hasouth bay with futl vi!ew of thé garden., The kitchlen îs tiled. The sun ro.oniha view of the gardon. There are .3 fatnily bedrnms. w*lh 2 tileci baths ; also m:îi<'sbe-drm).* and bath, with rear . stairs. Vapori het;gas-firedboilir; sate roof: 2- car gatrage. Owner nmeans bus-iness. QUINI4AN & ÏYSON, Ilc. î14 1'I111 St.. Win11etkýa Minn. 2198 7 U T.N261té 2418 Lincolin Street is now -added to our 'IABRZARY 0F FINE, 11HoMErs" We offer this exceptionally weli buiU ~English Traditionai Type home of Wisconsin liniestone to someone who eau appûeciate its charni. No expense was spared to turn the grounds into a charmlng woodland r e t r e a. t. Shown by appointmarit only. Cali Mr. Adamas, 528 Davis St, E v a n s t o n. Hollycourt 1855, Greenleaf 1R55. J3aird & Warne r 72LTN26rlté Natturally You WANT' VALUE. TOO, YOUj, WANT thé things that make a bouse attrac- tiveo and lnviting. This new Fr'ench, white brick bouse, has thein.. W eli àrranged first' floor, with 3 family. bedt:oom.s an'd 2 baths on the second; a bedroon) with laxvatory on the third;- hotwater heat; 2-car garage. Priced -1t .00 QUINIAN & TYSON.bInc. '114 Eltu St., -Winnietka Win, 2198 Vacant bargain in beautiful Ravinia Woodlands. Cor. 118xl16. $50 per ft. This fine siRe, 2 blks. west of Sheridan Rd., and iiear Ravinla station and school, is the only investment required to buiid your home on IL. Remning- ton, 1071 Skokie Ridge Dirive. Briargate'.1855,, Glencoe 1554. BAIRD & WARNER 74LTN26i-1 tc Sli ACRKAGE AND ESTATRS B AR.RINGTON, ACRE S FOR SALE-10 TO 40 ACRES, NEAR Barrington His Country Club. Wood-, ed.* Fine high land in section of. choice estiUes. Price right. Phone Mr. Beach. University 1744 or' QUINLAN & 'TYSON, bIc. Fountain Square, ýEvanston Univetrsity 2600 Winnetka 219P. 81LTN26-ltc Sa ExcHANrgE-RrALESTATE MODERN 9 ROOM 3 BATH, BOUSE, lrelot, excellent Wvininetka location. Equttty $10,000. Can',be rented to' ad- vantage. For vacanit, Wtilmiette t6, Gleneôe. No agents. Wabash 32860 *or ivriteA-, Box 40, Wilrnette, 111, 85LTN26-itp EXCHANGE - $15,000 EQUITY IN 9. î oorn, 3 l>aLt.h bouse, for' similar or smalier equityin house. Or will rent. 1-'hone W'vViunetk«ti 2251. S5l26-1tp 86 FOR SALIE-HOUUEIIOLD GOOO FOR SALE -SEMI-PORCELAIN AS 'stove, left baud oven. Fine copnditioýn. 160W-11nut Ave. Ph. Wilnîette 1482.ý S6LTN26-l te I. C. A. BZADIOLýA 60, 9 TUBE SET. Dining rooni suite. Day bed. AIl ln gooil condition. Cail Winnetka 1973. 86LTN26-Itp MýAHCG»ANY UPIIIGHT, PIANO, $25. Tenor banjo. $30. Two violins, on~e $25, othetr $5. 1. sinaîl pedestai table, $5. 'J'el. Winnetka 956. 86LTN26-ltc FOR SALE -- STEINWAY GRAND piano,. yr. old. :Excellent condition. l aran. Write> A40, Box 401, Wil- m1ette, 111. .86L26-ltp se FOR UAL.E--M19CÇj..LANEOU3 FOR SALE.- MINNSE APOLIS REGU-IJ lAtor 8 day> dock, electic motor and Hydrostate for bot water bolier used 2 seasons, cogn $160, sel! for $75. Ph. *Wilmctte 1934. .88LT26)4-lte 7-PIECE DINIING- ROOM SET, ENG- e e e .1 Glenview 81 Lrborn St. ttrai 3921 LTN26-lte LARGE~ STORE AT 505 CHESTNUT STUCCO COL HOME IN . LENCOE, St., reasonabiy priced. Appiy at In- convenient to schools and transpobrta- dian Trail Tea room, Whînetka 690- tion. 4 bedrms., 1 bath. $18,000. This *G6LTN23-tfc prîce ineludes rugs for. downstairs, wlcker furmuhure for, sun room, Stein- *SA FOR mEýNT-HALLS way baby grand. FoR RENT - HALLS AND ROoms DOROTHY K.ROSS fôr.dancinwg, parties, etc, Tel. Win- 663 VernonAve. Giencoe 305-986 n*lc 15.66-ALTN2-tc 72LTN26t M 05N. Westrna ve., Chicago Oppaite -Roseil--Wueto.îAtme- fat rne Tel Làongbeaeh 1101 re. bookiet Alo opp. O:%kwoodi A M liope eut. Loop 01, a: e: 'K. allo-Olt a 0 -) lTif: BEAUTIFUL FURN. AND UNFURN. 2, and 3 nu. apts. Reasonable rentais, À 1 Iludian, Tril Tea room. Winnet-, *à O$LrNt$.tfél

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